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No sincerity in tackling corruption in Thailand: ACT

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Corruption is a way of life in Thailand, is completely institutionalised and exists at every level of society.

An intransigent feudalism and class system, carefully managed and nurtured - through fear or reward - by those in power and those with influence, ensures its continuation.

The irresistible lure of untold wealth and power (as a reward unto itself) and an absence of moral duty or concern by the godfathers of corruption, their lackeys and henchmen, ensures its continuation.

It is good to see that groups of concerned citizens are taking their protest to the streets and placing their concerns firmly in the public eye.

To be truly effective, the subject of corruption should not be politicized, nor become a matter of focus for those with vested interests.

It doesn't matter who is responsible for this scam or that; corruption is not just about money or the perpetuation of power.

Corruption is theft of the present and of the future.

I think it is the one foothold that the thai's have chance for change. I thing it should be politicized as a group such as this can take a platform that those from any spectrum can gain from. It would remove the stand off between the Reds and Yellows and target a common goal. Agree the present and future is being stolen by what are not politicians but common crims.
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Please respond to this post if you’d prefer there was no way to pay yourself out of trouble in Thailand.

So you are fine with the level of corruption in Thailand?

Good, nice to know where you stand.


<snip>.... is that Thaksin is in the employ of powers that seek to destabilise this nation, and macro-corruption at state level is one of the tools in the box for that purpose, it promotes resentment and social instability. The election of Yingluck was the single biggest setback for Thailand in a century, because we had finally got rid of Thaksin only to have him (and his offshore masters) return via proxy, thus preventing any progress being made on corruption, the economy, industry, exports, because these are not things Thaksin is paid to improve.

Wow, that is some statement. Do you have any proof, or is it simply the result of too much extreme right wing conspiracy theories?

Facts, links please. In fact, ANYTHING to support your statement would be nice.


Please respond to this post if you’d prefer there was no way to pay yourself out of trouble in Thailand.

So you are fine with the level of corruption in Thailand?

Good, nice to know where you stand.

Let’s call it capitalism. Money talks. Was it ever otherwise? You Americans here probably remember who Clinton pardoned on his very last day in office.


Please respond to this post if you’d prefer there was no way to pay yourself out of trouble in Thailand.

So you are fine with the level of corruption in Thailand?

Good, nice to know where you stand.

Dont react to that one...next post dag will be telling you to go hometongue.png

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They must have been frightened to death in the era of colonisation, they were very lucky, but hay hoe, life goes on as its always done, I dream of a nice little house, well a big one actually in a secluded bay on the Andaman Sea, not fogetting the imported left hand drive Merc to get me there. Hello here comes my favourite magazine " All the latest scams and sweeteners" Look at this article here " How do diddle people." and another "How make money out of Local budgets." Ok heres another..."Benefit from Government Enhancement Schemes." Lifes a beach here if you know the right people its better than being a Mason!


"Thailand is entering an era of massive corruption"

Thailand is, and has always been, massive corruption. A poll found that the majority of Thais are good with it, as long as the benefit.

That poll said they were good with it if it affects them.

What many people fail to understand is they are talking about giving thr BIB 200 baht under the table instead of going to the police station and paying 400 baht. This is common with many of the Thai Visa posters also.

The people were not saying it is OK for Joe Blow to take 35 billion baht to put in his personal bank account instead instead of spending it on the flood relief program.

Why do people think they keep the education so low. It is so they can get away with these things because the average Thai has no idea what so ever how massive it is and how much better off he would be if they spent it on Thailand.

What surprises me is a farong falling for that kind of crap poll. Take the same pol taker and the same person being polled and change the questions around and you might find yourself with a real coup attempt by the people.

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It isn't entering it, it has been in it and has no intention to get out of it.

Sent from one of my devices using the internet


Corruption is so deeply ingrained in Thai society the only hope for change is going to have to start at the grass root's level starting with educating children. So for a start the teachers and school administrators who except bonus tuition fees from parents for enrolment or passing grades have to be removed or sacked and the whole Thai education system would need to be over haled. The power of education is the only way forward. Of course the police would have to be next on the chopping block!

