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I nearly got into a fight with a bloke in where i live. I think the guy, chinese, was on holiday. (Is!)

Lets say he beat me up, and i was so annoyed that i decided to involve the police. The only witnesses would have been his friends. And perhaps no visible marks would have been on me.

Can you describe how things might have panned out? The staff know me to not be a trouble maker.

In my imagination, i would first have had trouble actually getting *any* police involved, as i don't know any number and would have trouble explainging. I guess the staff might (!) help.

Then, even if police arrived, took me at my word, and talked to the man. Nothing would happen. No evidence. And even if i had a black eye to show for it, and somehow got them to try and arrest the guy, he would bribe them or something. (Perhaps i would need to bribe them first? But would that lead to a bidding war?)

I don't know. It seems like a total losing proposition.

Is it an argument in favour of people going around being violent with impunity, in that case?

I nearly got into a fight with a bloke in where i live. I think the guy, chinese, was on holiday. (Is!)

Lets say he beat me up, and i was so annoyed that i decided to involve the police. The only witnesses would have been his friends. And perhaps no visible marks would have been on me.

Eh?. 'Nearly got into a fight?. Surely there is no answer to that. I mean, is a fight, hand bags at twenty paces with lots of screaming and threats, pulled hair and scratches, or going at it with bar stools and broken bottles?.

You'd be o.k. with a Chinaman - just don't start with Nid from the Biergarden, she's mean!.

All a matter of degree and the MIB really don't care if farangs tear each other up unless there is death involved. :o

I nearly got into a fight with a bloke in where i live. I think the guy, chinese, was on holiday. (Is!)

Lets say he beat me up, and i was so annoyed that i decided to involve the police. The only witnesses would have been his friends. And perhaps no visible marks would have been on me.

Can you describe how things might have panned out? The staff know me to not be a trouble maker.

In my imagination, i would first have had trouble actually getting *any* police involved, as i don't know any number and would have trouble explainging. I guess the staff might (!) help.

Then, even if police arrived, took me at my word, and talked to the man. Nothing would happen. No evidence. And even if i had a black eye to show for it, and somehow got them to try and arrest the guy, he would bribe them or something. (Perhaps i would need to bribe them first? But would that lead to a bidding war?)

I don't know. It seems like a total losing proposition.

Is it an argument in favour of people going around being violent with impunity, in that case?

Fanci man you say you nearly got into a fight. Fights in my opinion very rarely start over nothing, something must have triggered it to happen. Also you say the staff there know you not to be a trouble maker, would they not have been witnesses? If you get a slap for something you are in the wrong for then in my opinion you just have to take it. If you did nothing then either walk away or go home and lick ones wounds. If this is a regular occurance in the place you drink then I'd recommend moving to a differant watering hole. Getting the local plod involved in the case you mentioned I think would be a waste of time. Learn by what happened and put it down to experience, Dont let it bother you too much. MAI PEN RAI :o


Don't "nearly" get into a fight, go and belt the Chinese guy.

He is only a black belt karate champion and a good slap/bashing from you will put him in his place.

Teach him a lesson that he'll never forget. Then, once you have beaten him up and he is lying prone on the ground, put in the boot and spit on him too.

Then, phone the police and report the matter to them.

Come back to this thread with the result of the police action. :o

The Dude says avoid confrontation. Just get up and walk away; fighting is pointless. The Dude never ever fights

I dig what the Dude says with a big shiny shovel!!!


If you put a thick book against his body and pound the book like crazy and put him out, there will be no visible marks.

If you put a thick book against his body and pound the book like crazy and put him out, there will be no visible marks.

"Excuse me sir ? Would you please hold this book against your body and let me hit it again and again until you give up ?" :D

Ever punched a thick book ? It's almost the same as hitting a block of wood (naturally, as most paper is made from wood).

Not too mention that you would have to hit the book quite hard in order to get enough force through it to damage your opponent.

You'd be better off just hitting him with the book. More damage to him, less damage to you. Hard cover books work better than paper-backs :o

(note: use a book you've already read, or borrow someone else's book !)


go to the next group of ladymen, give everyone 1.000 baht and tell them the first who has sex with that guy gets an additional 10.000 Baht.

than you buy some beer and enjoy watching how he is running all the days of his holidays.

Make some pictures. After he left home, you go in his hotel and tell he forgot his pictures if they can kindly give you his adress to send him the pics.

Instead you alter the adress a little bit and send pics of him and the ladiemen to his neighbours....

what do you think of these ideas....

what do you think of these ideas....

Ahhh, REVENGE ! A dish best served cold (and often) ! :o

I once bought some envelopes from a novelty shop, and used them to mail letters to certain people. The envelopes had the return addresses aready printed for places like "The He/She Fashion Catalogue" (for cross-dressers and trannies), "The Herpes Dating Club" ("Your Membership has been Approved !") and others like that.

Works better if you can send the letters to your victim's work address, where all his co-workers can see them before your victim does.

You'd be o.k. with a Chinaman - just don't start with Nid from the Biergarden, she's mean!.

Use language like that, and you may discover that us 'Chinamen' are willing to make you suffer more than you think. :o:D

Do you call black people niggers?

Do you call Mexicans Wetbacks and Spics?


Almost doesn't count here or anywhere else. Best advice given let it go and enjoy your lifes to short for the frustration. As to the staff no they are not going to see anything, life is to short for them as well.

You haven't even been a fight and your losing anyway, you brooding over something that didn't even happen. Want to get even just have a great time for yourself.


You'd be o.k. with a Chinaman - just don't start with Nid from the Biergarden, she's mean!.

Use language like that, and you may discover that us 'Chinamen' are willing to make you suffer more than you think. :o:D

Do you call black people niggers?

Do you call Mexicans Wetbacks and Spics?

Oops, sorry no offence meant: What am I supposed to say, "Chinese male"?.

"Male of Chinese ethnic origin"?.

The original poster said it was a Chinese person - I would assume that person to be male.

Having shared houses with Chinese ladies they did not appear to get into fights.

No I don't call black folks niggers - If I don't know where they come from there are far politer terms.

And Mexicans is Mexicans.

Next time you see someone using the term 'Jock' on this forum you will no doubt jump to the defence of the Scots around the world?.

Alas, we have better things to do than take offence over a derogatory term - it only shows the ignorance of the person using it.

Could you also ask a few hundred million ethnic Chinese folks not to refer to us as gweilo ot laowai?.

My thanks in advance..................... :D

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