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PM Cameron to make British welfare off limits to migrants


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Are you saying that none of them should have been allowed to become British?

It seems you are putting words into my mouth .. again.

The main beneficiaries are from India, Pakistan, Nigeria, China and the Philippines.
  1. India: 28,352
  2. Pakistan: 18,445
  3. Nigeria: 8,881
  4. Philippines: 8,122
  5. China: 7,198
  6. South Africa: 6,924
  7. Sri Lanka: 6,163
  8. Bangladesh: 5,702
  9. Zimbabwe: 5,647
  10. Somalia: 5,143

totster smile.png

Edited by Totster
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Asking you a question is not putting words into your mouth; it is asking you a question!

If you can't answer it; say so.

As for that list:

If the spouse or civil partner of a British citizen then those applicants will have satisfied the same requirements as my wife.

If the child under 18 of the above, then they will have satisfied the same requirements as my step daughter.

Anyone else will have satisfied the stricter requirements for all others.

Which country they originally came from is irrelevant.

Irrelevant to all except right wing, anti immigration pressure groups like Migrationwatch, the Daily Mail and, it appears, to you!

Would you be so offended if the top three countries of origin were, for example, the USA, Australia and Canada? (Not putting words in your mouth; asking you a question.)

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Would you be so offended ...

Would you mind pointing out where I have said that I am offended ?

totster smile.png

Concerned, then; otherwise, why bring it up?

But as pointed out above, this topic is about Cameron's attempts to placate his right wing by addressing a problem which doesn't exist; not about British citizenship.

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Are you saying that none of them should have been allowed to become British?

It seems you are putting words into my mouth .. again.

The main beneficiaries are from India, Pakistan, Nigeria, China and the Philippines.
  1. India: 28,352
  2. Pakistan: 18,445
  3. Nigeria: 8,881
  4. Philippines: 8,122
  5. China: 7,198
  6. South Africa: 6,924
  7. Sri Lanka: 6,163
  8. Bangladesh: 5,702
  9. Zimbabwe: 5,647
  10. Somalia: 5,143

totster smile.png

Batten down the hatches and prepare for more of the Racialist Card.violin.gif

Edited by MAJIC
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Sata, your, non accredited, quote does not prove my assertion incorrect; even if the quote is true.

Perhaps you should find someone to explain to you the difference between 'applied for' and 'receiving!'


I have no idea whether or not those figures are correct, and to be honest can't be bothered to look them up from a source more reliable than Migrationwatch and the Daily Mail (even though such a source would not be hard to find).

So let's take them at face value.

My wife and step daughter and the spouses and family members of many other TV members are included in that figure. Maybe yours are, too.

Are you saying that none of them should have been allowed to become British?

The Discussion is about:

Replying to PM Cameron to make British welfare off limits to migrants

Let's not make this a personal family issue. We are talking about welfare,and should it be off limits to migrants. There is also no need to introduce the Racial issue,it is is nothing to do with Racialism, merely a question of should some people not be entitled to UK Benefits?

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Two million UK passports issued to foreigners since 2000?

In the past year alone, a record 204,541 requests for a UK passport were rubber-stamped by the Home Office, official figures show.

This is the equivalent of one migrant being given citizenship every two-and-a-half minutes – the fastest rate in history.

It means the total number given out since the turn of the century now stands at 2,053,396.

Campaigners say the face of British society has been changed for ever in just 13 years.

The main beneficiaries are from India, Pakistan, Nigeria, China and the Philippines.

I can't question these figures but can question how much of our taxpayers money is being absorbed by new arrivals in terms of schools,health and

social security. I doubt the majority of new arrivals are rocket scientists,doctors or university dons.

From the headline...

Once given a passport immigrants have full access to housing and benefits!!!!


Edited by Jay Sata
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Two million UK passports issued to foreigners since 2000?

In the past year alone, a record 204,541 requests for a UK passport were rubber-stamped by the Home Office, official figures show.

This is the equivalent of one migrant being given citizenship every two-and-a-half minutes – the fastest rate in history.

It means the total number given out since the turn of the century now stands at 2,053,396.

Campaigners say the face of British society has been changed for ever in just 13 years.

