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Chicken pox Thailand


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I had a Thai friend started up a conversation saying his child's school had been closed due to an outbreak. He didn't know the English word for it but after listening to the symptoms I'm sure it is chicken pox. Breaking out on the hands, feet and mouth and highly contagious. Seems to be endemic here. What surprised me was he said his older child, around 6 years old had it twice. The first time was strong case and the 2nd a mild case. Same with his younger one. Found that odd as my understanding is you gain life time immunity once you have it. Difference between Asian and Caucasian reactions?

The spots seem more localized as I remember when I had it I was covered with them and itched nicely. Mom gave me a 'hot tottie', that is tea with a little whiskey in it. Guess it's supposed to help with the fever. Either that, or you know longer cared about the itching. biggrin.png

Has it become more virulent in Thailand recently? This is in Chiang Mai and heard about a large outbreak in Burma a little while back.

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Most likely "hand,foot and mouth disease". (Google it !)

Usually self limiting.

Thanks. I think you are right after thinking more about his Thai explanation of it and the localized location on the body of the outbreaks. Explains the repeat infections also. It was confusing as he said I talked about it with him sometime ago that I had the same thing but I was talking about chicken pox at the time.

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