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Thaksin Returns To Thailand


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No, but the media covers all important events that are in the schedules.

It's unlikely Blair or Bush would meet any foreign leader and the media didn't report a word on it.

I heard that someone that looked like Thaksin was in Houston, Texas US last week.

It is my understanding that he was play golf on one of the more elite Country Club Golf Courses in Houston.


In Texas? ... "someone that looked like Thaksin"? ..... The way folks think in Texas that could have been a 12 y/o mongaloid ... to a 70 y/o Mongolian ...

Texans see an Asian and if he isn't 7' tall (where they think Yao Ming) they'd have no clue :D

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No, but the media covers all important events that are in the schedules.

It's unlikely Blair or Bush would meet any foreign leader and the media didn't report a word on it.

I heard that someone that looked like Thaksin was in Houston, Texas US last week.

It is my understanding that he was play golf on one of the more elite Country Club Golf Courses in Houston.


In Texas? ... "someone that looked like Thaksin"? ..... The way folks think in Texas that could have been a 12 y/o mongaloid ... to a 70 y/o Mongolian ...

Texans see an Asian and if he isn't 7' tall (where they think Yao Ming) they'd have no clue :D

Obviously you have never looked into the demographics of Texas.

Over 300,000 Thais, Lao, and Vietnamese live in Texas.

Aditionally, it is a prime location for prominent Thais to send their kids to school.

Thaksin is not the only prominent Thai that went to college in Texas.

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No, but the media covers all important events that are in the schedules.

It's unlikely Blair or Bush would meet any foreign leader and the media didn't report a word on it.

I heard that someone that looked like Thaksin was in Houston, Texas US last week.

It is my understanding that he was play golf on one of the more elite Country Club Golf Courses in Houston.


In Texas? ... "someone that looked like Thaksin"? ..... The way folks think in Texas that could have been a 12 y/o mongaloid ... to a 70 y/o Mongolian ...

Texans see an Asian and if he isn't 7' tall (where they think Yao Ming) they'd have no clue :D

Obviously you have never looked into the demographics of Texas.

Over 300,000 Thais, Lao, and Vietnamese live in Texas.

Aditionally, it is a prime location for prominent Thais to send their kids to school.

Thaksin is not the only prominent Thai that went to college in Texas.


I grew up in Texas .... still have business there ... and your average texan couldn't pick out a Thai from an Upper Mongolian ... or a Thai Chinese from an Indonesian ....

your 300,000 mostly live in small coastal communities with a few ghettos in HOU and DFW ...

as for what the locals in most of those communities call the asians .... well .....

((sorry that you are stuck in Texas BEM ... and it wasn't a dig at you .... but "someone that looked like Thaksin? :D )

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So it looks like we have come to the conclusion that since it wasnt reported in the media, -- then he couldnt have met Bush and Blair.

Not very sound logic I would think.

How would you know that he HAD met them, if not from the media.

Following your logic:

If I say you are an ###### it's true, unless the media reported otherwise.

Sorry, but his mumblings about meeting two top world leaders without providing any details are as reliable as my statement above.

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So it looks like we have come to the conclusion that since it wasnt reported in the media, -- then he couldnt have met Bush and Blair.

Not very sound logic I would think.

The logical solution would then be to produce one article, one paragraph, a sentence... a phrase... a photograph.... a blib... a blurb... ANYTHING... that both, or even either one of the meetings occured.

Unfortunately, after perusing countless search engine results, none of the above materialize. Given the immeasurable amount of net coverage, non-stop blogging, 24-hour news coverage... local, national, international reporting... etc. ad nauseum

covering these world leaders (Bush and Blair).... the body of evidence does not support Thaksin's claims.

Conclusion: Thaksin lied.

Epilogue: If anything is found, I'd be happy to retract my conclusion and would fully apologize for misjudging him and for calling him a scum-sucking, pretentious, lying, murdering, thieving, rat bast@rd SOB.

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I really dont know if Thaksin did have an informal meeting with Bush or not. By the same token, none of us here know for sure he didn't. The substance of the debate here relies very heavily on the presumption that it would have been reported in the media if he had, verses the Thaksin "yes" answer to the question.

I just happen to be one of those people who believe that all is not transparent and open to media scrutiny in international politics. Perhaps I am just cynical. I do concede though that if he did in fact have an informal meeting with Bush something most likely would have leaked out to the media somewhere. However I do not believe that lack of media coverage confirms beyond doubt that such "private" meeting did not actually take place. This is hardly an issue that would attract in depth investigative reporting in USA. The media is fed selected pre-pared snippets in such minor maters, if at all.

