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Is it safe for a foreigner to marry a Thai?


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Maybe the headline should read.

Is it Safe for a Foreigner to Marry a Thai Bargirl?

Many Farangs have married everyday Thai women are raising normal families and living normal lives. It is just my guess that many of the farangs that run foul with Thai women is that they have fallen in love with the 1st young girl that said "you very handsome man, you have wife?" They have actually fallen head over heels with the false smiles and words and don't realise that the moment they walked into that bar they were a scam target.

I think most of they Thai women are sincere. You don't go to a brothel back home in search of bride. Just look in the right places and away from the sleaze and you reduce your risks of suicide and being scammed dramatically.

Bar girsl are not all bad. I have friends who married bar girls are are living happily in the USA

I made the big mistake, based on that assumption, and married a high society woman, not so young, in the Philippines, and she took all my properties, abducted our daughter, hired hit men to kill me and her relative, a powerful politician listed me as the most wanted undesirable alien in the country. I escaped by paying a huge bribe to immigration to get to Thailand ! Now living happily with my Thai girlfriend with and having a new family

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Been married to one for over twenty years and she hasn't killed me yet.

Maybe she is crossing her t's and dotting her i's.

Just kidding, well done 20 yrs is good going and I hope you have another 20. I still have a little way to go to match you but everything is flowing smoothly.

Well, I have to admit she urged me to get life insurance many years ago. Maybe she's just happy to wait until I go naturally!

My pals wife had been married to three westerners with good life insurance policies before she met and married him.

The first two husbands died from eating poisonous mushrooms, the third died from a broken skull.

I asked her what happened to the third husband. She said "He wouldn't eat the bloody mushrooms..."

Heavy drinker great joke made me laugh.

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I am more than happy being married to my Falang wife most friends we know who are married to Thai woman are always moaning that they have no money most are my age 62 and have a Thai son/daughter below 6 years of age do I need say any more NO !!!!!!!!!!

I was just wondering if you still have sex?

Sorry to ask such a personal question, but I was married to an English lady for 30 years, and the last 20 years no sex.

Now I have a Thai lady much, much younger than me, and I have plenty of sex.

Yes, she's a little bit violent and possibly dangerous, but I'm living a full life again.

I was happy to exchange my personal security for a fulfilling sex life.

The other possibility is that at age 62 you no longer want sex, I know many men lose their sex drive at that age.

You can have an extremely fulfilling sex life in Thailand without getting married nor ever risking your assets. A fulfilling sex life usually depends on one's partner, not on her nationality.

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Editor-in Asia ( who not in Asia) admitted in some of his writing that he married a bargirl....

So, guess where his worries come from :)

Good news for him, when his wife decide to kill him for his money the UK police will investigate!

Else marry a regular everyday thai, and sleep well. I do.

Go out and with protection, have fun. But you marry a bar girl you most likely have troubles. Now I have 40 years of knowing these people. Very kind mostly good, but very jealous and possessive! Good luck!

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My ex-wife, I've posted here before about this person (for the purposes of this post I call her Ami), likes to think of herself as Hi-So. But she needed money. When I met her she already had a civil engineering degree and was working on her masters. Great lady, I thought, not a bar girl, not particularly good looking, but highly intelligent. Speaks English and Chinese and has a smattering of French. We got married and then she moved to the UK with me. After 5 reasonable years, we moved back to Thailand. I should have seen it coming as the whole thing was a scam. You see, you are not safe financially, even from these educated people. She always professed her hatred of bar girls, "isaan" gitls and so on - but her type of prostitution (because that's what it was) is even worse. I lost most of my pension savings to her. She was a con artist of the highest order.

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Just make sure you are worth more to her alive than dead smile.png No large life insurance policies, most of your money left abroad and a family lawyer from a big company, not some two bit "lawyer" from a local shop. Monthly agreed allowance to her is probably the best way to go.

One big red flag is "unexpected" large expenses in her family that later turns out to be nothing but lies. Especially if nobody else in her family is paying anything, just you. There are certainly unexpected expenses, because there are no social services, but check those out from time to time. Whether that tractor really was bought or a nephew got his computer smile.png

Many bar girls do also farang hopping, one guy paying for rainy seasons and another guy for hot seasons. They are sometimes very clever foxes :-) Actually, look it as "burden" sharing smile.png

Edited by Timwin
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In Thailand foreigners commit suicide instead of being killed by their Thai-wives!

The only one way to make a small fortune in Thailand, is to come here with at bigger fortune!

When that is said, my wife haven´t killed me yet and I have never paid any dowry or financial support to my wife or her family, so in this way I feel quite unique.

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I am more than happy being married to my Falang wife most friends we know who are married to Thai woman are always moaning that they have no money most are my age 62 and have a Thai son/daughter below 6 years of age do I need say any more NO !!!!!!!!!!

I was just wondering if you still have sex?

Sorry to ask such a personal question, but I was married to an English lady for 30 years, and the last 20 years no sex.

Now I have a Thai lady much, much younger than me, and I have plenty of sex.

Yes, she's a little bit violent and possibly dangerous, but I'm living a full life again.

I was happy to exchange my personal security for a fulfilling sex life.

The other possibility is that at age 62 you no longer want sex, I know many men lose their sex drive at that age.

You can have an extremely fulfilling sex life in Thailand without getting married nor ever risking your assets. A fulfilling sex life usually depends on one's partner, not on her nationality.

At age 60 in the UK, it's quite hard to find an attractive partner for sex, and you are also risking your assets (home), marriage or not, if you live together.

So nationality is an issue.

Edited by FiftyTwo
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Anectdotal for sure but the Thai restaurant in my sister's village was run for a good few years by a one-legged bloke and his Thai partner - they always seemed quite pleasant and unassuming. They sold up a few years ago and moved to Thailand and she had him run over and killed in a motorbike accident.She got 10 years he got a death sentence


Just read the article from the link. She was some piece of work.. Jeez Louise

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Anectdotal for sure but the Thai restaurant in my sister's village was run for a good few years by a one-legged bloke and his Thai partner - they always seemed quite pleasant and unassuming. They sold up a few years ago and moved to Thailand and she had him run over and killed in a motorbike accident.She got 10 years he got a death sentence


What country are you in?

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Anectdotal for sure but the Thai restaurant in my sister's village was run for a good few years by a one-legged bloke and his Thai partner - they always seemed quite pleasant and unassuming. They sold up a few years ago and moved to Thailand and she had him run over and killed in a motorbike accident.She got 10 years he got a death sentence


What country are you in?


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been with my isaan lady for 11 years, married for 7. Brought her to NZ 5 years ago and she is well settled tho misses her family of course. I'd kill for her and die for her (to save her life that is) and trust her with my life and everything else.Totally loyal and loving. I've known one or 2 dodgy ones previously mind you. Trust your gut feelings and dont rush into anything is what I suggest

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..........that and the fact that everyone, including the Thai government are aware of the marriage industry whereby the Thai women become rich, by their previous standards...and the Westerners become poor....or sick...or deported....or dead....

....and the Thai government has done nothing to stop it....these dozens of years.....

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..........that and the fact that everyone, including the Thai government are aware of the marriage industry whereby the Thai women become rich, by their previous standards...and the Westerners become poor....or sick...or deported....or dead....

....and the Thai government has done nothing to stop it....these dozens of years.....

Adjust your thinking, marriage is not an industry!

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