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Oh the irony- advantages and disadvantages of being a farang

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Advantages: Seen as richer helped largely by the exchange rates of western currency vs thb and also the fact that unions are are stronger in the west and the pay is more generous as that a farang in any sector of society from lower to even upper middle class would most likely be better off than his thai counterpart.

Cos of this he attracts a fair share of female company for the males and while the males think it's all down to his physical appearance let's be honest the fact that he has the potential to give his thai partner a higher standard of living also adds in the to the attraction or maybe the only attraction in some cases.

Yes thinks he's better looking than the locals, more intelligent, a better human being all up to the individual and individual circumstances.

Anyway here are the cons:

Gets charged higher prices compared to locals and other foreigners that are non farang. Yup that's right since you have higher spending power it's only fair you get charged more. Maybes gets singled out in a beating when it's a thai vs foreigner fight. Yup looking so vastly different does have its negative side too.

The funny thing is the same farangs who are boasting on how much of a superior human specimen compared to the thais in terms of physical appearance, stature etc complain that they get charged higher prices in tourist places or who knows any single time a thai has the opportunity to rip him off. That's the irony of it all and some of you guys sound really offended you get charged higher but don't mind being singled out when well when it involves female attention i suppose.

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hahaha, there getting stuck into you snake...that English sarcasm...your not one of the boys yet....

On your post, I get it, ive noticed it and I accept it.


snake said:

The funny thing is the same farangs who are boasting on how much of a superior human specimen compared to the thais in terms of physical appearance, stature etc complain that they get charged higher prices in tourist places or who knows any single time a thai has the opportunity to rip him off. That's the irony of it all and some of you guys sound really offended you get charged higher but don't mind being singled out when well when it involves female attention i suppose.

Please show me a single post where someone has made that claim. Your wording reeks of a combination of small man syndrome and Asian smugness - fwiw, I consider Thais to be some of the most beautiful people on earth and, pound for pound, some of the most physically gifted. It's only the lazy people who dont look after themselves that fit Stickman's rants about 'fat Thais' - that would be the same in Denmark or Sweden, both countries renowned for the stature and physical beauty of many of their citizens. Thais are getting taller and heavier - take a look at some of the schoolkids compared to their parents - but I dont walk around Thailand thinking 'I'm so much bigger and stronger than these guys !'. Only an idiot would carry that attitude into a nightlife precinct, even if the average Thai was 4' tall and weighed 90lbs ....


hahaha, there getting stuck into you snake...that English sarcasm...your not one of the boys yet....

On your post, I get it, ive noticed it and I accept it.

I'm Australian - we havent been 'English' for two centuries and some of us never were. Deal.

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snake said:

The funny thing is the same farangs who are boasting on how much of a superior human specimen compared to the thais in terms of physical appearance, stature etc complain that they get charged higher prices in tourist places or who knows any single time a thai has the opportunity to rip him off. That's the irony of it all and some of you guys sound really offended you get charged higher but don't mind being singled out when well when it involves female attention i suppose.

Please show me a single post where someone has made that claim. Your wording reeks of a combination of small man syndrome and Asian smugness - fwiw, I consider Thais to be some of the most beautiful people on earth and, pound for pound, some of the most physically gifted. It's only the lazy people who dont look after themselves that fit Stickman's rants about 'fat Thais' - that would be the same in Denmark or Sweden, both countries renowned for the stature and physical beauty of many of their citizens. Thais are getting taller and heavier - take a look at some of the schoolkids compared to their parents - but I dont walk around Thailand thinking 'I'm so much bigger and stronger than these guys !'. Only an idiot would carry that attitude into a nightlife precinct, even if the average Thai was 4' tall and weighed 90lbs ....

thai apologists like you don't count yes they consider you one.


snake said:

The funny thing is the same farangs who are boasting on how much of a superior human specimen compared to the thais in terms of physical appearance, stature etc complain that they get charged higher prices in tourist places or who knows any single time a thai has the opportunity to rip him off. That's the irony of it all and some of you guys sound really offended you get charged higher but don't mind being singled out when well when it involves female attention i suppose.

