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6 year old girl scarred for life after dog attack at North Pattaya construction site

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It's not about blaming the animal, it's about dealing with the curse of rabid, dangerous dogs roaming the streets, breeding and attacking human beings and their own animals. The solution is to either pen them or kill them.

I assume you apply same logic to all "undesirables" and who ever you see as " dangerous"?

Seems you don't understand that dogs are NOT humans and don't deserve to be treated as such.

If a dog attacks anyone it deserves to be put down. If the owners of the dog cannot, did not train it properly then that is their fault.

Humans have more right to be safe whilst out and about than do dogs.

Remind me again who made human to be superior ?

Some also seem to believe its perfectly acceptable to wipe out the entire specie for what ever reason.

In this case it is clear even to the biggest idiot little girl was in the wrong by approaching a mother dog.

It is also just as clear that little girl is not to blame and it is sad she got hurt , but she should not have been left unsupervised at all, let alone at construction site where there are dangers all over the place

No-one has suggested wiping out an entire specie, just the accursed stray dogs that attack human beings and their own livestock.

Whatever you believe, Thai parents let their children wander, just as was done in the UK in the past. My own belief is that children should be more entitled to do that than diseased and dangerous dogs in the street.

We don't know enough about the construction site and the other circumstances to pass judgement on those responsible for the child in this case.

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It's not about blaming the animal, it's about dealing with the curse of rabid, dangerous dogs roaming the streets, breeding and attacking human beings and their own animals. The solution is to either pen them or kill them.

I assume you apply same logic to all "undesirables" and who ever you see as " dangerous"?

What do you mean by that? This thread is about dangerous dogs and a young girl who has been scarred and may well have been killed.

Interesting answer , was not expecting anything different

Again, what do you mean by your unfounded criticism?


No-one has suggested wiping out an entire specie, just the accursed stray dogs that attack human beings and their own livestock.

Whatever you believe, Thai parents let their children wander, just as was done in the UK in the past. My own belief is that children should be more entitled to do that than diseased and dangerous dogs in the street.

We don't know enough about the construction site and the other circumstances to pass judgement on those responsible for the child in this case.

There was no dangerous dog here.. just a protective dog. Totally different story, you can't make the environment 100% safe. I agree go after dogs that are dangerous really bit people. Leave the other dogs alone, this dog was protecting its young a normal thing to do.

If you follow your way of thinking you have to fill all the klongs and canals, make sure no cars drive anymore and put pillows against any sharp objects. Don't sell any knives as someone might cut themselves. Thing is shit happens and you can't prevent it all. Good parenting can prevent a lot but in this case no good parenting. Obviously the dogs are not that viscous as the girl played with them before but she should have been taught not to go after newborn puppies.

If you are talking about dogs that go out of their way to attack humans (non defensive but aggressive) sure humanely kill them. Not your cowards way. Only cowards use poison and people who are old and afraid of their own shadow who see this as their last power trip.


No-one has suggested wiping out an entire specie, just the accursed stray dogs that attack human beings and their own livestock.

Whatever you believe, Thai parents let their children wander, just as was done in the UK in the past. My own belief is that children should be more entitled to do that than diseased and dangerous dogs in the street.

We don't know enough about the construction site and the other circumstances to pass judgement on those responsible for the child in this case.

There was no dangerous dog here.. just a protective dog. Totally different story, you can't make the environment 100% safe. I agree go after dogs that are dangerous really bit people. Leave the other dogs alone, this dog was protecting its young a normal thing to do.

If you follow your way of thinking you have to fill all the klongs and canals, make sure no cars drive anymore and put pillows against any sharp objects. Don't sell any knives as someone might cut themselves. Thing is shit happens and you can't prevent it all. Good parenting can prevent a lot but in this case no good parenting. Obviously the dogs are not that viscous as the girl played with them before but she should have been taught not to go after newborn puppies.

If you are talking about dogs that go out of their way to attack humans (non defensive but aggressive) sure humanely kill them. Not your cowards way. Only cowards use poison and people who are old and afraid of their own shadow who see this as their last power trip.