The main beneficiaries are from India, Pakistan, Nigeria, China and the Philippines.

I can't question these figures but can question how much of our taxpayers money is being absorbed by new arrivals in terms of schools,health and

social security. I doubt the majority of new arrivals are rocket scientists,doctors or university dons.

From the headline...

Once given a passport immigrants have full access to housing and benefits!!!!


Oh poor dear, it must be hard living in a world which is open and international.

So, 2 million new passport holder since 2000? All taking up space! Oh, how will you cope?

Perhaps they are taking up some of that space left by the 500,000 people who die per year in the UK from natural causes (that is 6.5million odd if we include 2000).

But, I doubt that numbers and rational thinking are your key strengths. Being easily led by the tabloid press, well, you are a master.

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Perhaps they are taking up some of that space left by the 500,000 people who die per year in the UK from natural causes (that is 6.5million odd if we include 2000).

But, I doubt that numbers and rational thinking are your key strengths. Being easily led by the tabloid press, well, you are a master.

Numbers and rational thinking eh ?

I'm sure you didn't mean to forget the 729,674 births every year in England and Wales.. space you say ??blink.png


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Don't forget to add (or minus) the 150,000 odd brits who leave the UK each year, presumably to places like Thailand where they get on web boards to moan about immigrants.

My point was don't believe the headline numbers, which if you read the daily mail, is all you'd get. No context, just scaremongering the feeble minded.

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What the Daily Mail, other similar papers and those who fall for their heavily biased reporting forget is that naturalised British citizens are either the spouse or civil partner of a British national and so have been living in the UK for at least three years or else they have been living in the UK for at least 5 years.

During that time, except for a very small minority, they and/or their spouse/partner have been working and paying tax.

Plus, of course, the VAT on virtually everything the buy.

Edited by 7by7
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What the Daily Mail, other similar papers and those who fall for their heavily biased reporting forget is that naturalised British citizens are either the spouse or civil partner of a British national and so have been living in the UK for at least three years or else they have been living in the UK for at least 5 years.

During that time, except for a very small minority, they and/or their spouse/partner have been working and paying tax.

Plus, of course, the VAT on virtually everything the buy.

"Plus, of course, the VAT on virtually everything they buy"

Not quite! ....three of the highest category of virtually Tax exempt goods, are Food, Children's Clothes,and Footwear,three of the biggest outlays in any family budgets! so no gain to the Chanceller of the Exchequer on that one, regardless of who is paying!

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Two million UK passports issued to foreigners since 2000?

In the past year alone, a record 204,541 requests for a UK passport were rubber-stamped by the Home Office, official figures show.

This is the equivalent of one migrant being given citizenship every two-and-a-half minutes – the fastest rate in history.

It means the total number given out since the turn of the century now stands at 2,053,396.

Campaigners say the face of British society has been changed for ever in just 13 years.

The main beneficiaries are from India, Pakistan, Nigeria, China and the Philippines.

I can't question these figures but can question how much of our taxpayers money is being absorbed by new arrivals in terms of schools,health and

social security. I doubt the majority of new arrivals are rocket scientists,doctors or university dons.

From the headline...

Once given a passport immigrants have full access to housing and benefits!!!!


Oh poor dear, it must be hard living in a world which is open and international.

So, 2 million new passport holder since 2000? All taking up space! Oh, how will you cope?

Perhaps they are taking up some of that space left by the 500,000 people who die per year in the UK from natural causes (that is 6.5million odd if we include 2000).

But, I doubt that numbers and rational thinking are your key strengths. Being easily led by the tabloid press, well, you are a master.

Samran said:

"Oh poor dear, it must be hard living in a world which is open and international"

Majic: said

Open and International is one thing,supporting all the worlds scroungers is another thing entirely,you don't expect to be supported by your government in Thailand,so why so scathing,when other Nationals protest???

And the title of this Topic does state: Replying to PM Cameron to make British welfare off limits to migrants.

Edited by MAJIC
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I don't know where you get off knocking people who have generally spent the best part of a half a decade in the UK for making a commitment to the UK by taking up citizenship.