Please show me a single post where someone has made that claim. Your wording reeks of a combination of small man syndrome and Asian smugness -

It was the first thing I thought as well. It will be interesting (or maybe not) to see if he comes back to answer it..........

Going by many of his posts The OP is either a very clever troll or has some real issues...........coffee1.gif


snake said:

The funny thing is the same farangs who are boasting on how much of a superior human specimen compared to the thais in terms of physical appearance, stature etc complain that they get charged higher prices in tourist places or who knows any single time a thai has the opportunity to rip him off. That's the irony of it all and some of you guys sound really offended you get charged higher but don't mind being singled out when well when it involves female attention i suppose.

Please show me a single post where someone has made that claim. Your wording reeks of a combination of small man syndrome and Asian smugness -

It was the first thing I thought as well. It will be interesting (or maybe not) to see if he comes back to answer it..........

Going by many of his posts The OP is either a very clever troll or has some real issues...........coffee1.gif

What would you like for me to answer?

It's plain to see in this forum itself they don't explicitly state it out loud but it's still pretty apparent.

Example: the laundry topic. Some of them complain how expensive it is like around 30bht for a shirt but then again 30bht for a shirt is expensive for a local thai but not for them. Maybe they were charged those prices cos they aren't from around here.


snake said:

The funny thing is the same farangs who are boasting on how much of a superior human specimen compared to the thais in terms of physical appearance, stature etc complain that they get charged higher prices in tourist places or who knows any single time a thai has the opportunity to rip him off. That's the irony of it all and some of you guys sound really offended you get charged higher but don't mind being singled out when well when it involves female attention i suppose.

Please show me a single post where someone has made that claim. Your wording reeks of a combination of small man syndrome and Asian smugness -

It was the first thing I thought as well. It will be interesting (or maybe not) to see if he comes back to answer it..........

Going by many of his posts The OP is either a very clever troll or has some real issues...........coffee1.gif

What would you like for me to answer?

It's plain to see in this forum itself they don't explicitly state it out loud but it's still pretty apparent.

Example: the laundry topic. Some of them complain how expensive it is like around 30bht for a shirt but then again 30bht for a shirt is expensive for a local thai but not for them. Maybe they were charged those prices cos they aren't from around here.

What the hell does that have to do with physical stature or perceived physical attractiveness ? Any chance that you could revisit your own OP ?


snake, do you really think being branded a 'Thai apologist' is something that would injure me in any way ? Water off a duck's back.

Here's another couple you might like to roll out at some stage:

- weekend warrior. A tag I've never shied away from, but at least I admit what the status of my involvement in Thailand has been - we are still waiting for details of your own trips to LOS.

- sex tourist. Again, I've never tried to deny my misadventures, but at least I know what people are actually talking about when the conversation goes down that road - please furnish your own first-hand knowledge of Thai nightlife

Bring it on.


snake, do you really think being branded a 'Thai apologist' is something that would injure me in any way ? Water off a duck's back.

Here's another couple you might like to roll out at some stage:

- weekend warrior. A tag I've never shied away from, but at least I admit what the status of my involvement in Thailand has been - we are still waiting for details of your own trips to LOS.

- sex tourist. Again, I've never tried to deny my misadventures, but at least I know what people are actually talking about when the conversation goes down that road - please furnish your own first-hand knowledge of Thai nightlife

Bring it on.

Snake is a disgruntled singaporean who wants to get out of singapore because there are too many aliens there MrWorldwide.


So another disgruntled Asian malepassifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zC.gipassifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zC.gi complaining about, that farangs are getting all the good females??sad.png


snake said:

The funny thing is the same farangs who are boasting on how much of a superior human specimen compared to the thais in terms of physical appearance, stature etc complain that they get charged higher prices in tourist places or who knows any single time a thai has the opportunity to rip him off. That's the irony of it all and some of you guys sound really offended you get charged higher but don't mind being singled out when well when it involves female attention i suppose.

Please show me a single post where someone has made that claim. Your wording reeks of a combination of small man syndrome and Asian smugness -

It was the first thing I thought as well. It will be interesting (or maybe not) to see if he comes back to answer it..........