I think that you have taken the comparisons beyond sense. It's a common tactic of those who have a weak argument. They attempt to strengthen by inventing irrelevant and spurious hypothetical arguments.

Who in his right mind would approach a vicious dog for a chat? That's would be stupid, not brave. Dogs that got onto our land and killed our chickens were safe until they got in again two days later. If they had stayed away they would be alive today. We have the right to protect ourselves and our property at home but I wouldn't do it by having a quiet fireside chat with the creatures about respect for the property of others. The owners laughed at the massacre so we took appropriate action ourselves.

I leave dogs alone until they threaten me and mine.


No-one has suggested wiping out an entire specie, just the accursed stray dogs that attack human beings and their own livestock.

Whatever you believe, Thai parents let their children wander, just as was done in the UK in the past. My own belief is that children should be more entitled to do that than diseased and dangerous dogs in the street.

We don't know enough about the construction site and the other circumstances to pass judgement on those responsible for the child in this case.

There was no dangerous dog here.. just a protective dog. Totally different story, you can't make the environment 100% safe. I agree go after dogs that are dangerous really bit people. Leave the other dogs alone, this dog was protecting its young a normal thing to do.

If you follow your way of thinking you have to fill all the klongs and canals, make sure no cars drive anymore and put pillows against any sharp objects. Don't sell any knives as someone might cut themselves. Thing is shit happens and you can't prevent it all. Good parenting can prevent a lot but in this case no good parenting. Obviously the dogs are not that viscous as the girl played with them before but she should have been taught not to go after newborn puppies.

If you are talking about dogs that go out of their way to attack humans (non defensive but aggressive) sure humanely kill them. Not your cowards way. Only cowards use poison and people who are old and afraid of their own shadow who see this as their last power trip.

I think that you have taken the comparisons beyond sense. It's a common tactic of those who have a weak argument. They attempt to strengthen by inventing irrelevant and spurious hypothetical arguments.

Who in his right mind would approach a vicious dog for a chat? That's would be stupid, not brave. Dogs that got onto our land and killed our chickens were safe until they got in again two days later. If they had stayed away they would be alive today. We have the right to protect ourselves and our property at home but I wouldn't do it by having a quiet fireside chat with the creatures about respect for the property of others. The owners laughed at the massacre so we took appropriate action ourselves.

I leave dogs alone until they threaten me and mine.

Different story and still poison is not really a good thing to do it but dogs that kill your life stock (presuming you have taken your part in fencing your land off) is more understandable then killing all the street dogs because a few are doing bad things. My argument was great you started about killing off all the dogs while you now take a far more sensible and defensible stance.

I can understand how you would feel after some chicken have been killed and the owners of said dogs laugh at you. You warned them. Does depend a bit on the actual situation if you leave your chickens on an unfenced piece of land and expect for the best your part of the problem. If you did your best to fence them off and the dogs still got in then your position is justified.

But we were talking here about killing all the soi dogs because a child without parental supervision got bitten by an otherwise not agressive dog protecting her young. Different stance at so keep to the story.


I dedicate this post to the little girl lying in hospital, swathed in bloody bandages and feeling the pounding pain of the bites with each beat of her innocent little heart. I also dedicate it to my son, whom I love beyond measure:

It has become quite clear to me that lemoncake is on an entirely different agenda than what is being discussed here in the OP. The only problem is that there is no defining element to the agenda other than to hijack an article about a little girl's innocent desire to play, and instead get people worked up and use other people's sentiment as well as other people's plight to fuel irrelevant discussion about the deification of wild dogs occupying a human society.

Someone, in this case an ignorant and defenseless child, is mauled by a canine. That is the thesis of the OP.

Rather than go on about what 99% of others feel is logic and rationale, I will expose lemoncake for what lemoncake is; a spammer!

The reason I suggest this is that throughout lemoncake's posts, there is no offering up of any solutions to a legitimate issue which puts human beings of any gender, race, religion or age in peril. There is no expression of sympathy, other than an insincere quip after I called lemoncake out on a prior post. Quick back peddling brought out that insincere expression of sympathy, but the ache and pain of love for those mongrels was simply too much. Merely a few posts ago, lemoncake came clean and outed the little girl as guilty (point made further on in this post).