Who knows what carrots Thaksin might have offered to get a private, "off the record "audience with Bush? Such things do actually happen in our imperfect world. Anyone who believes differently is living in Disneyland.

I think a lot of people here let their personal dislike of Thaskin colour their assessment of his political skills when they type a reply here. But I think even his enemies have to admit he is a very skillfull operator and should not ever be underestimated.

Thaksin is not a foolish bozo who needs to lie about his international connections to gain votes. He already has the overwhelming support of the vast majority of voters in Thailand. His sudden whirlwind round the world holiday tour quite obviously had agendas other than R&R.

For the masses scanning Google for proof that such meeting did or didn't occur, and the content of the alleged private meeting, -- good luck.

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A tight-lipped Thaksin returns home


A smiling Thaksin Shinawatra greeted well-wishers at the airport yesterday on his return from holidaying overseas.

Caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra returned from his overseas holiday yesterday and maintained his silence over the direction of the Thai Rak Thai (TRT) party’s future.

After leaving the country on April 13, Thaksin was reported by the caretaker government to have traveled to several countries, including the United Kingdom and the United States.

After the private week-long vacation, Thaksin arrived at Don Muang International Airport before dawn yesterday, where a throng of senior TRT members, including acting prime minister Chitchai Wannasathit, were on hand to welcome him back.

Maintaining his silence on questions concerning the TRT’s future plan of action or the current political troubles, Thaksin continued to mock reporters by saying that he was merely an unemployed person.

“You are here to welcome back a jobless person?” he asked the assembled reporters sarcastically.

“I am now jobless and can go anywhere I want,” Thaksin quipped, before returning to his Chansonglar residence.

Although Thaksin had ostensibly gone abroad to accompany his daughter Pinthongta, who was returning to school in London, he was also rumored to have tried to meet leaders of the countries he was visiting, in particular British Prime Minister Tony Blair and US President George W Bush.

Thaksin went to a TRT office on Ratchathewi Road later in the morning but the media was dissuaded from reporting his activities. It was reported that caretaker Transport Minister Pongsak Raktapongpaisal met him for about an hour. He left the office around 1:30 in the afternoon but told reporters not to follow.

After his announcement on April 4 that he would step down as prime minister after a new government is formed, Thaksin did not name a successor from within the TRT ranks.

The Constitution requires that Parliament be convened within 30 days of a general election, but the upcoming by-elections in 38 constituencies nationwide are marred by numerous controversies.

The TRT party will hold its major annual meeting at the party headquarters next Tuesday.

Source: ThaiDay - 21 April 2006

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Although Thaksin had ostensibly gone abroad to accompany his daughter Pinthongta, who was returning to school in London, he was also rumored to have tried to meet leaders of the countries he was visiting, in particular British Prime Minister Tony Blair and US President George W Bush.



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I really dont know if Thaksin did have an informal meeting with Bush or not. By the same token, none of us here know for sure he didn't. The substance of the debate here relies very heavily on the presumption that it would have been reported in the media if he had, verses the Thaksin "yes" answer to the question.

I just happen to be one of those people who believe that all is not transparent and open to media scrutiny in international politics. Perhaps I am just cynical. I do concede though that if he did in fact have an informal meeting with Bush something most likely would have leaked out to the media somewhere. However I do not believe that lack of media coverage confirms beyond doubt that such "private" meeting did not actually take place. This is hardly an issue that would attract in depth investigative reporting in USA. The media is fed selected pre-pared snippets in such minor maters, if at all.

Who knows what carrots Thaksin might have offered to get a private, "off the record "audience with Bush? Such things do actually happen in our imperfect world. Anyone who believes differently is living in Disneyland.

I think a lot of people here let their personal dislike of Thaskin colour their assessment of his political skills when they type a reply here. But I think even his enemies have to admit he is a very skillfull operator and should not ever be underestimated.

Thaksin is not a foolish bozo who needs to lie about his international connections to gain votes. He already has the overwhelming support of the vast majority of voters in Thailand. His sudden whirlwind round the world holiday tour quite obviously had agendas other than R&R.

For the masses scanning Google for proof that such meeting did or didn't occur, and the content of the alleged private meeting, -- good luck.

