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We should meet up once a month to talk about topics face to face


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I see that in order to attend this meeting I'd need to wear spiked logging boots and brass knuckles.

the reason why I wrote this post was to ween You keyboard jockies out I will not attack you physically ,,but I would like a verbal exchange with you

Sept 19 Ime in pattaya and bkk

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I do not reply to many topics on this forum, but jimbobs it is near on 2am in Thailand, your drunk or on drugs. If you want to meet other members i will be at my home in Ratchaburi in November, also i am keen motobike


good I will be in pattaya where ever you choose on 19th
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try having a chat with the 60 year old Brit

guy who just killed himself in HuaHin ,his thai wife cleaned him out .he left a note saying 'no money no food no destination ,goodbye'.

and what has that got to do with anything? Women are snakes in England Thailand Wales and Mexico ,,,men will die and continue to die for an inhuman belief in the name of love

Marriage is a contract between 2 fools ,,and love is what you want your kids to believe in,,

It's a cake and arse party ,,love lasts as long as people want or like to believe it,,it goes faster than pattaya bird with your giro

"I for one am buzzing I met a good wife 6 years ago who has give me 2 great kids and a wonderful life I could not achieve in the UK"

The same Poster who said this ?...............

and what has that got to do with anything? Women are snakes in England Thailand Wales and Mexico ,,,men will die and continue to die for an inhuman belief in the name of love.

Sorry! your credibility has disappeared,together with your implied intimidation!...... I have nothing further to say.

i really don't need your credibility ,,and intimidation is not my intent ,,,ile return to obscurity easily you and Paul where not the people I intended to reply to this post
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I do not reply to many topics on this forum, but jimbobs it is near on 2am in Thailand, your drunk or on drugs. If you want to meet other members i will be at my home in Ratchaburi in November, also i am keen motobike


good I will be in pattaya where ever you choose on 19th
i don't touch drugs lad
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It would be boring. All of the positive posters live in Thailand and all the negative posters don't. So it would be a mutual admiration society.

I think most of the negative posts are driven by envy because great fish and chips alone is still alone and not all the tea in China is going to get that plate to say Sa Wat De Ca!smile.png

I think it might get a boring on the basis that most of the people dishing out strong prejudicial opinions of others they don't know might suddenly become quiet and well mannered when within swinging reach of those they normally abuse from behind a keyboard.

You could always organizzize a trial get together with Skype Video.

That ought to put a twist into the debate.

Why would anyone want to meet up?

I don't feel lonely, and I do not expect to feel lonely.

I don't need more company, no matter how little I have.

I like to talk to people face to face that I know.

I don't want to talk to people face to face I don't know on TVF.

The interesting thing about TVF is that it is a virtual forum.

And we don't post our photos because they would be negatively prejudicial to our cause.

Which is to get to the truth of the matters.

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I see that in order to attend this meeting I'd need to wear spiked logging boots and brass knuckles.

This topic title should be

We should all meet up for a bar room brawl like the good ole days

Posted Image

Or ThaiVisa party no MC's or bikers allowed

Posted Image


exactly what I was talkin about ,,, the same old clowns chatting the same owld shit,,,I hear its 2am and I shouldn't be talkin drunken on Thaivisa. ,,,,mmmm what are you fellas doing,,,it's not your forum ,,I can post what I want ,,,mmm 2am go asleep boys you've got a school teaching job to go to tomorrow ,,,please excuse my grammar
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try having a chat with the 60 year old Brit

guy who just killed himself in HuaHin ,his thai wife cleaned him out .he left a note saying 'no money no food no destination ,goodbye'.

and what has that got to do with anything? Women are snakes in England Thailand Wales and Mexico ,,,men will die and continue to die for an inhuman belief in the name of love

Marriage is a contract between 2 fools ,,and love is what you want your kids to believe in,,

It's a cake and arse party ,,love lasts as long as people want or like to believe it,,it goes faster than pattaya bird with your giro


you must of been bitten hard to be so twisted towords women,

i had a shity divorce and lost my house money ect,

but im not bitter, i was a little with the ex,

but i dont role all women together,

there are some blokes about who i wouldnt piss on if they were on fire, but some blokes i would love to have a chat and a drink with,

not all thai women are bad, and not all women are bad from every corner of the world, as you seam to think,

before you label every women as a snake get time to no them,

you might just find that some are like kittens


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Very intresting ,,,no I love my wife ,,she eats too much ,but apart from that she's the most honest and beautifull person I've ever met ,