Well I appreciate what you are saying but the fact is it must start at the top. That is where the money for education comes from. Also the rubber stamping of pass them to the next grade no matter how dumb they are even give them a college degree if they have the money. Doesn't matter to the education system if they have to use a calculator to add 2+2 to get 4 or if they can't read or write Thai.

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This would require all politicians to stop taking their share of the action on every project, that simply will never happen as these self serving a$$holes have only their interests in mind


No sincerity unless there's a backhander.biggrin.png


Can't remember who said it but it goes on the lines of-- Once you can fake sincerity you've got it made.

Sounds like Blair.

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Please respond to this post if you’d prefer there was no way to pay yourself out of trouble in Thailand.

Yes, I am in that category, I would prefer due legal process without bribery or corruption on EITHER side, if I am guilty, even if inadvertently, I would be happy if the due legal process was fair and untainted. Talk about dreaming!!!

I second that!

States like to waste time and resources on crimes with no victims (gambling, prostitution, drug use, whatever). Good to have a fail-safe. No?


I got home from work the other day and as hung my jacket up I noticed some brown envelopes in my inside pocket, I have no idea how they got there or what is in them, I will put them in the safe for safe keeping.

I love my job you never know what tomorrow will bring.


Corruption is so deeply ingrained in Thai society the only hope for change is going to have to start at the grass root's level starting with educating children. So for a start the teachers and school administrators who except bonus tuition fees from parents for enrolment or passing grades have to be removed or sacked and the whole Thai education system would need to be over haled. The power of education is the only way forward. Of course the police would have to be next on the chopping block!

Well I appreciate what you are saying but the fact is it must start at the top. That is where the money for education comes from. Also the rubber stamping of pass them to the next grade no matter how dumb they are even give them a college degree if they have the money. Doesn't matter to the education system if they have to use a calculator to add 2+2 to get 4 or if they can't read or write Thai.

Amazing - the amount of people who post comments about Thai university degree courses - usually rubbishing them without any idea of the facts.

Of course, these people all have Masters or PhDs from "reputable" pay as you go Western colleges. And they all speak fluent Thai so they can check the academic content and rigour, and have checked on the MOE audits.

I read recently that 30% of US students won't graduate from High School. The UK standards are again being questioned and revised.

I have seen many Thais fail - and have to take re-sits, some several times. I have worked with some appalling "graduates" from the UK, US and Germany.

There are good, bad and middle range schools, colleges and universities in all countries. Same goes for students.


Corruption is so deeply ingrained in Thai society the only hope for change is going to have to start at the grass root's level starting with educating children. So for a start the teachers and school administrators who except bonus tuition fees from parents for enrolment or passing grades have to be removed or sacked and the whole Thai education system would need to be over haled. The power of education is the only way forward. Of course the police would have to be next on the chopping block!

Well I appreciate what you are saying but the fact is it must start at the top. That is where the money for education comes from. Also the rubber stamping of pass them to the next grade no matter how dumb they are even give them a college degree if they have the money. Doesn't matter to the education system if they have to use a calculator to add 2+2 to get 4 or if they can't read or write Thai.

Amazing - the amount of people who post comments about Thai university degree courses - usually rubbishing them without any idea of the facts.

Of course, these people all have Masters or PhDs from "reputable" pay as you go Western colleges. And they all speak fluent Thai so they can check the academic content and rigour, and have checked on the MOE audits.

I read recently that 30% of US students won't graduate from High School. The UK standards are again being questioned and revised.

I have seen many Thais fail - and have to take re-sits, some several times. I have worked with some appalling "graduates" from the UK, US and Germany.

There are good, bad and middle range schools, colleges and universities in all countries. Same goes for students.

Here's some facts for you. A young lady whom myself and my wife know very well failed her entrance exam to one of the more prestigious universities in BKK some years ago. She returned home very disappointed but was quick to relay to her parents that the school maybe in a position to review her exam if her folks where maybe interested in donating a laptop computer or possibility 40K Bt.

Now normally where I come from if you fail an exam....you fail the exam....correct? Seems in this case the exam results are negotiable. This is not an isolated case. To say I have know idea of the facts is like me saying your clueless to life in Thailand. Which I'm sure your not. I do suggest you get a little more exposure to what really happens here in the schools and education system before you start slagging someone as "having no idea". I have only lived here a short 12 years so maybe you have a better idea than me.