I mean you've bragged about your aussie residency and how you've still glad you can benefit from it, but you never took the ultimate step to take out a passport. Give me those 2million people prepared to put up their hands for a new life over fence sitters like you every time.

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Don't forget to add (or minus) the 150,000 odd brits who leave the UK each year, presumably to places like Thailand where they get on web boards to moan about immigrants.

My point was don't believe the headline numbers, which if you read the daily mail, is all you'd get. No context, just scaremongering the feeble minded.

Most of the people that leave the UK are bound for Europe (Spain, Portugal,Greece,France,Cyprus) ,Australia' New Zealand' and Canada,don't ask me to produce the exact figures,because I really don't give a toss!

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Would you be so offended ...

Would you mind pointing out where I have said that I am offended ?

totster smile.png

Concerned, then; otherwise, why bring it up?

But as pointed out above, this topic is about Cameron's attempts to placate his right wing by addressing a problem which doesn't exist; not about British citizenship.

You can give your opinion that it's about "Cameron's attempt to placate his right wing by addressing a problem which doesn't exist"as 7by7 calls it, Which may be a political move,but the fact is he has brought to fore,what has been a massive problem for the British people,and whether you like it or not,and spend hours of your time,trying to convince us that there is nothing to worry about (and convincing no one I might add) but according to you,we are all deluded,the SS Great Britain is not sinking,it's just we have some new passengers (hundreds of thousands) nothing to worry about! there is plenty of cabin space,paying passengers? of course,they will pay their way,when they get their Social Security payments and Benefits. or pay their VAT which is the same as paying their way,?

Meanwhile let's all join hands and sing together "There will always be an England" Until we give it away!

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Majic, you obviously prefer to believe the distorted information and downright lies of the right wing, anti immigration media like the Daily Mail nad right wing anti immigration pressure groups like Migrationwatch.

I have shown you the actual immigration law and rules and EEA regulations on this matter; but you still prefer the propaganda.

Your gullibility would not be a problem if it were you alone; but unfortunately the right wing media and pressure groups are becoming more successful in convincing those who are ignorant of the rules that this is a major problem.

So much so that Cameron and his advisors feel he has to be seen to be 'doing something about it.'

The problem he should be doing something about is that ignorance of the reality which causes people like you to fall for the distorted propaganda of groups like Migrationwatch.

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The good news is that Cameron is going to put his foot down with the lazy kids who do not apply themselves to hard work in school.

Billions spent on free flats,furniture and weekly handouts for a generation of lazy 16-25 year olds will soon be stopped.

Work shy layabouts who work in the black economy are also going to have the tap turned of. Benefit caps are already hitting the asylum seekers with five kids living in £1 million pound houses in London. What's wrong with Hull,Scarborough or Hastings?

I'm sick of seeing public tax funding an army of scroungers.

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I think the problem is that EC countries agreed to provide reciprocal benefits to all citizens of all member countries. This wasn't too bad when all members were industrialised Western European countries but the addition of much poorer East European countries without re-negotiating these aspects has made a mockery of things. Camaron seems to grandstanding here making a domestic issue of something that is governed by multilateral international treaty that is extremely difficult to change and thus should have been thought through a lot more carefully at the time. It is like Thai politicians or bureaucrats claiming that most of the farmland in the country or coastal land in resort islands has suddenly become owned by foreigners. It gets a lot of cheap nationalistic support but nothing is done about it, even if it is true.

What he could do something about is to cut off welfare and healthcare from non-EU citizens in the UK. Where there is no reciprocal agreement for their countries to provide benefits to UK citizens there is no reason to spend British taxpayers' money on non-EU citizens. On the other hand, it is indefensible that the UK refuses healthcare to British citizens resident abroad and declines to pay them the same pensions as pensioners in the UK, even if they have paid full contributions. Obviously Cameron does not want to address these issues which are both things he could do something about. It is far safer to sound off about things he cannot undo or change.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Illegal immigrants use £3.7billion worth of taxpayer-funded health and education services every year, figures out yesterday suggest.

Each one taking advantage of Britain’s free NHS and schools costs the Treasury £4,250 per year, a Home Office report reveals.

More here http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2482717/Our-3-7bn-year-illegal-immigrants-health-education.html

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