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Veterinary DONT'S

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I took my dog to DR. PU VETERINARY in Rawai beach. She is a beautiful golden retriever. She has never had a haircut is six years because I want her hair long. However, I decided to have her hair SLIGHTLY cut. Knowing that the English would be non-existent With her worker, I decided to have my girlfriend go along. Dr. PU speaks pretty good English so I had my bases covered. My wishes were conveyed in both English and Thai . RIGHT? I had some other grooming services being performed therefore I was to ask come back in 3-4 hrs.

So I go back to pick her up and guess what I see? A dog that has all but 1.5" of her hair left! THATS RIGHT! Had I not known what my dog look like I would have thought it was someone else's dog. I was livid!! Of coarse the worker could not speak a word of English and Dr. PU was not there. (Thais don't like confrontation ) Anyway, I got the doctor on the phone. Her explanation was basically this is The way Golden Retrievers are cut. My wishes seem to be secondary. Ok! Her hair can grow out. It's not just her hair was cut too short but it was very UnEVEN. I think whoever cut her hair must've been blind or very hung over. Additionally, there were bald spots behind her ears and under her legs to as if a razor had been left there to long and just Her skin was showing. She even had razor rash behind her right ear. Fortunately her hair is growing back. There won't be a next time!!!!


Ahhhhhhh welcome to Phuket.

The only way to have anything done correctly here is to do it yourself.

Thais can make Thai food. That is their ONLY trade skill.

If you have any Thai do any job for you you have to scrutinize the worker from start to finish.

If you don't...well...you already know the outcome...

As I have posted before, if a Thai has a sign hanging out front that says, for example, "motorcycle mechanic", that doesn't mean that he has even the slightest of knowledge of how to work on a motorcycle. It just means that sometime in the past he had enough money to pay for a sign.

Did they try to charge you extra for the hair cut because your dog had long hair?

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Hi Valentine,

We recently took in a small terrier type dog (found in a bad way on the street by a young Thai lady) and had him groomed at Phuket Dog Park in front of Luang Pu Supha Temple in Chalong.

They did a fantastic job!

Phone: 076 390 815

I met the lady who owns the business in front of "Bake" on Chao Far West rd and then followed her to the dog park as it would have been difficult to find.

I think her name was K. Aggi and she speaks excellent English.

I hope this is useful information for somebody. Of course anyone who takes their dog there should ask questions and make their own decision but our experience there was very positive and we'll be back.

I hope your Retrievers coat grows back quickly :)

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