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I thought Thailand was the HUB of corruption...

Got to love one line contributions. There always so helpful to the topic at hand.

Here's another one for you then.

Sometimes less is more.

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a brief glance at any succesful business will show a name in non Thai script be it jek kek Falang or Japanese.

As others have pointed out certain corrupt races wish to live off the backs of the poor.

The very name of the country became anglicised imagine United States ashamed of its shame past decide to use Yiddish or Arabic characters and became Jumhariet Meiguo Sovyet Sozialistische republique or some such 7/11 Samsung Toyota Cola and tawdry uniforms from colonial era scouts.Anywhere else in the world where adult teachers dress like girrl guide outside of fetish clubs?


In modern times people in countries all over the world seem to have accepted corruption. Those that get/got away with it are seen as smart and successful. In western countries it is the same story, perhaps not yet as massive as in Thailand, Russia and other countries. The Thaksin clan and Putin are no exceptions. Trying to turn the trend seems quite impossible. Empathy and integrety are only appreciated at family level. Not in work or politics. Perhaps the world first needs to sink deeper before people are willing to demand and enforce the other way.

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.Wow, that is some statement. Do you have any proof, or is it simply the result of too much extreme right wing conspiracy theories?

Facts, links please. In fact, ANYTHING to support your statement would be nice.

Well for one thing, a tree is always judged by the quality of its fruits. If you wonder why Yingluck never shows up in Parliament, never Q&A's with her fellow Thai politicians on important issues, sabotages the rice economy, doesn't tackle corruption or infrastructure problems, usues eyecandy gimmicks like some glitchy tablets for kids instead of new classrooms and books, uses tanks with sonic cannons when her opponents are peacefully protesting, why neither she nor her brother did anything to stop social instability (infact they fermented it), are making poor people poorer, want to see an end to Law Courts and other sovereign institutions. The easy answer (which I'm sure you will like!) is that she is a bimbo airhead dollybird and can't run a country. That is not true, it is cover. She is trying to destabilise and hamstring the nation and doing a fine job at it, just as her brother did before her.

Two, Thaksin is officially a "Carlyle Group" member for decades, CG being officially part of the banking cartel / CIA globalist offshore takeover. Thaksin is an on the run fugitive , he is convicted of grand larceny and is on the run to escape his prison term. He also faces much larger charges relating to vast billions from the social that were "mis-spent" on nepotistic and foreign interests, charges that will be brought if he is captured. He is also responsible for massmurder, having poor people shot for "drugs", and destabilising the south, so he should also face charges for massmurder. When you look at that, and his Carlyle Group job, and then you ask yourself "how did Thaksin fly around the world unimpeded, and fly to the USA this last year, when he is a fugitive criminal, guilty of grand state larceny and massmurder, how did he get a US Visa and 5-Star treatment in the US?" The answer is that as in all such cases, the moneypowers who run the US are paying him to do their work. See also Ukraine, Egypt, Libya, etc.etc. for other 'colored revolutions' CIA-backed coups that installed tinpot dictators who obey the offshore banking cartels.

Re; "right wing conspiracy theorists". You make me LOL. For one thing, left and right no longer exist. There is only "are you on the side of militarised banking oligarchy or are you opposed to it." Thats the only game in town. And yes I was a Sociology lecturer at a good University, honorably discharged for MS/epilepsy. And I am a liberal. And by the way, "conspiracy theories" is a very cheap copout to actually raising valid points. It allows you to group together alien abduction, with advanced sociological analysis, and tin foil hats, without actually having to do any background research yourself you can lump it all together in that cliched phrase and walk away feeling you're victorious or something.

Edit: PS. if you cherish mainstream links as proof and as substitute from reading academic books on the subjects of militarised global banking oligarchies, you can wiki Thaksin/Carlyle group. After that I suggest you do some actual book reading by respected academics who know their stuff and have been saying that banksters and the IMF and their intel/military servants are waging a covert war of destabilisation and desovereignisation against normal people worldwide for a century.


