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Young Norwegian assaulted and Robbed on Pattaya Beach

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Would anyone go on Pattaya beach or any other tourist beach area at 4.30am and drunk too.

In a nice world my answer would be an idylic yes,but are we living in a nice world,forget Pattaya,just think of how many countries one would be safe in.

None! smile.png

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Any way we can have a special topic brought into the Thai English language curriculum which rams home the point that "boxing" is a sport and not a general term for striking with force?

Lol that's what I was thinking, but these articles are often full of terms like that and other inaccuracies. Also, the name of this guy does not sound Norwegian !?


"The criminal left two slippers behind at the scene of the incident."

That alone should make the identification easy... Anyone with two missing slippers whistling.gifcheesy.gif


With a name like that he is probably one of our many Vietnamese immigrants to Norway . And they know how to party and get drunk , but this could have happened to anyone .

He choose Pattaya to party and get drunk, who can blame him.


4.30 am, that means he has to wait 12 hours before the tourist court opens before he can report it. What do tourists do to feel safe and prevent this between the hours of 8.30 pm and 4.30 pm. The court was established so that tourists could feel safe and enjoy their holiday. Guess this guy was lured into a false sense of security.

How dare Thailand not have Tourist court (never heard of one anywhere in the world) to open from 8:30pm to 4:30am. Man do I feel for the tourist!


The impression has been given in some posts that this is a new proble for Pattaya. I have been robbed myself, two American friends mugged and robbed on the beach road and an elderly Indian friend had the spike of a beach pole thrust into his head severely injuring him

I don't drink, carry little money with me and try to take preventative measures but still i got into trouble. My friends were also not to blame. One American had a beer bottle smashed over his head for no reason and was concussed for weeks..

As my Thai wife reminds me all the dregs of Thailand descend upon the tourist areas because there is easy money and 'stupid Falangs' in abundance. I stay away from Pattaya these days but there will always be the unsuspecting tourist like this unfortunatr Norweigan.

Bring back Thaksin Shinawatra I say. He was ruthless on drugs and that's so much part of the problem places like Pattaya and Phuket are experiencing


Hope the BIB have footage from the Security Cameras installed at great expense all along beach rd.....

A short time ago assaults on Farangs was rare, not so now !!


Would this be in the news if the scene of the crime was Manhattan, New York, Kings Cross, Berlin, Frankfurt or Amsterdam? coffee1.gif

It is not easy to sit on the beach in Berlin or Frankfurt.


What nobody is asking is what is the deal with the slippers? That doesn't fit his story. Me thinks there is more too it. There almost always is.


Bring back Thaksin Shinawatra I say. He was ruthless on drugs and that's so much part of the problem places like Pattaya and Phuket are experiencing

ROFLMAO. Yea, if only Thaksin were back that would solve the problems.....{facepalm}.


You don't have to be a rocket scientist, Einstein or Sherlock Holmes to know about the crime trends there. Maybe the BIB or the farrang 'hobby bobbies' could increase patrols in the area or don't they 'work' at that time of the morning?


When will this stop?

And... NEVER get drunk in public, it is well know that groups of low class criminals want to take advantage of this. NEVER carry valubles of huge amounts of cash. TIT

'Sounds like good common sense, but is it at all realistic? Do you "deserve" this if you do? Drinking is simply one of the things foreigners come to Pattaya to do, and many will do too much of it. Telling them they're not going to be safe & run the real risk of being a crime victim like this fellow is actually a pretty strong message for a tourist destination to be sending. Much BETTER IMO to send the message, if you can, that crimes like this are vigorously investigated and punished. Not sure Thailand has much credibility on that score these days.

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What nobody is asking is what is the deal with the slippers? That doesn't fit his story. Me thinks there is more too it. There almost always is.

Don't you put your slippers on at 4 a.m when you get up for a pee or to pop out and mug someone?

The presence of slippers eliminates monks from the investigation.


It don't really matter if they get these guys or not as they will be back out on the street in a few days or months to do the same over and over. The only answer is to have police walking the beat up and down beach road and other tourist areas. The problem in Thailand is that they are too lazy to get off their buts. If you look at the police boxes you see loads of police just sitting there waiting to respond, they need to prevent not respond after it has already happened. Walking street has this already but still you see large groups just sitting there.... Get off your ass and stop crime !!!!

