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Majority dissatisfied with politicians: Poll

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Majority dissatisfied with politicians: Poll
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Most politicians have failed to learn the real problems of people in rural areas, according to the Assumption University Poll.

A number of 2,119 people in 17 provinces were surveyed during August 30-September 7 on their perception on politicians’ behaviours.

According to Noppadon Kannika, the director of ABAC Poll, what’s worrying is 61.2 per cent of the respondents said that politicians have failed to learn the real problems of people in rural areas. 48.9 per cent viewed that opposition MPs could not be role models for children, against 45.7 per cent for coalition parties’ MPs.

The majority of them, 55.4 per cent, has been informed of the luxury lifestyle of coalition parties’ politicians.

Asked if they have ever received any kind of assistance from politicians, 68.5 per cent gave the "No" answer. Among the rest, 24.3 per cent said they were assisted by coalition parties’ MPs while 7.2 per cent by opposition parties.

Despite political chaos, 83.7 per cent showed confidence in the democratic regime. Pheu Thai Party would win the majority votes if Thailand calls for a national election now. 44.6 per cent of the 2,119 respondents would vote for Pheu Thai, against 22.9 per cent favouring Democrat Party.

-- The Nation 2013-09-08

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Nothing new in this, the rest of the world are dissatisfied with their lot, so why can't Thai's be, although some politician's in Thailand should be in prison instead of the house of the people and granted there are some that are genuine, but for the norm most are bloody useless.coffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

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Most politicians have failed to learn the real problems of people in rural areas

Most politicians very likely don't give a smeg about the problems of people in urban areas either. Money, car, house, face, that's it.

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Most politicians have failed to learn the real problems of people in rural areas

Most politicians very likely don't give a smeg about the problems of people in urban areas either. Money, car, house, face, that's it.

What most people will do is sell their vote to the highest bidder, which is why they always get shafted. Karma, I suppose!

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Most politicians have failed to learn the real problems of people in rural areas

Most politicians very likely don't give a smeg about the problems of people in urban areas either. Money, car, house, face, that's it.

Not necessarily. I would guess, as in most countries, politicians are more likely to come from urban areas themselves so will more readily identify with problems faced by city dwellers. They will also tend to have connections/friends and family in urban areas whose interests they may be more sensitive to. And if I am to be even more cynical, most of the money resides in the cities so that's where the focus of many politicians will lie. In just about every democratic nation on the planet, governing parties are seen as being more aligned with 'big money interests' and those interests are almost always based in the cities.

Interesting that the opposition is still not making much headway against the perception that they really represent the interests of the amnat.

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Lets change the rule that says that you have to have a degree to be an mp. If a so called uneducated person can win a seat they must have said something right...even if its only being honest.

I see no point in putting more people from the urban areas in to help the people from the rural areas.

All so What is a degree worth you can get one on line very cheaply or go to a Thai University and pay your money and guaranteed to receive one.

Also and this is the big one. It was a Thai Poll Thailand the hub of what do you want us to say we have them on file and if we don't it will only take us ten minutes to whip it out for you.wai2.gif

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Despite political chaos, 83.7 per cent showed confidence in the democratic regime. Pheu Thai Party would win the majority votes if Thailand calls for a national election now. 44.6 per cent of the 2,119 respondents would vote for Pheu Thai, against 22.9 per cent favouring Democrat Party.

That means the Democrat Party can say Sanyonara to Thai politics. clap2.gif

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