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Thai universities drop several points in latest world rankings


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final exam question: two farangs, not friends, are looking at shoes to buy. the listed retail price is 2,000 baht. how do you maximize profit?

answer one: divide and conquer. compliment, and then say "good deal" and "special lucky price" for 1,800 baht. and only this person gets good deal.

answer two: ask if they have girlfriend, will introduce to friend if they buy

answer three: buy one, get second pair at 30% off, plus two free fruit shakes

correct answer: show them pictures of themselves with bar girl the night before, ask for 14,000 baht

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These threads always produce the trolls who love to slag all Thai universities with the same tar brush. But, I've been at Mahidol for 11 years and it is a quality institution. Some of the faculties are truly world class (medicine, science, music), some are quite strong (MUIC, CMMU), and most are average. There is not grade paying here, although I have no doubts it happens at other institutions. Our biggest challenge currently is that the slide has occurred under our new president, who is an unimaginative bureaucrat, especially when compared with our previous university president, under whose inspired leadership saw MU rise to that 256 marking - with innovative polices and plenty of "Tough love" for all faculties. Hope we can get back up there again.

Sorry to interrupt your "All Thai universities are terrible" diatribe - please continue, with my apologies.

Mahidol may be the sole exception to the rule.

Chula exemplifies the rule. I have had a few experiences with them and have gotten feedback from several of my former (their current) students. Not to mention friends who have worked with or employed chula grads.

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Students choose the best faculty to pursue their dreams so it means nothing about the whole University.

I did Civil Engineering at Heriot Watt, Edinburgh it is not Harvard but is streets ahead in the course.

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One does need to take these rankings with a grain of salt or two. coffee1.gif

I have always found it questionable that Chula is ranked higher than Mahidol. With all due respect to the airy folks at Chula, IMHO Mahidol's medical and research oriented academics appear to be more frequently cited when it comes to practical stuff. If one looks at joint studies particularly infectious and tropical diseases, Mahidol researchers and profs are the most prominent from Thai universities.

Only your first sentence stops me from totally agreeing with you - for once.

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The advantage of low position - you don't hurt much from falling to ground zero.

On the other hand - pride cushion under your bum softens the impact.

All this works fine unless you fall face down - no good for 'saving face'.

Edited by ABCer
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It may be true about pay your way and admittance by family name, but Harvard and Cambridge are still really good schools.

I think they are being extremely generous including them anywhere near the top 800 let alone top 300. I wonder if they include such things as being able to pay your way to an "A" or admittance by family name.

They only accept the top 1% of all the highest applicants anyway. They are the cream of the crop.


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