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Would anyone go on Pattaya beach or any other tourist beach area at 4.30am and drunk too.

In a nice world my answer would be an idylic yes,but are we living in a nice world,forget Pattaya,just think of how many countries one would be safe in.

I know plenty of beaches where you can sit safely at any time of the day or night. If you and others on this thread continue to blame the victims, you're effectively arguing for the right to a higher crime rate and lazy, corrupt law enforcement. If you do that often enough, you'll get what you asked for.

The beginning and the end of the argument is that it is NOT acceptable for anyone to harm someone for commercial gain wherever and whenever it happens.

Shame on those who apologise for criminals.

Even in the Philippines (not the safest place on earth) there is such an idyllic place, Boracay Island, where, on a couple of occasions, I woke up when it was still dark and went for a walk on the beach.

There were at least ten others who also recognised that it was a perfectly acceptable thing to do, as they were either sitting or walking along the beach, presumably waiting for one of those marvellous sunrises that I experienced there.

That is what we should all be able to do anywhere in the world, and anyone who places us in jeopardy for practising such freedom should be publicly flogged until such muggings/robberies are completely stamped out.

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This Norwegian seemed small. Very courageous to go to the beach at the early

hours in the morning drunk. As if he can manage himself whatever happens.

So that is his lesson.

Anyway, he might not know about Pattaya before.


To criminals, chance me when I am alone in the beach. Just 1 of you against me. Let's see how hard you are

Sounds like an invitation for naughty ladyboys. Sorry, but your last sentence.....laugh.png


in Pattaya, this kind of story can happen at anytime of the day and night!

Remember, this ederly woman tourist who got her head smashed with a bottle, (the thief did steal her purse)

It was early evening and she was on her to dinner.

Buyer beware, just avoid pattaya!thumbsup.gif


in Pattaya, this kind of story can happen at anytime of the day and night!

Remember, this ederly woman tourist who got her head smashed with a bottle, (the thief did steal her purse)

It was early evening and she was on her to dinner.

Buyer beware, just avoid pattaya!thumbsup.gif alt=thumbsup.gif>

No, I don't remember this. Do you have a link?

The opportunity to give one of us foreigners a good kicking and robbing will be taken each and every time it arises.

Robbers intent on robbing tend to take any opportunity that presents itself.


in Pattaya, this kind of story can happen at anytime of the day and night!

Remember, this ederly woman tourist who got her head smashed with a bottle, (the thief did steal her purse)

It was early evening and she was on her to dinner.

Buyer beware, just avoid pattaya!thumbsup.gif alt=thumbsup.gif>

No, I don't remember this. Do you have a link?

Are you kidding me? Of course you do not remember, when you see the huge criminality rate in pattaya!

And if i have to keep record of every criminal case in pattaya or thailand, i think i will need 2 or 3 more hard disk...just to store the link

Dont remember either where i read the news, maybe TV or some pattaya newspapers.

What I remember is clearly the picture of this old woman with her head bleeding. She was staying at Naklua, she was leaving her hotel to go dinner.

On her way to reach Naklua main road, she meet 2 junkies on motorbike. One of them smashed a bottle, and stole her purse.

A really common story for this place...really nothing special.

But Brewersterbudgen, with your +1200 post on TV, you have been long enough around here, so

maybe you remember the 2 russians girls who got shot dead in jomtiem, maybe you remember the russian girl who got assaulted

with a knife near south pattaya market, or even recently this american who got beaten to death by 2 "teenagers"..

or this australian woman who got stabbed in the heart in phuket... better i stop here the list is sooooo longsad.png



in Pattaya, this kind of story can happen at anytime of the day and night!

Remember, this ederly woman tourist who got her head smashed with a bottle, (the thief did steal her purse)

It was early evening and she was on her to dinner.

Buyer beware, just avoid pattaya!thumbsup.gif alt=thumbsup.gif>

No, I don't remember this. Do you have a link?

Are you kidding me? Of course you do not remember, when you see the huge criminality rate in pattaya!

And if i have to keep record of every criminal case in pattaya or thailand, i think i will need 2 or 3 more hard disk...just to store the link

Dont remember either where i read the news, maybe TV or some pattaya newspapers.

