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Religious Door Knockers

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I just ask for scientific evidence of god.

If they can provide some, I'm all ears.

Got nothing but a book that's been modified hundreds of times over two thousand years and you can bugger off.

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The fact that so many here have closed minds is all the more reason these guys need to come around. But we all know that LOS attracts foreigners with the most base of instincts.

Do you really know what these guys have to say? I don't think so.

As one poster says....its oK to be a monk and beg for money, but heaven forbid you have real beliefs and want to share them with others.

I see some saints are starting to show up.....

You can tell they're saints because they are sooo much better than the rest of us.

The Bible says "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". all.....the JW of which I am not one, believe in

two main things:

"love your neighbor as yourself" and "love God with all your heart"

Many also obey the command of Jesus to "make disciples" which by definition would mean to share the good news of the truth of God and his son Jesus.

The founders of their Christian denomination back in the 1890's thought they knew when Jesus would come again which goes against Bible teaching and sets them apart from other Christian denominations.

I also tell JW I am not interested unless they want to have a discussion which they do not.

In the Bible, Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

This Bible verse is one all should consider when God comes whispering in your ear.


'Religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool' Mark Twain

Since the beginning of recorded history, which is defined by the invention of writing around 6000yrs ago, there have been 3700 supernatural beings catologed by historians, of which 2870 can be considered deities. Those include Zeus, Hades, Jupiter, Mars, Odin, Thor, Krishna, Vishnu and Ra as well as the others we are all familiar with. The Bible is just one big fairy tale full of contradictions and lies, as is the Quran, and the sooner people start believing in humanity the better!!!

Having said that, I'm a Pastafarian myself and truly believe I've found the one true god!

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My grandparents 'became' JW's in their sixties and tried week after week to get us to accompany them on their Saturday morning doorknock. My parents steadfastly refused to allow it ... thank God.


As Jehovah Witnesses believe that only 144,000 people will go to heaven and that there are already more than 144,000 Jehovah Witnesses, it all seems a colossal waste of time as a religion.


As Jehovah Witnesses believe that only 144,000 people will go to heaven and that there are already more than 144,000 Jehovah Witnesses, it all seems a colossal waste of time as a religion.

Not if it is a ponzi scheme. The first ones will get most upvotes by having most converted souls following them, and will therefore get to the haven.

For the newcomers it would not be a great deal.. but that's the business.


If this ever happened to me I would defiantly do some sort of prank on them or try act really weird and suspicious like I've just killed someone.


As Jehovah Witnesses believe that only 144,000 people will go to heaven and that there are already more than 144,000 Jehovah Witnesses, it all seems a colossal waste of time as a religion.

Not if it is a ponzi scheme. The first ones will get most upvotes by having most converted souls following them, and will therefore get to the haven.

For the newcomers it would not be a great deal.. but that's the business.

Perhaps it's a bit the same as Thai Visa "Likes" as discussed in another thread.

Perhaps some believe that if they accumulate enough of them you go to heaven.

(I know some already believe they can convert them to prizes!whistling.gif )


As I said in my opening post I always politely say no thanks.

However, with some of these "people" I've had to resort to shouting, swearing and even physicality to get them to leave my premises.

There is something seriously wrong with religious zealots whether they originate in the middle east, the southern states of America or anywhere else!

What city do you live in?

Not sure why this is relevant, but I did state it in my opening post.

If you are interested in where I lived before Thailand, it was Perth, Western Australia.


'Religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool' Mark Twain

Since the beginning of recorded history, which is defined by the invention of writing around 6000yrs ago, there have been 3700 supernatural beings catologed by historians, of which 2870 can be considered deities. Those include Zeus, Hades, Jupiter, Mars, Odin, Thor, Krishna, Vishnu and Ra as well as the others we are all familiar with. The Bible is just one big fairy tale full of contradictions and lies, as is the Quran, and the sooner people start believing in humanity the better!!!

