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PayPal doesn't trust Bangkok Bank

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Open separate Paypal accounts one for Australia and one for Thailand and keep them separate. Same for ebay one from your Thai bank account one from your Australian bank account. i don't believe there any obligation with Paypal to even nominate an alternative card if you don't want to.

I did that....they found out and froze both accounts infinite and non disputable. They gave me the money back after 6 month.

It was a big sum. Fortunately I could still refund customer and the largest payments came from 3 frequent customer which I know for a very long time. So I refunded them and asked them to transfer the money to me....Didn't look very professional. One of them told me that he had a frozen Paypal account for no reason as well some time ago. So problems with Paypal seem to be very common.

I don't understand. I opened PayPal accounts for myself and my wife in Thailand, using our Bangkok Bank accounts, then I opened an Australian account using my National Bank account, no problems (yet) in over 2 years. Why would they have an issue with that ?

It says:

You can have one Personal account and one Premier or Business account. You can add more email addresses, debit or credit cards, and bank accounts to your account, but each account must have its own email address and bank account information.

So you can not have two personal accounts.

But I reread the email and my account might got frozen for a different reason......so my first posting might be wrong.

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You should feel lucky then. There are several services that I have encountered on the internet that don't trust the banks in Thailand as their securities and policies seem to be lacking. I specifically have a major case with one bank. PayPal is merely trying to protect you in this case.

Let me suggest the Paypal Debit card. I agree its an extra step to then move your money from your bank to your PayPal debit card but if you are an eBay/internet shopper like myself you will run into almost zero problems as I could not imagine PayPal denying the use of their own debit card that you have filled. smile.png

One more option I use is with Kasikorn, I'm not sure about Bangkok Bank, but Kasikorn has issued me a virtual e-Shopping card (virtual meaning they provided me a 16digit number, expiration and cvv#) specifically for internet purchases that I use on PayPal, and ordering food delivery and grocery delivery here in Thailand.

I hope my suggestion helps you.

I am YeaBiGgiEs and I have spoken on this day.

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I only use a Visa card for paypal. They don't even know my bank account info.

Paypal's dispute resolution sucks. Good luck. But Visa has very good dispute resolution and will refund if I'm ripped off. So I don't bother with paypal if there's a problem such as not getting my item. I go straight to Visa and they are way more helpful.

Paypal knows they can't afford to lose their Visa/Mastercard relationships. What if Visa cut them off as they can any merchant? So when Visa tells them to refund, they refund. Try it. You'll like it. After all, if you pay your Visa bill on time, there's no cost for using it.

(I expect some "likes" here, hahaha.) biggrin.png

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I need to retract my previous post. Paypal was not on my banks fraud list. It was SKYPE on the fraud list. Paypal would not let me make purchaes because my server is based in Thailand. My apologies to Paypal. In order to pay SKYPE I have to call my bank and request that I can use my VISA card to make a SKYPE payment. The request is only good for 24 hours.

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it's not your visa card with Bangkok Bank they don't trust - its Visa transactions from Thai banks, including Bank of Bangkok - they don't trust.

PayPal - and other Visa processors - probably have had a long history of getting burned processing Visa transactions through Thai banks.

Anecdotal evidence on TV says Thai banks try to shift responsibility to the card owners or to the merchants, rather than taking the hit themselves. In much of the world, banks accept a certain level of loss as the cost of doing business, pay back the loss, and pass the cost on to their users in the form of higher fees, or lower interest paid on deposits. I suspect in Thailand, that is anathema to bank management.

From your fingers to god's ears, I am in a 2 year dispute with a Thai bank over an unauthorized xfer from my account due to theft of pw/log-in information. I have to do all the leg work, police reporting, copying, providing reports myself. Almost 2 years later..Nothing! I reported to the FCC which then prompted the bank to respond to me . When they did, I responded back to the bank again upon deaf ears. Banks elsewhere in the world exactly as you said, there are protections for customers from thefts, fraud, unauthorized transactions. Not here in Thailand, bank claims zero as its all in the fine print and sadly, I've found most posters here have sided with the banks in many similar posts on here stating the bank acted in accordance as they said they would do and the breach was on the customer or victims side. <shocked> and these are fellow expats speaking.

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PayPal goes through on all of the cards I use however sometimes I am on a different proxy for reasons I won't mention and it appears I'm in another country that I've chosen and PayPal picks up on that and puts a temporary "limitation" on my account, prompting me to call them directly from Thailand to the USA, verify who I am and release the limitation. I'll be more careful about the proxy.