I will not retract one statement because the astute guys on here have probably guessed Ime half pissed

But I digress ,it is not my intention yo alienate myself nor smash anyone's teeth in,,

I find Thaivisa to be very one sided ,,Ime not a clever man ,,I hope Ime not a fool ...but sometimes I get angry when genuine people ask for advice and divvies put negative posts on

So I will continue to be a poster and not care about my contrary and un substantial statements

God bless

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How irrelevant the initial post seems,I will have an avid intrest in the people who contributed to this post

Half of the fellas I recon are the failed school teachers,and the people who bought a cheap 18 year old dolly bird

I found a wife who was not the best looking girl in the bar and counts her blessings she met an idiot felang like me

But together we have built a good life,

And I am so insecure to say that we have a pot full money,,maybe that's why she loves me? Or it could be devilishly good looks ,and an insanely hypnotic personality

So as my credibility is near zero ,,,,you will be hearing a lot more of jimbobs1

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I personally wouldn't step foot in Pattaya or a village. Not an Isaan village anyway.

But hey, different folk. smile.png

well don't then ha ha ,what a nugget ,,you are exactly the type of tool I was on about,,,why post?

Why respond calling someone a nugget because they have a different opinion to yourself.

Yup, seems Pattaya and an Isaan village are about your worth. :)

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I personally wouldn't step foot in Pattaya or a village. Not an Isaan village anyway.

But hey, different folk. smile.png

well don't then ha ha ,what a nugget ,,you are exactly the type of tool I was on about,,,why post?

Why respond calling someone a nugget because they have a different opinion to yourself.

Yup, seems Pattaya and an Isaan village are about your worth. :)

my worth eh,,,you sad opinionated man ,,,let's all meet up and converse face to face as per the original post,,you don't know me and I certainly would not voice my opinion on you after 8 or 9 posts on a forum

Key bored clowns,,,

What's wrong with Pattaya and Isaan? There is plenty of people happy with their lot,,,,oh you live in a penthouse in Bangkok with a multitude of servants and a boss looking felang wife

Nah didn't think so

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Fair play to you Jimbobs

Make a refreshing change to read some positiveness again.

The moaners and whingers would find something wrong in even the most Utopian place they could find to live.

BTW,what bikes do you have?

i have a Versys ,an old thumper , KLX 250 ,2 tuk tuks ,a wave , and an old yammy 250 and an ordered Z800

Ile be in patts and bkk for the gentlemans ride on the 19th of this month ,,,,,so ile meet anyone who wants to yap then ha ha

I have two longtail boats.

Do they count, for bragging rights.

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Fair play to you Jimbobs

Make a refreshing change to read some positiveness again.

The moaners and whingers would find something wrong in even the most Utopian place they could find to live.

BTW,what bikes do you have?

i have a Versys ,an old thumper , KLX 250 ,2 tuk tuks ,a wave , and an old yammy 250 and an ordered Z800

Ile be in patts and bkk for the gentlemans ride on the 19th of this month ,,,,,so ile meet anyone who wants to yap then ha ha

I have two longtail boats.

Do they count, for bragging rights.yes

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Fair play to you Jimbobs

Make a refreshing change to read some positiveness again.

The moaners and whingers would find something wrong in even the most Utopian place they could find to live.

BTW,what bikes do you have?

i have a Versys ,an old thumper , KLX 250 ,2 tuk tuks ,a wave , and an old yammy 250 and an ordered Z800

Ile be in patts and bkk for the gentlemans ride on the 19th of this month ,,,,,so ile meet anyone who wants to yap then ha ha

I have two longtail boats.

Do they count, for bragging rights.yes


Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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How on earth are you going to meet up with other members.....


You live in Nakon Nowhere.

i live in Roiet we have a twice daily flight to the big smoke and I have 2 rather large motorbikes and a car or 2 ...or I can hire a buffalo to transport me from this back water ,,,I really don't want to sound sarcastic ,,but come on mate?

One is told that he lives in Nakhon Nowhere, the other hires buffalos to transport him.

That's why I read TV.

Sent from one of my devices using the internet

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I don`t mind becoming a washed up alcoholic, if that`s what it takes to become attractive to 18 year old women.

I think many of you are in a dream and not living in the real world.

Although still a great place to live, providing you have money of course, Thailand has become much more commercialized and expensive since my early days here.

The only main difference I can see between Thailand and most Western countries is that anything can be archived here if you have the money, but each year and the older we get, the price increases. No money, down on luck, then your dead in the water here, and these are the facts, welcome to the real Thailand.

