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Thai talk: Low education standards = HIGH CORRUPTION LEVELS


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Maybe if they are going to review/change things, they can look at the ridiculously low salary they pay Western teachers in Thailand (30K per month or less). How long has this been the standard rate of pay-12 years, 15 years????\

One kg of pork 12 years ago was around 30 baht, (now 120), a liter of Diesel oil 10 baht. A 30 K salary with now with such an inflation nowadays is similar to 50 K 12 years ago.

ASEAN will make it worse.

Try to buy a car on a teacher's salary and having a family.Or build a house now............wai2.gif

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All this Thai bashing seems to be cathartic for the disaffected, burned out detritus of the western teacher resident here. But ultimately it is a pointless rant. Feel free to waste your words, vent your anger, presume your solutions are worthy. Then go back to your classes and do your damn job or get out.

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One of the reasons the education level is low is because of this. I was talking with my friends who are English teachers. They say that they have to PASS students to the next class regardless if they are eligible or not. If not the teachers might have to face the wrath of the families.

Another way students in universities get their grades is by offering/spending time with their professors.

With these methods obviously they don't learn anything and even though they have paper qualifications, they have not learned but earned their way through.

If this keeps up all we will end up is with a labour force that cannot do the jobs. And the only area they can find work is more or less the same way they got through school/uni.

What do you guys think?

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Please keep in mind that education involves a lot more than the ability to speak English. Also keep in mind, the vast majority of teachers in Thailand are not English teachers.

The topic is a little broader than is being presented by some posters.

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" On that very same day, a nationwide anti-corruption campaign was being launched, with the Anti-Corruption Organisation of Thailand (ACT) ...... "

Phew, that's a relief. I think we can all rest a little easier in our beds tonight knowing that's taken care of. Well done chaps.

Edited by ace
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