Thaksin said he wanted to meet with Bush and Blair before he left ... to not have been granted a meeting would be a public rebuff that he would not like to be known ....

of course .. what could he offer as a reason to get 2 of the busiest men in the free world to meet with a disgraced former PM? not much

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My wife said that Thaksin was in Texas and there were people from both sides doing their thing - cheering him on to fight and telling him to leave. He has lots of connections there. I'd bet he even has property there. (Of course, it's probably in someother family member's name)

Thaksin is one of the coalition of the willing. He's important to Bush and Blair. with the Italian mafia guy going down Bush probably wants to advise him how to hang on. Maybe Thaksin will make a deal with Bush for support. Thaksin will send 2,000 Thai soldiers to 'help with democracy' in Iraq and GWB will offer all kinds of great trade deals for Thailand.

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of course .. what could he offer as a reason to get 2 of the busiest men in the free world to meet with a disgraced former PM? not much


I guess we have to make our minds up weather Thaksin really is a washed up, disgraced, ex prime minister with nothing to offer, or rather the most powerfull political force in Thailand today. If his rein on power really is over I have to wonder what all this fuss is about. Surely no astute person would be concerned enough to attack a washed up old has been like Thaskin. Or perhaps his detractors fear he might have a few more tricks up his sleeve?

As far as proving one way or another that Thaksin did or didn't meet with Bush and/or Blair for unofficial meetings, I doubt any amount of debate here will turn up confirming evidence one way or the other. One camp says -- show me proof he did. I would say equally, -- show me proof he didnt.

I suspect he probably did. Thats all I can say. I could be wrong, -- so what.

But what I am certain of is that Thaksin is not the fool that some here would like to make him out to be. Love him or hate him, the man is a survivor who will leave no stone unturned.

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forced to resign by public pressure = disgraced

Thaksin didn't leave theUK on that trip ... and Bush wasn't there ... so that's pretty much proof ....

If it weren't a "State Visit" ... certainly Bush or Blair wouldn't make time for a guy in the middle of a struggle for his political life .... and since Thaksin doesn't rate a "State Visit" ......

Why would people care? Those of us that live here have a stake on some level ... plus it is interesting.

Could Thaksin come back from this in the next few years? Sure! Will he? Probably not

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confirming evidence one way or the other.

ando , are you trolling ????

bush was in the usa telling hu that china respects free speech and blair was on holiday sunning his c0ck. mr 't' now looks like he is cousin to el marcos with pathological delusions added . if there was a photo op with b1 and b2 we would have seen it in spades . mr 't' is a sh1t dribbler who it now looks like has run the country broke because the courts have held up his schemes to sell off the govt's assets to his scum sucking mates.

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Thaksin didn't leave theUK on that trip ... and Bush wasn't there ... so that's pretty much proof ....

This is the information age and you are talking about Thailand's information technology Tycoon. If he can video conference a cabinet meeting from Chiang Mai to Bangkok. He can have a meeting with anyone in the world from anywhere in the world and no one but the parties involved would know the time, date or content of the meeting.

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lol ... c'mon Luk ... you have to be joking ... did you READ the story ? Before he went ... and after he returned?

LOL... That has nothing to do with having a meeting using technology to make it happen. The thing is you don't know if he managed to have one or not or what in his view is a meeting. You are all assuming that he was talking about a face to face but it could have just as easily have been while he was having morning coffee in a hotel room via video conference.

My thought is that he did not contact George Jr. but rather George Sr. about entry into Carlyle Group. He could have easily met with Sr. without any fanfare at all, after all, you yourself said no of your fellow Texans would be able to tell one Asian from another let alone pick out a Thai. With Thailand being the only major Asian player without a Carlyle office it would be a perfect fit - Thaksin, his Thai contacts and his money.

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reading the story doesn't affect its meaning? but forget it ... you need for your guy not to be a laughingstock ... you are heavily invested there :o

Read the story ... before he went and after he returned ... then tell people he's not just trying to keep from looking like he was rebuffed ....

A really smart man would not have mentioned Bush or Blair before going if he didn't have an appointment ... but ... well ... maybe his astrologer told him to!

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More info on Thaksin's "highly successful world tour": :o

Anti-Thaksin protest in San Francisco

By ThaiDay 21 April 2006 23:33

Hundreds of Thais living in California calling themselves the People's Alliance for Democracy in the US will be holding an anti-Thaksin Shinawatra protest in downtown San Francisco today.

Demonstrations by the Thai community in the US against the caretaker government have been taking place since early March when protesters gathered in front of the Thai consulate in Los Angeles.