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Corruption is so deeply ingrained in Thai society the only hope for change is going to have to start at the grass root's level starting with educating children. So for a start the teachers and school administrators who except bonus tuition fees from parents for enrolment or passing grades have to be removed or sacked and the whole Thai education system would need to be over haled. The power of education is the only way forward. Of course the police would have to be next on the chopping block!

Well I appreciate what you are saying but the fact is it must start at the top. That is where the money for education comes from. Also the rubber stamping of pass them to the next grade no matter how dumb they are even give them a college degree if they have the money. Doesn't matter to the education system if they have to use a calculator to add 2+2 to get 4 or if they can't read or write Thai.

Amazing - the amount of people who post comments about Thai university degree courses - usually rubbishing them without any idea of the facts.

Of course, these people all have Masters or PhDs from "reputable" pay as you go Western colleges. And they all speak fluent Thai so they can check the academic content and rigour, and have checked on the MOE audits.

I read recently that 30% of US students won't graduate from High School. The UK standards are again being questioned and revised.

I have seen many Thais fail - and have to take re-sits, some several times. I have worked with some appalling "graduates" from the UK, US and Germany.

There are good, bad and middle range schools, colleges and universities in all countries. Same goes for students.

Here's some facts for you. A young lady whom myself and my wife know very well failed her entrance exam to one of the more prestigious universities in BKK some years ago. She returned home very disappointed but was quick to relay to her parents that the school maybe in a position to review her exam if her folks where maybe interested in donating a laptop computer or possibility 40K Bt.

Now normally where I come from if you fail an exam....you fail the exam....correct? Seems in this case the exam results are negotiable. This is not an isolated case. To say I have know idea of the facts is like me saying your clueless to life in Thailand. Which I'm sure your not. I do suggest you get a little more exposure to what really happens here in the schools and education system before you start slagging someone as "having no idea". I have only lived here a short 12 years so maybe you have a better idea than me.

Well Ironically I have to admit some of baerboxer's statements are true. But they in no way impact the reality of the Thai education system at all levels. Coming from the states and Canada some of the dumbest people I knew were collage graduates. Only living here for 7 years I can not say the same as it is hard to tell a collage graduate from a noodle seller.

For myself I have a very limited collage education one qurter of four different subjects in my 40s. But I hear talk of paying your way through to get degrees. I then look at what has these Thai collages and universites turned out in the increase of mans knowledge. Zip they can not develop any thing all there industry is based on innovations and research from foreign countries. Yes the States and the UK have turned out a lot of dumb people but they have also provided immense amounts of research to the benefit of the whole world. As well as Germany and other countries.

When I was first thinking of relocating I looked into Uruguay I was surprised that they had a higher literacy rate than the States. But bad as the states are if it wasen't for their education system the world would not be where it is today same for the UK education system. What has Thailand offered the world other than semi cheap labor to take advantage of the education systems in other countries.

Thai massages.


What is corruption? I never studied it in the worlds's best education system, please advise.

I only have a grade 12 education and a smattering of collage at two different Junior Collages in Canada and I know what it means. I think you fall into a category of people I had mentioned earlier.


Well Ironically I have to admit some of baerboxer's statements are true. But they in no way impact the reality of the Thai education system at all levels. Coming from the states and Canada some of the dumbest people I knew were collage graduates. Only living here for 7 years I can not say the same as it is hard to tell a collage graduate from a noodle seller.

For myself I have a very limited collage education one qurter of four different subjects in my 40s. But I hear talk of paying your way through to get degrees. I then look at what has these Thai collages and universites turned out in the increase of mans knowledge. Zip they can not develop any thing all there industry is based on innovations and research from foreign countries. Yes the States and the UK have turned out a lot of dumb people but they have also provided immense amounts of research to the benefit of the whole world. As well as Germany and other countries.

When I was first thinking of relocating I looked into Uruguay I was surprised that they had a higher literacy rate than the States. But bad as the states are if it wasen't for their education system the world would not be where it is today same for the UK education system. What has Thailand offered the world other than semi cheap labor to take advantage of the education systems in other countries.

Thai massages.

I hope you're not demeaning Thai massages!

I too find it difficult to recognise a University graduate. A University student, yes, the militaristic uniform policy takes care of that eye candy.