Going by many of his posts The OP is either a very clever troll or has some real issues...........coffee1.gif

What would you like for me to answer?

It's plain to see in this forum itself they don't explicitly state it out loud but it's still pretty apparent.

Example: the laundry topic. Some of them complain how expensive it is like around 30bht for a shirt but then again 30bht for a shirt is expensive for a local thai but not for them. Maybe they were charged those prices cos they aren't from around here.

What the hell does that have to do with physical stature or perceived physical attractiveness ? Any chance that you could revisit your own OP ?

Oh it sure does. Does statements like thais wouldn't be able to fight 1 or 2 foreigners aka farang sound familar to you? Does thai men couldn't fight me one on one sound familar? We hear this countless number of times. Did you do reading comprehension in school? What this implies is that farang men assume they are larger in size compared to thais and asians in general not stated out explicitly but the point is noted unless you don't know how to read between the lines.


snake, do you really think being branded a 'Thai apologist' is something that would injure me in any way ? Water off a duck's back.

Here's another couple you might like to roll out at some stage:

- weekend warrior. A tag I've never shied away from, but at least I admit what the status of my involvement in Thailand has been - we are still waiting for details of your own trips to LOS.

- sex tourist. Again, I've never tried to deny my misadventures, but at least I know what people are actually talking about when the conversation goes down that road - please furnish your own first-hand knowledge of Thai nightlife

Bring it on.

Snake is a disgruntled singaporean who wants to get out of singapore because there are too many aliens there MrWorldwide.


So another disgruntled Asian malepassifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zC.gipassifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zC.gi complaining about, that farangs are getting all the good females??sad.png

I didn't know being a singaporean meant one was automatically asian and to talk about getting "good" females on a thai forum when you can literally find female company almost anywhere in thailand. Btw this is exactly the opposite what mrworldwide was trying to refute to me that farangs are boasting how much superior than they are, in their own minds, by saying they are bigger sized and are sex gods attracting females which is a form of shamless boasting but then in the same measure complain of discrimination when they get charged higher prices cos they are farang and i wanted to show the irony in which mrworldwide disagreed with me. You on the other hand actually prove me correct and honestly where did u get the idea that farang are getting all the good females? The bar girls are the good females?


snake, do you really think being branded a 'Thai apologist' is something that would injure me in any way ? Water off a duck's back.

Here's another couple you might like to roll out at some stage:

- weekend warrior. A tag I've never shied away from, but at least I admit what the status of my involvement in Thailand has been - we are still waiting for details of your own trips to LOS.

- sex tourist. Again, I've never tried to deny my misadventures, but at least I know what people are actually talking about when the conversation goes down that road - please furnish your own first-hand knowledge of Thai nightlife

Bring it on.

Snake is a disgruntled singaporean who wants to get out of singapore because there are too many aliens there MrWorldwide.


Wow smart move there sherlock you know how to use the search function. Mind telling me how that gives you any leverage in this topic at all?

None whatsoever.


hahaha, there getting stuck into you snake...that English sarcasm...your not one of the boys yet....

On your post, I get it, ive noticed it and I accept it.

hahaha, there getting stuck into you snake...that English sarcasm...your not one of the boys yet....

On your post, I get it, ive noticed it and I accept it.

I'm Australian - we havent been 'English' for two centuries and some of us never were. Deal.

ohhh burn there! Thought u were going to get a new best friend there in your common approach in going against me. Same skin color doesn't work in this case but wait many non farang in england and australia. Hell i could be from england.


snake, do you really think being branded a 'Thai apologist' is something that would injure me in any way ? Water off a duck's back.

Here's another couple you might like to roll out at some stage:

- weekend warrior. A tag I've never shied away from, but at least I admit what the status of my involvement in Thailand has been - we are still waiting for details of your own trips to LOS.

- sex tourist. Again, I've never tried to deny my misadventures, but at least I know what people are actually talking about when the conversation goes down that road - please furnish your own first-hand knowledge of Thai nightlife

Bring it on.

Snake is a disgruntled singaporean who wants to get out of singapore because there are too many aliens there MrWorldwide.