The only items I have contrived out of lemoncake's posts are a summary dismissal of mentioning any negative impact from the feral canine community, and rather instead to keep other posters on their heels. There is no offering up of any solution which names the feral canines in the same sentence. None! Zilch!

Moreover, there are no solutions offered up with the human community. There are only accusations and blame. The accusations are ridiculous at best, and the blame is so preposterous as to suggest that people seek methods and means which are absolutely beyond their measure of abilities to do so... all this stupidity over being upset over the comfort of a dam_n dog and its kind.

Do remember that we are human beings and that the OP is about a little girl lying in hospital in the most horrible pain imaginable; emotionally, physically and psychologically; ...all because she wanted to play... she simply wanted to play. That is all that was going on in her sweet little mind.

GUILTY! ... as it was implied.

There seems to be, in lemoncake's wonderful world of canines, some aura or element of deification which, when expressed through his or her perceptions, makes one wonder at what depths an unreasoning person can sink.

It cannot be possible that a human being can regard a lower creature with such religious fanaticism and abject love to the point that the human being begins to disassociate one's own humanness and begin to feel a kinship with the lower orders - to such an extent that one actually begins to think like a dog and even feel hatred towards the human species and to angage the human means of typing and uttering in defense of one's newly adopted species. But one wonders, It is almost as if the attacking dog were to have a voice that we would hear lemoncake’s harping on about rights and freedoms for all dogs - anthropomorphism in mindless, overreacting heat!

But I digress. Fortunately, I do not allow myself to project my feelings to those of a dog, nor to insult others senses of morals and ethics to the standard of said dogs; and to even consider to do so is tantamount to doing exactly what lemoncake seems to be doing; to digress with spam tactics… to avoid a thesis with irrational and meaningless drivel about things which have been abandoned by the human consciousness thousands of years ago through evolution and enlightenment.

In one of lemoncake's final posts, it is finally outed that the child is wrong, ("little girl was in the wrong by approaching a mother dog"). Now I don't know about anyone else, but the way I learned my language is that when someone is wrong, it is equated to guilt. The little girl is guilty.

So, in closing, I remind the reader that I have dedicated this post to the little girl and to my son. This dedication is a bit late for the little girl, but not for my little son.

The soi dogs are my enemies. I will treat them with the respect they are due within the measure of the degree that I feel towards my own security and the security of my loved ones. As I am certain that said dogs are not capable of exercising a kind of intelligence to respect my rights, as the bitch demonstrated towards the girl, I will use that example along with all the other examples to draw immediate judgment and action towards said dogs in the event they decide to occupy "my space".

As to their rights: Dogs have no rights within the thesis and scope of my discussion. Those dogs abandon their rights when they demonstrate they cannot function in a human society, and rather instead occupy it and begin to cross my lines of decency and civility. Any further rights which I might atone to those dogs are thereby transferred to any humans within that environment, who choose to take said dogs under their protection and ensure that said dogs abide by the rules and behaviors of a human society. If they cannot deal with that, get them elsewhere or face the consequences. If said dogs have no guardians, I will deal with said dogs. If there are guardians, and damage has been done, I will exact compensation to the degree I see fit without consulting the guardian, who should have known better in the first place. Good enough for you, lemoncake?

Human beings who have degraded themselves with fanaticism, and who place my ethics and morals on the same levels of said beasts, I will treat the same. Human beings who defend said dogs to the point of degrading another human being and bludgeoning them with guilt, I will treat the same.

I cannot believe that any human being would react violently towards another human being for protecting their self or another. I cannot believe another human being would react violently towards another human being for putting down a feral creature over the excuse that they loved that creature - after it had disfigured or killed a human being. Were they to do so, I cannot now, in good conscience, state what I would in turn do to those creatures acting as humans, but I assure you they would be at minimum on sticks for many months if not worse. I also assure you that my reasons for this violent behavior are far superior to those of a feral bitch mauling a little girl near to death when the feral bitch is too undeveloped to know otherwise.