These days many of the farangs I encounter on my travels, do not seem to be friendly, are not hospitable and are as suspect as hell. Try asking them what they do? And most of the responses will be, a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I certainly would not go out of my way to meet Thai visa members face to face, if as I assume they are going to be no different to the pompous characters I have had the misfortune to encounter over the years. I wouldn`t even welcome one as a neighbor, would hate it in fact.

I prefer the anonymity of a forum like Thai visa, which is interaction, but at a safe distance and if some become irritating or rude, we have the mods that will delete them with a click of the mouse. Can`t get a better set up than that.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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It would be boring. All of the positive posters live in Thailand and all the negative posters don't. So it would be a mutual admiration society.

I think most of the negative posts are driven by envy because great fish and chips alone is still alone and not all the tea in China is going to get that plate to say Sa Wat De Ca!smile.png

I think it might get a boring on the basis that most of the people dishing out strong prejudicial opinions of others they don't know might suddenly become quiet and well mannered when within swinging reach of those they normally abuse from behind a keyboard.

Are you and the whingers who agree with you saying that you would punch me at a personal meeting. I think you are. Aren't you the same guy who started posting on Thai Visa for advice how to kick poor people out of his rental property? Yes I think you are ages ago I remember reading it. I don't imagine you have many friends in Thailand yourself.

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I don`t mind becoming a washed up alcoholic, if that`s what it takes to become attractive to 18 year old women.

I think many of you are in a dream and not living in the real world.

Although still a great place to live, providing you have money of course, Thailand has become much more commercialized and expensive since my early days here.

The only main difference I can see between Thailand and most Western countries is that anything can be archived here if you have the money, but each year and the older we get, the price increases. No money, down on luck, then your dead in the water here, and these are the facts, welcome to the real Thailand.

These days many of the farangs I encounter on my travels, do not seem to be friendly, are not hospitable and are as suspect as hell. Try asking them what they do? And most of the responses will be, a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I certainly would not go out of my way to meet Thai visa members face to face, if as I assume they are going to be no different to the pompous characters I have had the misfortune to encounter over the years. I wouldn`t even welcome one as a neighbor, would hate it in fact.

I prefer the anonymity of a forum like Thai visa, which is interaction, but at a safe distance and if some become irritating or rude, we have the mods that will delete them with a click of the mouse. Can`t get a better set up than that.

Oh the irony.

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I don`t mind becoming a washed up alcoholic, if that`s what it takes to become attractive to 18 year old women.

I think many of you are in a dream and not living in the real world.

Although still a great place to live, providing you have money of course, Thailand has become much more commercialized and expensive since my early days here.

The only main difference I can see between Thailand and most Western countries is that anything can be archived here if you have the money, but each year and the older we get, the price increases. No money, down on luck, then your dead in the water here, and these are the facts, welcome to the real Thailand.

These days many of the farangs I encounter on my travels, do not seem to be friendly, are not hospitable and are as suspect as hell. Try asking them what they do? And most of the responses will be, a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I certainly would not go out of my way to meet Thai visa members face to face, if as I assume they are going to be no different to the pompous characters I have had the misfortune to encounter over the years. I wouldn`t even welcome one as a neighbor, would hate it in fact.

I prefer the anonymity of a forum like Thai visa, which is interaction, but at a safe distance and if some become irritating or rude, we have the mods that will delete them with a click of the mouse. Can`t get a better set up than that.

Yes but you talk sence ...and you have respect and a completely honest view of the complex life we live as FELANGS

Hear hear

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How irrelevant the initial post seems,I will have an avid intrest in the people who contributed to this post

Half of the fellas I recon are the failed school teachers,and the people who bought a cheap 18 year old dolly bird

I found a wife who was not the best looking girl in the bar and counts her blessings she met an idiot felang like me

But together we have built a good life,

And I am so insecure to say that we have a pot full money,,maybe that's why she loves me? Or it could be devilishly good looks ,and an insanely hypnotic personality

So as my credibility is near zero ,,,,you will be hearing a lot more of jimbobs1

Lot's of over generalizations there buddy. I guess it depends on who you hang with - but for sure there are plenty of people posting on TV that are most certainly not failed school teachers, shacked up with an 18 year old dolly bird.

Anyway, I digress - you seem to be happy in your life, and that's surely the most important thing?

As for having a whinge, not everything in the garden of Thailand is rosy,and I think for those that probably pay taxes etc, then we do have a bit of a right to have a moan about some of the BS.

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