So another disgruntled Asian malepassifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zC.gipassifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zC.gi complaining about, that farangs are getting all the good females??sad.png

I didn't know being a singaporean meant one was automatically asian and to talk about getting "good" females on a thai forum when you can literally find female company almost anywhere in thailand. Btw this is exactly the opposite what mrworldwide was trying to refute to me that farangs are boasting how much superior than they are, in their own minds, by saying they are bigger sized and are sex gods attracting females which is a form of shamless boasting but then in the same measure complain of discrimination when they get charged higher prices cos they are farang and i wanted to show the irony in which mrworldwide disagreed with me. You on the other hand actually prove me correct and honestly where did u get the idea that farang are getting all the good females? The bar girls are the good females?

So you are from Singapore, small, AND poor.


snake, do you really think being branded a 'Thai apologist' is something that would injure me in any way ? Water off a duck's back.

Here's another couple you might like to roll out at some stage:

- weekend warrior. A tag I've never shied away from, but at least I admit what the status of my involvement in Thailand has been - we are still waiting for details of your own trips to LOS.

- sex tourist. Again, I've never tried to deny my misadventures, but at least I know what people are actually talking about when the conversation goes down that road - please furnish your own first-hand knowledge of Thai nightlife

Bring it on.

I didn't mean to injure you oh hell no by calling u a thai apologist. In case you couldn't get my reference in context with this topic it's that your reputation for being a thai apologist would mean that you always speak positively of the thais in most cases hence the topic of this thread wouldn't be about you. Kapish?

Actually i honestly don't know nor care what you do in thailand but it looks like from your own admission you go to thailand to get that famous pussy aka going for hookers and all which is nothing at all since there is a significant number of men that go to thailand specifically for that reason but mind telling me why are you so defensive about it? It's like the defiant criminal being broken down by interrogation from the police and yells out in a last desperate attempt to say <deleted> you to the police "yeah i killed her, yeah i'm a sick person so what? Whacha gonna do to me?" whistling.gif

Oh wait you were lying about the reasons why you go to thailand but perhaps blurted out unintentionally you went there for sex tourism and somehow got offended cos of the stereotype the typical sex tourist gets was imprinted unto you right?


So you are from Singapore, small, AND poor.

small as in the country size of singapore? Yup Sg is small but surprisingly ranks like number 1 in best places to live around the region. It's also odd that many thai females end up marrying singapore males and live in singapore rather than thailand in which so many farang are dying to live in. Figure that out.

Poor? Nope sg isn't poor by any measure.

The sentence would have struck a better chord if i was from say Mali in africa.

So what country do you come from?


snake, if Singapore is so wonderful, why did you start a thread asking if anyone else wanted to get the hell out of your island paradise ?

That's actually a rather silly question. I can then ask you if western countries are so good why are so many farang in some developing country like thailand?

I don't need to speak for singapore. It's all on google. Anyway if you actually did read my thread asking about migration from singapore you would have found out that i am planning for the future. It's not as if the country is a hell hole right now and i am dying to just fly out no i am planning for the future. Do you know what that is? Hint: It really aids you when you buy stocks. Imagine buying facebook shares say in the mid 2000s when they were cheap and facebook wasn't popular you would be really rich right now. Yet what if you bought facebook shares today? You are unlikely to even make money from them so you see how planning for the future would aid you especially in liew of certain unforeseen circumstances.

Next if you read the thread entirely which i am sure you didn't i was weighing my options, asking for advice looking for different alternatives. It certainly doesn't mean i am getting the hell out of singapore i might stay or i might not. That's like reading the thread started about someone that says he wants to leave the UK or australia and then come to the conclusion that the UK and OZ suck. Sounds really silly.


snake, if Singapore is so wonderful, why did you start a thread asking if anyone else wanted to get the hell out of your island paradise ?

That's actually a rather silly question. I can then ask you if western countries are so good why are so many farang in some developing country like thailand?