Having said that, I'm a Pastafarian myself and truly believe I've found the one true god!

I've heard of your lot.

Thought of joining once, but was worried about my waistline.

Many years ago in Australia the census form insisted you give an answer to the question of religion.

I though long and hard, and became, for a brief time, a Cargo Cultist.

I liked their ideals, but became less enchanted when I realized a fellow named Prince Phillip was associated with a chapter of the religion.

I still wonder how many of us were counted in that census.


All this vitriole, smallmindedness toward, and piling on of simple missionairies - who only need to simply be told to move on - inclines me to wonder if maybe there's not something more to religion after all. One would think they'e worse than cancer. Most here seem more sympathetic toward the Indian tailors forever pestering you on city streets far more insistently and whose only motivation is a quick buck on a cheap suit. Whatever you think of the church organization they represent, these folks generally have far purer personal motives than the salesmen and politicians otherwise knocking on your door. They think & believe they're doing something good & worthwhile, whether you & I do or not. If we don't, all we have to do is just tell them to move on, or not answer the door in the first place. No persecution in the form of baiting or deliberate waste of their time, or worse, is really necessary. If you find it so, and have time to waste like that, maybe you need a hobby.


Having said that, I'm a Pastafarian myself and truly believe I've found the one true god!

Finally one.

Now, I need to know. Is antipasto a form of evil or do you consider antipasto to be part of the holy dish?

As an person who loves ketchup with all my heart, am I still accepted to the religion or shall I face the hot oven when time leaves me?


I always enjoy their visits, whether "NeauvoChristian', Jehova's Witness. Mormon or whatever. DIscussing religion and the Bible is fun, especially with folks who do not understand the history.

Truth be known, 99% of all Christians misbelieve, because they do not know the truths surrounding Jesus crucifiction (pun intended)...


Also originally from Perth and remember these type of Census questions. I found that it was a legal requirement to provide an answer, but no requirement for it to be legible, ah some wriggle room. If they could have deciphered it from memory it was bush agnostic or something similar.

Now I put Buddhist in Training, well the TGF is trying to train me in the ways of the Buddhist religion. This totally spun out the yanks on a job application I recently submitted, and still got the job. Now working on an offshore platform with a mix of Southern rednecks and Jews. As with all religions some take it seriously and some not so seriously. One of the Jewish guys who is not an ardent follower heard me use the Buddhist in training line to one of the god bothering yanks and was asking about it later. Took a while until he twigged I was taking the piss, now is a great joke where he will tell visitors that is what I am, confused looks generally result.



For all those "Better than Thou" types here who state all you have to do is say No Thanks.

Read my OP, I have always been polite in my first response. The problems arise when they don't leave!!!

It's not only the bible bashers who get told, I once had to, very physically, eject two vacuum cleaner salesmen, whom my idiot teenage son invited in to demonstrate their machine. They thought they wouldn't leave my house until I bought their product for around $3,000. Words had no effect, even a threat to call the police, I had to hurt them.

To the poster who suggested putting a sign on the front gate asking J Ws not to enter.

Should I also make signs for all the other unwanted religions and salesmen who come to my door?


For all those "Better than Thou" types here who state all you have to do is say No Thanks.

Read my OP, I have always been polite in my first response. The problems arise when they don't leave!!!

It's not only the bible bashers who get told, I once had to, very physically, eject two vacuum cleaner salesmen, whom my idiot teenage son invited in to demonstrate their machine. They thought they wouldn't leave my house until I bought their product for around $3,000. Words had no effect, even a threat to call the police, I had to hurt them.

To the poster who suggested putting a sign on the front gate asking J Ws not to enter.

Should I also make signs for all the other unwanted religions and salesmen who come to my door?

Just make a general sign with a remote control to choose the religion you don't want to enter at that moment.