How does a graduate get a qualification (I'm treading on dangerous ground again trying to define a BA, MA) in accountancy, and end up wandering around with their smartphone translator app as an employee at Big C?

It does make you wonder where the qualification came from, as it certainly doesn't seem to be reflected in a relevant career path.

.Wow, that is some statement. Do you have any proof, or is it simply the result of too much extreme right wing conspiracy theories?

Facts, links please. In fact, ANYTHING to support your statement would be nice.

Well for one thing, a tree is always judged by the quality of its fruits. If you wonder why Yingluck never shows up in Parliament, never Q&A's with her fellow Thai politicians on important issues, sabotages the rice economy, doesn't tackle corruption or infrastructure problems, usues eyecandy gimmicks like some glitchy tablets for kids instead of new classrooms and books, uses tanks with sonic cannons when her opponents are peacefully protesting, why neither she nor her brother did anything to stop social instability (infact they fermented it), are making poor people poorer, want to see an end to Law Courts and other sovereign institutions. The easy answer (which I'm sure you will like!) is that she is a bimbo airhead dollybird and can't run a country. That is not true, it is cover. She is trying to destabilise and hamstring the nation and doing a fine job at it, just as her brother did before her.

Two, Thaksin is officially a "Carlyle Group" member for decades, CG being officially part of the banking cartel / CIA globalist offshore takeover. Thaksin is an on the run fugitive , he is convicted of grand larceny and is on the run to escape his prison term. He also faces much larger charges relating to vast billions from the social that were "mis-spent" on nepotistic and foreign interests, charges that will be brought if he is captured. He is also responsible for massmurder, having poor people shot for "drugs", and destabilising the south, so he should also face charges for massmurder. When you look at that, and his Carlyle Group job, and then you ask yourself "how did Thaksin fly around the world unimpeded, and fly to the USA this last year, when he is a fugitive criminal, guilty of grand state larceny and massmurder, how did he get a US Visa and 5-Star treatment in the US?" The answer is that as in all such cases, the moneypowers who run the US are paying him to do their work. See also Ukraine, Egypt, Libya, etc.etc. for other 'colored revolutions' CIA-backed coups that installed tinpot dictators who obey the offshore banking cartels.

Re; "right wing conspiracy theorists". You make me LOL. For one thing, left and right no longer exist. There is only "are you on the side of militarised banking oligarchy or are you opposed to it." Thats the only game in town. And yes I was a Sociology lecturer at a good University, honorably discharged for MS/epilepsy. And I am a liberal. And by the way, "conspiracy theories" is a very cheap copout to actually raising valid points. It allows you to group together alien abduction, with advanced sociological analysis, and tin foil hats, without actually having to do any background research yourself you can lump it all together in that cliched phrase and walk away feeling you're victorious or something.

Edit: PS. if you cherish mainstream links as proof and as substitute from reading academic books on the subjects of militarised global banking oligarchies, you can wiki Thaksin/Carlyle group. After that I suggest you do some actual book reading by respected academics who know their stuff and have been saying that banksters and the IMF and their intel/military servants are waging a covert war of destabilisation and desovereignisation against normal people worldwide for a century.


Wow you said a lot there for the most part I have to agree with you for instance.

"Well for one thing, a tree is always judged by the quality of its fruits"

But I do have to differ with you on Thaksin getting 5 star treatment from the US. They practically ignored him and any speeches he gave were rejected where he gave them some canceled. As to why the US gave him a visa I have no idea. As it turned out he left early as he was not the star he thought he was going to be. The only 5 star treatment he got was from the hotels and restaurants he used with money swindled out of the Thai tax payers pockets. Yes right wing conspiracy theorists can and are funny with there closed minds. But those same thing can be said about left wing conspiracy theorists. There is in actual reality. Some times closer to one side than the other.


Do the population actually understand what corruption is?

The idea it's a big car, new house, money in pocket, supports what appears to be the Thai expectation from life.

Are they aware of the downside, and just choose to accept or ignore it?

I get the impression that 'the family comes first' isn't far removed from 'sod everyone else, I'm alright jack'. I certainly get the insular 'up to them' reply when referring to others.

With a selfish attitude, the seeds of corruption will continue to be sown


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