I don't need to speak for singapore. It's all on google. Anyway if you actually did read my thread asking about migration from singapore you would have found out that i am planning for the future. It's not as if the country is a hell hole right now and i am dying to just fly out no i am planning for the future. Do you know what that is? Hint: It really aids you when you buy stocks. Imagine buying facebook shares say in the mid 2000s when they were cheap and facebook wasn't popular you would be really rich right now. Yet what if you bought facebook shares today? You are unlikely to even make money from them so you see how planning for the future would aid you especially in liew of certain unforeseen circumstances.

Next if you read the thread entirely which i am sure you didn't i was weighing my options, asking for advice looking for different alternatives. It certainly doesn't mean i am getting the hell out of singapore i might stay or i might not. That's like reading the thread started about someone that says he wants to leave the UK or australia and then come to the conclusion that the UK and OZ suck. Sounds really silly.

You couldn't buy Facebook shares in the mid 2000's.

Advantages of being a farang


- Saves on whitening cream.

- Cheaper here generally than at home.

- The better of us are better educated than most Thais, and most of us are more worldly.

- To many Thais we are seen as more honest, polite, industrious, and clever.

- Generally seen as wealthy or at least financially secure.

- Easily pleased with a smile and polite service. Happy people.

- Generally more chance in life/options than the average Thai local Joe.

- Generally better at handling alcohol (due to genetics - and that is a fact)

Disadvantages of being a farang


- Doesn't save on AfterSun.

- Would be cheaper still if was here and NOT a farang.

- The rest of us love to show our ignorance, which tars us all, and/or fall into every con/trap going no matter how many warnings signs are shoved in our faces.

- The rest of the Thai have met at least one farang that disproves all afore mentioned virtues.

- Target for cons/rip offs/scams/overcharging.

- Fall for believing smile and polite service was anything more than lip service.

- Options reduced to almost nil by Thai laws and rules relating to us here.

- Plenty of <deleted> that can't handle their drink to disprove the rule!

And the list goes on - simply put there are differences and to think otherwise is to be naïve - and for every rule there is the instance that disproves it (for every pro - there is an equal and opposite con). The same list could be made for any expat from any country in any other country - expats by definition are not locals, so there will be differences in culture, upbringing, and so on, that make for benefits and detriments.

The OPs list is obviously set to try and illicit a reaction - in an attempt to be funny perhaps. One may consider that as he is not a farang, much of his statements could well be called racist - try swapping out farang for Black. Generalisations help no one and prove nothing - relying on generalisations to ridicule is simply discriminatory.

It is to be expected perhaps when coming from a country that exists because a passing colonial power needed a safe warehouse to cross-dock (actually a trading company thereof) - and now more than three quarters Chinese populated (all immigrants as originally it was owned by various Malaysian empires, sparsely populated, until Raffles made it a trading post) - its hard to take ownership of a nationality that is so ephemeral - therefore easy to attack those old colonial powers as were through soft targets. A bit like bullies that pick on small guys to hide their own cowardice, or gay-bashers hiding from their crush on their old gym master!


snake, if Singapore is so wonderful, why did you start a thread asking if anyone else wanted to get the hell out of your island paradise ?

That's actually a rather silly question. I can then ask you if western countries are so good why are so many farang in some developing country like thailand?

I don't need to speak for singapore. It's all on google. Anyway if you actually did read my thread asking about migration from singapore you would have found out that i am planning for the future. It's not as if the country is a hell hole right now and i am dying to just fly out no i am planning for the future. Do you know what that is? Hint: It really aids you when you buy stocks. Imagine buying facebook shares say in the mid 2000s when they were cheap and facebook wasn't popular you would be really rich right now. Yet what if you bought facebook shares today? You are unlikely to even make money from them so you see how planning for the future would aid you especially in liew of certain unforeseen circumstances.

Next if you read the thread entirely which i am sure you didn't i was weighing my options, asking for advice looking for different alternatives. It certainly doesn't mean i am getting the hell out of singapore i might stay or i might not. That's like reading the thread started about someone that says he wants to leave the UK or australia and then come to the conclusion that the UK and OZ suck. Sounds really silly.

You couldn't buy Facebook shares in the mid 2000's.

I would also suggest buying shares in a start up would hardly be considered "planning for the future" - more "taking a punt and hoping" - especially seen as how many investors went down and out when the dot com bubble burst.

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