All this vitriole, smallmindedness toward, and piling on of simple missionairies - who only need to simply be told to move on - inclines me to wonder if maybe there's not something more to religion after all. One would think they'e worse than cancer. Most here seem more sympathetic toward the Indian tailors forever pestering you on city streets far more insistently and whose only motivation is a quick buck on a cheap suit. Whatever you think of the church organization they represent, these folks generally have far purer personal motives than the salesmen and politicians otherwise knocking on your door. They think & believe they're doing something good & worthwhile, whether you & I do or not. If we don't, all we have to do is just tell them to move on, or not answer the door in the first place. No persecution in the form of baiting or deliberate waste of their time, or worse, is really necessary. If you find it so, and have time to waste like that, maybe you need a hobby.

Not sure what "vitriole" is, maybe a small stringed instrument similar to a violin, or do you really mean "Vitriol". With the rest of the ramblings I think you mean vitriol. To then compare the god botherers to cancer and Indian tailors. Really are we expected to take you seriously? Suggest you get your meds checked as they are either to high or to low.

The problem is these people do not simply move on when requested and are more akin to a discarded chewing gum stuck to your shoe, which takes some effort to dislodge. Then we have their belief that by going out and preaching/converting non believers will grant them a place in gods good graces, and eventually heaven. Maybe the comparison to the Indian tailor is not so far off the mark.



All this vitriole, smallmindedness toward, and piling on of simple missionairies - who only need to simply be told to move on - inclines me to wonder if maybe there's not something more to religion after all. One would think they'e worse than cancer. Most here seem more sympathetic toward the Indian tailors forever pestering you on city streets far more insistently and whose only motivation is a quick buck on a cheap suit. Whatever you think of the church organization they represent, these folks generally have far purer personal motives than the salesmen and politicians otherwise knocking on your door. They think & believe they're doing something good & worthwhile, whether you & I do or not. If we don't, all we have to do is just tell them to move on, or not answer the door in the first place. No persecution in the form of baiting or deliberate waste of their time, or worse, is really necessary. If you find it so, and have time to waste like that, maybe you need a hobby.

Not sure what "vitriole" is, maybe a small stringed instrument similar to a violin, or do you really mean "Vitriol". With the rest of the ramblings I think you mean vitriol. To then compare the god botherers to cancer and Indian tailors. Really are we expected to take you seriously? Suggest you get your meds checked as they are either to high or to low.

The problem is these people do not simply move on when requested and are more akin to a discarded chewing gum stuck to your shoe, which takes some effort to dislodge. Then we have their belief that by going out and preaching/converting non believers will grant them a place in gods good graces, and eventually heaven. Maybe the comparison to the Indian tailor is not so far off the mark.


I can certainly see how, getting so spun up with a need to belittle someone who's misspelled a word, you might be the type to take pleasure in persecuting these folks. Maybe, I pray, I sincerely hope.... we can all maybe get past my having misspelled a word. Because I know it's SO relevant to the discussion. Do you think you can? Gosh, I hope so. Now, assuming you CAN get past that (think of it as a giant leap forward), you get indigestion over my paraphrased/3rd person (be sure and check that spelling), "rambling", comparison of them to cancer or Indian tailors, but then you compare them to chewing gum on your shoe. LOL.

OK. JWs. Some do (take no for an answer). Some don't. We've all dealt with them. I don't think you're being individually targeted for their attention, and no more an expert about them than anyone else. As is true with the Indian tailors, I've NEVER been unable to push these folks along/away. And never had to (or really been motivated to) resort to baiting them or playing nasty tricks. Borderline rude to them, yes. Because, you're right, some of them do have trouble taking no for an answer, and so tend toward what I'd call rudeness myself. No question. But it's YOUR home! When it's time for them to go, they go. They don't get their foot in the door. And that's if I open the door in the first place to them, which I haven't done in years.

What would I do with one who forced his way inside my home, and then refused to leave? Well, should it ever happen I'll figure out a way to deal with it. But home invasion is probably best saved for another topic.


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