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Bangkok pays the lowest interest rates and tries to flog products you neither want nor need as soon as you walk through the door.

Been there. Done that.

Go to Krungsri and enjoy internet banking etc.

Nice people. No pressure.

How a bank should be.

Better FX.

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Paypal is like some scroungy money changer--don't expect ANYTHING from them.

Go to BBB (Better Business Bureau) and find a plethora of complaints.

Often things go smoothly--but when they do not, do NOT expect anything from them.

IMHO Paypal is NOT to be trusted.

Avoid Paypal.

(Actually most scroungy money-changers are trustworthy.... but Paypal is not to be trusted)

Edited by jsflynn603
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Unless you are the buyer, you are silly to use a credit or debit card as a direct checking account link is free and that means sending money overseas to family too.

Ebay owns Paypal. Many sellers on Ebay will accept only Paypal for payment. I actually think that's most sellers.

If one lives in a world where he buys things on Ebay, he will use paypal.

The safest way to do that is to use Visa or Mastercard for the Paypal payment and never a bank account.

Paypal has a merchant agreement with Visa/Mastercard just like any other merchant. This allows V/MC to back charge Paypal in a dispute.

I have several times gotten refunds from merchants via V/MC, and not just for Ebay. One time it was a large charge from a hotel for 3 nights' stay when I wasn't even in that state. I won't go into details because it would take too long.

Every time that I have filed a complaint with Visa stating that I didn't get merchandise from an Ebay seller, paid through Paypal via Visa, I have gotten a refund via Visa, credited to my Visa account. Every time that I have filed a dispute with Paypal, I have gotten nowhere. I have thousands of transactions on Ebay/Paypal and problems are very rare, but I've had enough to tell the difference between what Visa will do and what Paypal will (not) do.


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PayPal, an unregulated non-bank transaction dealer who often freezes payments for no reason, doesn't trust an established/regulated bank? Pfff... xwacko.png.pagespeed.ic.jGW10VtQsI.png

Well, my recommendation is to close your PayPal account. Years back, PayPal was convenient, easy and safe. Nowadays, it's complicated and with the changes of their consumer policies as of 1 October (?), the consumer protection is out of the door. Moreover, with NSA having their sniffers deep into the system, stay out of it.

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I do not trust PAY PAL!

In the past I have found them to be dishonest, devious and extremely manipulative, and I never use them now unless I absolutely have to.

Dishonest because when trying to pay on Ebay UK with an Amex card, they used to open a window telling you that the item would cost you more if you paid with Amex. I checked with Amex and it was not true. Pay Pal just did not want to pay the higher commission they were charged by Amex as opposed to other cards. Another time I lost an AirAsia flight booking from Australia again because I thought Id paid with Amex thru PayPal. Amex stated that they presented the payment to PayPal but it was declined. PayPal lied and denied the payment was ever presented to them and it cost me an extra US$90 to rebook. At that time I also challenged them on the false info. they gave about AMEX on Ebay that I mentioned above. Of course they denied it, but from then on it stopped appearing on EBay. Because of this I always avoided opening a PayPal account on Ebay, but on making payment on one Ebay purchase they managed to force me to. I went round and round in circles online trying to avoid it but I could not pay for the item I had committed to buy unless I opened the account -Extremely manipulative! But I have never used the account and I always use Amex to pay on Ebay. They are very devious in how they try to make it seem that customers must pay thru them on Ebay. I think they actually own Ebay or Ebay own them. They also run a similar scam to the banks' Dynamic Currency Exchange or whatever it is called, where on credit card purchases they offer/encourage you to pay using PayPal for extra security. Then they give you an inferior exchange rate to Visa or Mastercard or whatever card it is and pocket the difference. I dont think you need any more security than the credit cards already offer.

I detest PayPal and what you say fits with their track record. It would not surprise me if they are not allowing people to pay using a Bangkok bank card for similar purely financially reasons. It probably costs them a miniscule amount more regardless of the inconvenience it causes their customers.

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Love paypal or hate paypal they make paying for goods online easy & is still on whole the safest method for online transactions. Paypal are to blame for my grey hairs appearing at 30!! luckily after months of looking at forums & deciding if i should or should not buy, i took what i thought was a risk at the time a ebay/paypal user guide for $30(about 1,000thb at the time) !! A few weeks later i put what i had learned from this guide to the test & it worked!! 4 years on i can honestly say i have parted with $30 (approx 1,000thb) no better way in my life.

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I've got 3 cards and a bank account attached to my Paypal account.

Nowhere to run...

Which means what precisely?

