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Going on to an OA Visa advice please

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I hope someone here can help me with this as I am a little worried and would like to be in knowlegde.

I am in samui and would like to get an OA ( Retirement 0 visa )

I had one before but lost it due to lack of knowledge and not having a re-entry permit when traveling, after this loss I then got a Non-immigration O Multi visa and that has expired on the 28th July.

I applied for an OA 7 weeks ago ( pre Cat O expirey ) with all the documents and money in bank but was turned down because the funds were in a fund account and not a savings account ( again lack of knowledge )

I transferred enough funds to that account and its been there 2 months on the 18th September.

I extended my stay now till the 15th October ( 90 days ) and was told I could get the OA after the money was in the account 2 months.

So my question is " inspite of the Non -imm O M running out can I still go ahead and get the OA on the 18th Sept" ??

Thank u for any advice

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You applied for an extension of stay, based on retirement. You do not need to apply for a visa, which normally are only issued abroad.

Yes, as long as your permission to stay (the date in the passport that you are allowed to stay in Thailand till) has not expired, you can apply for an extension of stay.

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You will be getting an extension of stay based upon retirement not a OA visa.

I assume what you did get another 90 day entry from your visa before it expired not an extension.

You can get your extension done any time after the 18th without any problem.

It does not matter that your visa has expired it is the permit to stay date that counts.

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Another mess of misunderstanding due to the misuse of common terminology.

Here we see inappropriate use of "O/A visa" and "extension of stay" !

Would it be helpful if the mods drew up a pinned topic detailing the correct use of the various immigration terms ?

Edited by Sceptict11
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Another mess of misunderstanding due to the misuse of common terminology.

Here we see inappropriate use of "O/A visa" and "extension of stay" !

Would it be helpful if the mods drew up a pinned topic detailing the correct use of the various immigration terms ?

Since you are so knowlegable on the terminology that is used why don't you draw up a document that correctly outlines the process for the "mods" to edit. Once it is in place, no one will read it and they will continue to use the forum to vent there frustrations! Welcome to the"real world"!

Visa - a bus pass

Extension of stay - how long you can stay on the bus!

What's the problem?

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I am sure you are correct!

In other words a wast of time and effort !

By the way I have never heard of a bus ticket being referred to as a Visa !

What version of English do you use ?smile.png

A bus pass is a ticket to get on the bus, doesn't say how long that you can stay on the bus,

A visa is a "ticket" to enter Thailand, doesn't say how long you can stay in Thailand, determined by the type of visa and the immigration officer when you enter,

What's the difference, they are issued on a date and are valid for a fixed period of time and if you go past that date they are "expired" and you can no longer get on the bus?

Visas are "bus passes" to enter the Thailand "bus"!

Extensions of stay determine how long you can stay on the "Thailand bus" past your original permission to stay!

Simple logic! I use the American version of English and I realize that it's hard for some to understand but facts are facts no mater how many unscessaru letters you add to words!

Edited by wayned
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Another mess of misunderstanding due to the misuse of common terminology.

Here we see inappropriate use of "O/A visa" and "extension of stay" !

Would it be helpful if the mods drew up a pinned topic detailing the correct use of the various immigration terms ?

I agree with both you and Wayned. The misuse of terminology causes all sorts of confusion, but pining some definitive vocabulary list at the start of the forum would be a waste of time.

Many of the questions asked here are asked over and over again, partly because each new questioner can't be bothered searching the forum (or if s/he does search s/he finds the previous responses were confusing), so it's doubtful they'd check to make sure they're using the correct terms or that the definitions would sink in if they did.

It's somewhat understandable with "virgins" to the whole process, but rather amazing that some people who are veterans of years, if not decades, of renewing extensions of stay based on retirement or marriage, still announcing that they are going in to Immigrations to renew their visas.

The "bus ticket" reference seems a reasonable metaphor in any form of English. Maybe better to say a visa is like a letter of introduction from an embassy to Immigrations. In most cases Immigrations will accept what the embassy suggests, but the terms, conditions and period of admission to the country are the sole prerogative of Immigrations who will indicate how long the person with the visa (or visa exemption) can actually remain in the country. Immigrations may or may not extend that permission to stay, but they don't get in the business of writing or renewing visas.

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