This article is about a little girl wanting to play, and getting a life-long injury over it. The factors which lead up to that happening are controversial, but leave it be said that there lives among us an element of instability; wild dogs; wild dogs that are one step from being predators, and some are, who have tasted human blood and crossed over.

Lemoncake has spammed enough times to the point that I get it. I understand that these dogs can do no wrong in your eyes. I understand that the element of danger with wild dogs occupying space in a human environment is not the only danger to my child; that I have to worry about a killer being championed by the likes of you after a little one has been mauled and disfigured or even killed - a danger that would ensure the tables to be turned faster than you could blink or snatch that beast out of my reach.

But in closing, I will strongly suggest this; I strongly suggest that you reign in your passion and views about your soi dogs if you ever happen to be present in the aftermath of a dog attack, and are standing there in witness to a child lying on the ground in a pool of blood. I strongly suggest you do not run to the dog and attempt to comfort it or protect it from an avenging father or mother. On this board, it is the norm and quite acceptable. We get spammers and trolls all the time. I can understand your desire to blather on from the safety of your keyboard. Keep it at that. In doing so, you will enjoy a longer life of promoting the safety and deification of wild things whilst accusing mauled, disfigured children of blame and guilt if that is your desire.

"little girl was in the wrong by approaching a mother dog"

I cannot think of any better way to demonstrate a reason for the hatred and anger I feel towards such absolute and disgusting ignorance in any human being.


Rest easy my little dear. I hope you recover and are able to achieve better things in life than this. You simply do not deserve it. And to my son, daddy is there little one. No worries.smile.png

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No-one has suggested wiping out an entire specie, just the accursed stray dogs that attack human beings and their own livestock.

Whatever you believe, Thai parents let their children wander, just as was done in the UK in the past. My own belief is that children should be more entitled to do that than diseased and dangerous dogs in the street.

We don't know enough about the construction site and the other circumstances to pass judgement on those responsible for the child in this case.

There was no dangerous dog here.. just a protective dog. Totally different story, you can't make the environment 100% safe. I agree go after dogs that are dangerous really bit people. Leave the other dogs alone, this dog was protecting its young a normal thing to do.

If you follow your way of thinking you have to fill all the klongs and canals, make sure no cars drive anymore and put pillows against any sharp objects. Don't sell any knives as someone might cut themselves. Thing is shit happens and you can't prevent it all. Good parenting can prevent a lot but in this case no good parenting. Obviously the dogs are not that viscous as the girl played with them before but she should have been taught not to go after newborn puppies.

If you are talking about dogs that go out of their way to attack humans (non defensive but aggressive) sure humanely kill them. Not your cowards way. Only cowards use poison and people who are old and afraid of their own shadow who see this as their last power trip.

I think that you have taken the comparisons beyond sense. It's a common tactic of those who have a weak argument. They attempt to strengthen by inventing irrelevant and spurious hypothetical arguments.

Who in his right mind would approach a vicious dog for a chat? That's would be stupid, not brave. Dogs that got onto our land and killed our chickens were safe until they got in again two days later. If they had stayed away they would be alive today. We have the right to protect ourselves and our property at home but I wouldn't do it by having a quiet fireside chat with the creatures about respect for the property of others. The owners laughed at the massacre so we took appropriate action ourselves.

I leave dogs alone until they threaten me and mine.

Different story and still poison is not really a good thing to do it but dogs that kill your life stock (presuming you have taken your part in fencing your land off) is more understandable then killing all the street dogs because a few are doing bad things. My argument was great you started about killing off all the dogs while you now take a far more sensible and defensible stance.

I can understand how you would feel after some chicken have been killed and the owners of said dogs laugh at you. You warned them. Does depend a bit on the actual situation if you leave your chickens on an unfenced piece of land and expect for the best your part of the problem. If you did your best to fence them off and the dogs still got in then your position is justified.

But we were talking here about killing all the soi dogs because a child without parental supervision got bitten by an otherwise not agressive dog protecting her young. Different stance at so keep to the story.