What I remember is clearly the picture of this old woman with her head bleeding. She was staying at Naklua, she was leaving her hotel to go dinner.

On her way to reach Naklua main road, she meet 2 junkies on motorbike. One of them smashed a bottle, and stole her purse.

A really common story for this place...really nothing special.

But Brewersterbudgen, with your +1200 post on TV, you have been long enough around here, so

maybe you remember the 2 russians girls who got shot dead in jomtiem, maybe you remember the russian girl who got assaulted

with a knife near south pattaya market, or even recently this american who got beaten to death by 2 "teenagers"..

or this australian woman who got stabbed in the heart in phuket... better i stop here the list is sooooo longsad.png


Crimes such as these happen in every town and city across the whole of the world. Do you come from a crime free country? If so please tell us where it is.


in Pattaya, this kind of story can happen at anytime of the day and night!

Remember, this ederly woman tourist who got her head smashed with a bottle, (the thief did steal her purse)

It was early evening and she was on her to dinner.

Buyer beware, just avoid pattaya!thumbsup.gif alt=thumbsup.gif>

No, I don't remember this. Do you have a link?

Are you kidding me? Of course you do not remember, when you see the huge criminality rate in pattaya!

And if i have to keep record of every criminal case in pattaya or thailand, i think i will need 2 or 3 more hard disk...just to store the link

Dont remember either where i read the news, maybe TV or some pattaya newspapers.

What I remember is clearly the picture of this old woman with her head bleeding. She was staying at Naklua, she was leaving her hotel to go dinner.

On her way to reach Naklua main road, she meet 2 junkies on motorbike. One of them smashed a bottle, and stole her purse.

A really common story for this place...really nothing special.

But Brewersterbudgen, with your +1200 post on TV, you have been long enough around here, so

maybe you remember the 2 russians girls who got shot dead in jomtiem, maybe you remember the russian girl who got assaulted

with a knife near south pattaya market, or even recently this american who got beaten to death by 2 "teenagers"..

or this australian woman who got stabbed in the heart in phuket... better i stop here the list is sooooo longsad.png


Crimes such as these happen in every town and city across the whole of the world. Do you come from a crime free country? If so please tell us where it is.

Exactly. Pattaya is no better but no worse than any other popular tourist resort. To claim it's "unsafe" is just nonsense. Sensible precautions should be taken as they should anywhere.

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in Pattaya, this kind of story can happen at anytime of the day and night!

Remember, this ederly woman tourist who got her head smashed with a bottle, (the thief did steal her purse)

It was early evening and she was on her to dinner.

Buyer beware, just avoid pattaya!thumbsup.gif alt=thumbsup.gif>

No, I don't remember this. Do you have a link?

Are you kidding me? Of course you do not remember, when you see the huge criminality rate in pattaya!

And if i have to keep record of every criminal case in pattaya or thailand, i think i will need 2 or 3 more hard disk...just to store the link

Dont remember either where i read the news, maybe TV or some pattaya newspapers.

What I remember is clearly the picture of this old woman with her head bleeding. She was staying at Naklua, she was leaving her hotel to go dinner.

On her way to reach Naklua main road, she meet 2 junkies on motorbike. One of them smashed a bottle, and stole her purse.

A really common story for this place...really nothing special.

But Brewersterbudgen, with your +1200 post on TV, you have been long enough around here, so

maybe you remember the 2 russians girls who got shot dead in jomtiem, maybe you remember the russian girl who got assaulted

with a knife near south pattaya market, or even recently this american who got beaten to death by 2 "teenagers"..

or this australian woman who got stabbed in the heart in phuket... better i stop here the list is sooooo longsad.png


Crimes such as these happen in every town and city across the whole of the world. Do you come from a crime free country? If so please tell us where it is.

Rubish, complete rubish. So let me tell you, we dont all come from The Bronx or down town Los Angeles.

Where i come from the police is doing a hard job to eradicate crime. Well in pattaya, the police is so busy

with their own "business"... and that make a huge difference!

That may explain why european country do have a crime rate at least 5 times less than the Kingdom of Siam.

and why i bother giggle.gif

ps: anyway i challenge you to found me a small resort city, with the same abnormal crime news-quantity and atrocity- that i have just quoted...

oh i guess you will go check The Tijuana gazette.

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