The moment you sign up with PayPal, you give them full permission to take funds from your card/account at any time - good luck finding this within PayPal's infamously long (and ever changing) user agreement.

So, when you "link" a card/account to PayPal, you are essentially giving them full access to any available funds there. And they can take funds at almost any time (even six months after closing your PayPal acc) without notification/permission, simply because: 1) they can; 2) you've agreed to their conditions.

"Linking" more than one account to PayPal is potential financial suicide.

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I do not like Paypal and the 3-4% commision , add that to ebays 10% commision even on the shipping and you are out 15%

BUT getting 85% is probably better than ZERO percent., you just need to find products that are big % profit ,

and dump most of your $$$$ out of paypal as soon as you can so they do not grab it !

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PayPal, an unregulated non-bank transaction dealer who often freezes payments for no reason, doesn't trust an established/regulated bank? Pfff... xwacko.png.pagespeed.ic.jGW10VtQsI.png

Yes indeed but we are talking about a Thai bank in Thailand.

The world does not trust Thailand.

I have 3 credit cards 'Visa, Diners & AMEX' and when they are renewed the respective issuing entities (banks and card issuers) WILL NOT send replacement cards to my home address in Thailand.

I have to get them sent to my nominated address in my 1st world country and then have them couriered to me here. Even the couriers (DHL & FedEx) are reluctant to send them.

The fact is internationally Thailand is not a well trusted country (I wonder why)

PayPal, an unregulated non-bank transaction dealer who often freezes payments for no reason. That is not quite correct, PayPal do have their reasons and in a word customer security comes

to mind 'along with the absence of trust issues.

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Open separate Paypal accounts one for Australia and one for Thailand and keep them separate. Same for ebay one from your Thai bank account one from your Australian bank account. i don't believe there any obligation with Paypal to even nominate an alternative card if you don't want to.

I did that....they found out and froze both accounts infinite and non disputable. They gave me the money back after 6 month.

It was a big sum. Fortunately I could still refund customer and the largest payments came from 3 frequent customer which I know for a very long time. So I refunded them and asked them to transfer the money to me....Didn't look very professional. One of them told me that he had a frozen Paypal account for no reason as well some time ago. So problems with Paypal seem to be very common.

You are allowed to have 2 Paypal accounts; one in Thailand and one in any other country you choose. I have 2 and have had them for many years.

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PayPal, an unregulated non-bank transaction dealer who often freezes payments for no reason, doesn't trust an established/regulated bank? Pfff... xwacko.png.pagespeed.ic.jGW10VtQsI.png

Yes indeed but we are talking about a Thai bank in Thailand.

The world does not trust Thailand.

I have 3 credit cards 'Visa, Diners & AMEX' and when they are renewed the respective issuing entities (banks and card issuers) WILL NOT send replacement cards to my home address in Thailand.

I have to get them sent to my nominated address in my 1st world country and then have them couriered to me here. Even the couriers (DHL & FedEx) are reluctant to send them.

The fact is internationally Thailand is not a well trusted country (I wonder why)

PayPal, an unregulated non-bank transaction dealer who often freezes payments for no reason. That is not quite correct, PayPal do have their reasons and in a word customer security comes

to mind 'along with the absence of trust issues.

I receive my American Express cards (2), Citibank USA debit card, and Maestro from my bank in Europe here in Thailand. No problems whatsoever. USA send the card FedEX (no charge to me), Maestro comes DHL (I pay the shipping cost), and Amex cards I either pick up at the office in Bangkok or they send them by courier to me in Chiang Mai (no charge).

Don't understand why you have such a problem????

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PayPal are a bunch of money grabbing dimwits. They will limit accounts for next to nothing and only try to protect themselves.

A friend of mine used to work at the fraud department of a major online gambling website in Gibraltar. If someones paypal account went into a negative balance for whatever reason (ebay chargeback, whatever) and they had also used said Paypal account to deposit to the gambling website Paypal would actually call them up requesting that the persons gambling account was locked along with whatever funds were in it being refunded to them, 99% of the time they refused as fraud was nothing to do with it and it was just paypal clutching at straws trying to cover their own asses.

Online gambling website based in Gibralter complaining about PayPal, now that's funny.

A lot of the big European ones are....

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PayPal, an unregulated non-bank transaction dealer who often freezes payments for no reason, doesn't trust an established/regulated bank? Pfff... xwacko.png.pagespeed.ic.jGW10VtQsI.png

That is not quite correct, PayPal do have their reasons and in a word customer security comes to mind 'along with the absence of trust issues.

You mean, this kind of customer security?

Or maybe you mean PayPal's famous customer service...

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