We mainly have walls. There's one stretch that the neighbours will wall off. For the time being, that part of the boundary has a post and barbed wire fence and sufficient undergrowth to keep put dogs. However, the neighbouring owners occasionally send in a plough to clear their land and take out the undergrowth at the same time. Out patching attempts have failed on occasions and, over two years, we lost around 50 free range poultry and a lame dog we were caring for ran out of the gate as we opened it and was savaged by the brute across the road. The dog owners never gave a damn, hence, after those two years, we decided to take action ourselves.

On the general point of roaming soi dogs, my view is that they should be fenced in on their owners' land rather than others without dogs have to do the same with theirs. The result of not doing so should be that roaming dogs should be rounded up and put down.


I agree in your situation.. still I dont like poison but you seem to have done all reasonable things.

As for free roaming dogs.. kinda depends if you have poultry you have to fence off as it will attract them otherwise free roaming dogs don't come to your property and are easily scared off. Plus this is Thailand.. and here they think different about free roaming dogs as you. You might have an other opinion but the majority does not.

Its easy to scare a dog away from your property as long as you have no attractor (poultry in your case) and every farmer in the world protects his lifestock with fences. If you have done so in all reasonably and dogs still come even after warnings.. I say they are free game


I dedicate this post to the little girl lying in hospital, swathed in bloody bandages and feeling the pounding pain of the bites with each beat of her innocent little heart. I also dedicate it to my son, whom I love beyond measure:

It has become quite clear to me that lemoncake is on an entirely different agenda than what is being discussed here in the OP. The only problem is that there is no defining element to the agenda other than to hijack an article about a little girl's innocent desire to play, and instead get people worked up and use other people's sentiment as well as other people's plight to fuel irrelevant discussion about the deification of wild dogs occupying a human society.

Someone, in this case an ignorant and defenseless child, is mauled by a canine. That is the thesis of the OP.

Rather than go on about what 99% of others feel is logic and rationale, I will expose lemoncake for what lemoncake is; a spammer!

The reason I suggest this is that throughout lemoncake's posts, there is no offering up of any solutions to a legitimate issue which puts human beings of any gender, race, religion or age in peril. There is no expression of sympathy, other than an insincere quip after I called lemoncake out on a prior post. Quick back peddling brought out that insincere expression of sympathy, but the ache and pain of love for those mongrels was simply too much. Merely a few posts ago, lemoncake came clean and outed the little girl as guilty (point made further on in this post).

The only items I have contrived out of lemoncake's posts are a summary dismissal of mentioning any negative impact from the feral canine community, and rather instead to keep other posters on their heels. There is no offering up of any solution which names the feral canines in the same sentence. None! Zilch!

Moreover, there are no solutions offered up with the human community. There are only accusations and blame. The accusations are ridiculous at best, and the blame is so preposterous as to suggest that people seek methods and means which are absolutely beyond their measure of abilities to do so... all this stupidity over being upset over the comfort of a dam_n dog and its kind.

Do remember that we are human beings and that the OP is about a little girl lying in hospital in the most horrible pain imaginable; emotionally, physically and psychologically; ...all because she wanted to play... she simply wanted to play. That is all that was going on in her sweet little mind.

GUILTY! ... as it was implied.

There seems to be, in lemoncake's wonderful world of canines, some aura or element of deification which, when expressed through his or her perceptions, makes one wonder at what depths an unreasoning person can sink.

It cannot be possible that a human being can regard a lower creature with such religious fanaticism and abject love to the point that the human being begins to disassociate one's own humanness and begin to feel a kinship with the lower orders - to such an extent that one actually begins to think like a dog and even feel hatred towards the human species and to angage the human means of typing and uttering in defense of one's newly adopted species. But one wonders, It is almost as if the attacking dog were to have a voice that we would hear lemoncake’s harping on about rights and freedoms for all dogs - anthropomorphism in mindless, overreacting heat!