Similar demonstrations have since taken place in New York City, Chicago, Las Vegas, and Washington DC.

The last anti-Thaksin protest was held in Houston, Texas, ahead of a planned visit by the caretaker Prime Minister to his former university.

A crowd of demonstrators confronted the caretaker prime minister at Houston Airport forcing Thaksin to change his itinerary and visit Chicago instead.

Today, demonstrators are planning to meet in Market Street in the heart of San Francisco.

In a statement to the press yesterday, protest leaders called on Thaksin to remove himself totally from politics, adding that his administration had continually interfered with the activities of independent organizations such as the Constitutional Court and the Auditor-General's Office.

The demonstration will last about 10 minutes so as not to cause traffic disruption in the city center, leaders said.


lol@lukamar... :D

Trying to defend the indefensible and rationalize the irrational.

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Thaksin didn't leave theUK on that trip ... and Bush wasn't there ... so that's pretty much proof ....


According to the article posted above re protestors meeting Thaksin at Houston airport, he did in fact visit USA.

The question remains open.

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Thaksin didn't leave theUK on that trip ... and Bush wasn't there ... so that's pretty much proof ....


According to the article posted above referencing protestors meeting Thaksin at Houston airport, he did in fact visit USA sometime during the last week or so.

The question remains open.

The question is closed.

The article is true about Thaksin being in Houston sometime during the past 7 days and visited his former university.

Additionally, as I have posted, he played a round of golf in Houston.

I do not know who he played with but it will surface sooner or later.

"Anti-Thaksin protest in San Francisco

By ThaiDay 21 April 2006 23:33

Hundreds of Thais living in California calling themselves the People's Alliance for Democracy in the US will be holding an anti-Thaksin Shinawatra protest in downtown San Francisco today.

Demonstrations by the Thai community in the US against the caretaker government have been taking place since early March when protesters gathered in front of the Thai consulate in Los Angeles.

Similar demonstrations have since taken place in New York City, Chicago, Las Vegas, and Washington DC.

The last anti-Thaksin protest was held in Houston, Texas, ahead of a planned visit by the caretaker Prime Minister to his former university.

A crowd of demonstrators confronted the caretaker prime minister at Houston Airport forcing Thaksin to change his itinerary and visit Chicago instead."

jdinasia and others that are basing their comments on their individual thoughts and are unable to accept that Thaksin does tell the truth sometimes (even though it is not often) need to accept the fact that Thaksin was in Houston, Texas USA sometime durig the last 7 days.


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Haven't found independent confirmation on any news search engines, that Thaksin did, in fact, meet with both Bush and Blair (or either one, for that matter).

He is telling lies again?? :o

Looks like he hasn't stopped telling lies! :D

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The last anti-Thaksin protest was held in Houston, Texas, ahead of a planned visit by the caretaker Prime Minister to his former university. A crowd of demonstrators confronted the caretaker prime minister at Houston Airport forcing Thaksin to change his itinerary and visit Chicago instead.

lol@lukamar... :o

Trying to defend the indefensible and rationalize the irrational.

Laughing at me.. L...O...L Look in the mirror.

You just posted a total contradiction to your argument and managed to defend the indefensible and rationalize the irrational all on your own. Nothing I could possibly say could upstage that blunder.


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As far as proving one way or another that Thaksin did or didn't meet with Bush and/or Blair for unofficial meetings, I doubt any amount of debate here will turn up confirming evidence one way or the other. One camp says -- show me proof he did. I would say equally, -- show me proof he didnt.

I suspect he probably did. Thats all I can say. I could be wrong, -- so what.

There's something out there called Google. Here are the search results for "Thaksin", "meet" and "Bush" in Google News. Find me an article there that verifies whether Thaksin met Bush. The only thing we have to go off of now is Thaksin's word, which you seem to think is extremely reliable - on what basis, I don't know. Anyway, find me a source OTHER THAN THAKSIN'S OWN WORDS that tells us he actually did.

Is this standard of proof too high for you? Let me teach you a very basic principle of journalism. A fact needs to be verified by at least one independent source before it can represented as fact in print. Not a terribly high standard if you ask me or anyone else here.

EDIT: As a previous poster noted, these kind of claims by Thaksin are intended purely for domestic consumption. The local media are too lazy and the international media are too busy to hold Thaksin to task for his comments. Only the truly gullible would accept the totality of the man's comments at face value.

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