But I digress. Fortunately, I do not allow myself to project my feelings to those of a dog, nor to insult others senses of morals and ethics to the standard of said dogs; and to even consider to do so is tantamount to doing exactly what lemoncake seems to be doing; to digress with spam tactics… to avoid a thesis with irrational and meaningless drivel about things which have been abandoned by the human consciousness thousands of years ago through evolution and enlightenment.

In one of lemoncake's final posts, it is finally outed that the child is wrong, ("little girl was in the wrong by approaching a mother dog"). Now I don't know about anyone else, but the way I learned my language is that when someone is wrong, it is equated to guilt. The little girl is guilty.


So, in closing, I remind the reader that I have dedicated this post to the little girl and to my son. This dedication is a bit late for the little girl, but not for my little son.

The soi dogs are my enemies. I will treat them with the respect they are due within the measure of the degree that I feel towards my own security and the security of my loved ones. As I am certain that said dogs are not capable of exercising a kind of intelligence to respect my rights, as the bitch demonstrated towards the girl, I will use that example along with all the other examples to draw immediate judgment and action towards said dogs in the event they decide to occupy "my space".

As to their rights: Dogs have no rights within the thesis and scope of my discussion. Those dogs abandon their rights when they demonstrate they cannot function in a human society, and rather instead occupy it and begin to cross my lines of decency and civility. Any further rights which I might atone to those dogs are thereby transferred to any humans within that environment, who choose to take said dogs under their protection and ensure that said dogs abide by the rules and behaviors of a human society. If they cannot deal with that, get them elsewhere or face the consequences. If said dogs have no guardians, I will deal with said dogs. If there are guardians, and damage has been done, I will exact compensation to the degree I see fit without consulting the guardian, who should have known better in the first place. Good enough for you, lemoncake?

Human beings who have degraded themselves with fanaticism, and who place my ethics and morals on the same levels of said beasts, I will treat the same. Human beings who defend said dogs to the point of degrading another human being and bludgeoning them with guilt, I will treat the same.

I cannot believe that any human being would react violently towards another human being for protecting their self or another. I cannot believe another human being would react violently towards another human being for putting down a feral creature over the excuse that they loved that creature - after it had disfigured or killed a human being. Were they to do so, I cannot now, in good conscience, state what I would in turn do to those creatures acting as humans, but I assure you they would be at minimum on sticks for many months if not worse. I also assure you that my reasons for this violent behavior are far superior to those of a feral bitch mauling a little girl near to death when the feral bitch is too undeveloped to know otherwise.

This article is about a little girl wanting to play, and getting a life-long injury over it. The factors which lead up to that happening are controversial, but leave it be said that there lives among us an element of instability; wild dogs; wild dogs that are one step from being predators, and some are, who have tasted human blood and crossed over.

Lemoncake has spammed enough times to the point that I get it. I understand that these dogs can do no wrong in your eyes. I understand that the element of danger with wild dogs occupying space in a human environment is not the only danger to my child; that I have to worry about a killer being championed by the likes of you after a little one has been mauled and disfigured or even killed - a danger that would ensure the tables to be turned faster than you could blink or snatch that beast out of my reach.

But in closing, I will strongly suggest this; I strongly suggest that you reign in your passion and views about your soi dogs if you ever happen to be present in the aftermath of a dog attack, and are standing there in witness to a child lying on the ground in a pool of blood. I strongly suggest you do not run to the dog and attempt to comfort it or protect it from an avenging father or mother. On this board, it is the norm and quite acceptable. We get spammers and trolls all the time. I can understand your desire to blather on from the safety of your keyboard. Keep it at that. In doing so, you will enjoy a longer life of promoting the safety and deification of wild things whilst accusing mauled, disfigured children of blame and guilt if that is your desire.

"little girl was in the wrong by approaching a mother dog"

I cannot think of any better way to demonstrate a reason for the hatred and anger I feel towards such absolute and disgusting ignorance in any human being.


Rest easy my little dear. I hope you recover and are able to achieve better things in life than this. You simply do not deserve it. And to my son, daddy is there little one. No worries.smile.png

Excellent post!


I agree in your situation.. still I dont like poison but you seem to have done all reasonable things.

As for free roaming dogs.. kinda depends if you have poultry you have to fence off as it will attract them otherwise free roaming dogs don't come to your property and are easily scared off. Plus this is Thailand.. and here they think different about free roaming dogs as you. You might have an other opinion but the majority does not.

Its easy to scare a dog away from your property as long as you have no attractor (poultry in your case) and every farmer in the world protects his lifestock with fences. If you have done so in all reasonably and dogs still come even after warnings.. I say they are free game

Ta for that! Our patience ran out and we saw only the one solution, other than getting up before dawn with the gun for a few days.

I accept that the locals have their own views on dogs but so do they with driving etiquette and that needs to change too.


I agree in your situation.. still I dont like poison but you seem to have done all reasonable things.

As for free roaming dogs.. kinda depends if you have poultry you have to fence off as it will attract them otherwise free roaming dogs don't come to your property and are easily scared off. Plus this is Thailand.. and here they think different about free roaming dogs as you. You might have an other opinion but the majority does not.

Its easy to scare a dog away from your property as long as you have no attractor (poultry in your case) and every farmer in the world protects his lifestock with fences. If you have done so in all reasonably and dogs still come even after warnings.. I say they are free game

Ta for that! Our patience ran out and we saw only the one solution, other than getting up before dawn with the gun for a few days.

I accept that the locals have their own views on dogs but so do they with driving etiquette and that needs to change too.

Unfortunately like the driving etiquette (where i agree 1000000000000%) change has to come from the Thais not us. I let my dog roam for 20 minutes at a time in the park in front of my home (actually can see the dog when standing up and make sure there are not many people around when i let him go). During busy times i walk with him on the line. Most dogs here are just walking free but I don't do that as i like my dog to be home and else it might bother people.


Sorry but in this case I don't blame the dogs but the patents. Its natural for any animal to protects its young. Clearly an accident. Quite different from a gang of soi dogs acting aggressive.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I blame the parents, also. They should know better than to be poor.

No, not knowing better than to be poor, but knowing better than leaving their little one unattended. A six year old is very well able to understand that usually not only animal mothers will protect their offspring against any possible dangers.... I would say the mother of the girl failed terribly. I feel very sorry for the girl, this could have been avoided!!!


I agree in your situation.. still I dont like poison but you seem to have done all reasonable things.

As for free roaming dogs.. kinda depends if you have poultry you have to fence off as it will attract them otherwise free roaming dogs don't come to your property and are easily scared off. Plus this is Thailand.. and here they think different about free roaming dogs as you. You might have an other opinion but the majority does not.

Its easy to scare a dog away from your property as long as you have no attractor (poultry in your case) and every farmer in the world protects his lifestock with fences. If you have done so in all reasonably and dogs still come even after warnings.. I say they are free game

Ta for that! Our patience ran out and we saw only the one solution, other than getting up before dawn with the gun for a few days.

I accept that the locals have their own views on dogs but so do they with driving etiquette and that needs to change too.

Unfortunately like the driving etiquette (where i agree 1000000000000%) change has to come from the Thais not us. I let my dog roam for 20 minutes at a time in the park in front of my home (actually can see the dog when standing up and make sure there are not many people around when i let him go). During busy times i walk with him on the line. Most dogs here are just walking free but I don't do that as i like my dog to be home and else it might bother people.

Sure, the change must come from the Thai population and enforced legislation. In the meantime, we do what we need to ourselves.

Back in the UK of the '50s, dogs were allowed to roam the streets, crapping everywhere. I knew of no dangerous dogs in those days but the streets were filthy. Dog licences were compulsory but had no real purpose. Laws were introduced stating that dogs out of the home must be on a lead and crap must be picked up by the walker . The licence law was scrapped. Stray dogs were to be captured and eventually re-homed or destroyed. The dog problem was solved at a stroke. Similarly, laws were introduced, supported by government propaganda, to improve safety on the roads.

It just needs the will from the top to change attitudes and enforce reasonable controls.

I'm glad that you take proper care of your dog.

What do you mean by that? This thread is about dangerous dogs and a young girl who has been scarred and may well have been killed.

No it is not !

If you read the op it is about a 6 year old girl who approached a dog with a litter of pups and was attacked, and regarding the dog -

"The new mother was understandably protective towards her newborn and is thought to have interpreted the child’s actions as a threat and proceeded to attack the girl who sustained a deep laceration to her cheek and cuts to both her arms."

It does not say the dog was dangerous, but that it was "understandably protective". Whoever wrote the story knows there is a difference. I am sure that the parents would have intervened if they knew the little girl's intentions.

You probably think the thread is about "dangerous dogs", but then again you sound like you are obsessed.

We just had a baby this week and I can only hope we are never in the position where we have to leave our son unsupervised at that age. My wife and I hope the little girl has a full recovery.

Congratulations on your newborn. I also sincerly hope that you are never in a position where your child is left unsupervised at the age of 6. You will however likely be putting your son in preschool and kindergarden possible from the age of 3-4 where you will be trusting others to supervise his well being. People are people and with all the good will in the world will sometimes still make mistakes. Having a child should give you a differant perspective on things and one of those things is that the protection of your son is more important than the life of a wild animal freely roaming the streets.

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How can one person post this -

Our locals are not so interested in their dogs that they would retaliate with anything more than snide sideways comments followed by friendly reconciliation.

As well as this -

How well do you know Thailand?

blackman hit the nail on the head with -

ok keep thinking that no one will ever retaliate and sleep well

If it was me I would not be sleeping well. I am well aware of the Thai who has been scorned. What is the old saying - "Hell knows no wrath.........................................." biggrin.png



This is another case to counter the soppy outpourings of the 'poor soi dog brigade'. The vermin should be killed unless they are penned on their owners' land.

you can judge a mans character by the way he treats his fellow animals

I take it you wouldn't get the pest controllers in should you get an infestation of rats in your vicinity.


this news is sure to throw more fuel on a smoldering fire

i hope the girl recovers quickly with minimum scarring

as predicted this morning, another thread where dog haters can openly advocate and celebrate the killing of mans best friend by the cowardly poisoning of them

one hopes that karma really does exist and that they in turn suffer a grisly, painful and protracted death

the sooner the better...

Soi dogs are not man's best friend.

No, but they're great for BBQ's



This is another case to counter the soppy outpourings of the 'poor soi dog brigade'. The vermin should be killed unless they are penned on their owners' land.

you can judge a mans character by the way he treats his fellow animals

I take it you wouldn't get the pest controllers in should you get an infestation of rats in your vicinity.

no, in fact i caught one yesterday

i threw it over the wall into a known dog poisoners house

  • Like 1

Too many stray dogs in Bangkok and rest of Thailand in general. I have more than once been almost attacked by street dogs. I was once chased by a pack of dogs when jogging down the road in a residential area. The dogs retreated when I picked up some rocks and started to throw at them. Unfortunately too many animal lovers here feeding the street dogs and culling would be out of the question.

I think you might find that those were not street dogs, often in residential area's they leave dogs outside to roam free but care for them. Running is a good way to attract dogs, its in their nature.

Here in our village there are at least 10 dogs living free that do belong to someone and even I let my dog out to roam free for say 20 minutes at a time in the park in front of the house (on times there are not many ppl around)

Do the 10 dogs in your hood all get together and travel in a pack?


Too many stray dogs in Bangkok and rest of Thailand in general. I have more than once been almost attacked by street dogs. I was once chased by a pack of dogs when jogging down the road in a residential area. The dogs retreated when I picked up some rocks and started to throw at them. Unfortunately too many animal lovers here feeding the street dogs and culling would be out of the question.

I think you might find that those were not street dogs, often in residential area's they leave dogs outside to roam free but care for them. Running is a good way to attract dogs, its in their nature.

Here in our village there are at least 10 dogs living free that do belong to someone and even I let my dog out to roam free for say 20 minutes at a time in the park in front of the house (on times there are not many ppl around)

Do the 10 dogs in your hood all get together and travel in a pack?

Nope they don't. Some 3 seem to gang together at times but mainly all alone or in 2's

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