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Amazing Philippines!


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I'm less enthusiastic when I turn on the PI News service and see footage of bodybags in the streets of one of their largest cities and people running for their lives while soldiers fire down alleyways at an enemy that already has parts of the city in flames. Reall buzzkill for mine, esp as casualties seem to have escalated since this report was posted earlier in the week.


ZAMBOANGA CITY, Philippines, Sept. 11 (UPI) -- Renewed fighting was reported Thursday between Muslim rebels and the Philippine military in violence-hit Zamboanga City, where a standoff entered the third day.

The rebels, suspected members of a faction of the Moro National Liberation Front, were believed to be hiding in the villages of the largely-Christian Zamboanga City, and were reported to be holding hostages, using some of them as "human shields," as they fight government troops. The violence, which began Monday, reportedly has already claimed six lives, although a handful of hostages had been released as negotiations continued.


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Some parts of the Phillipines are beautiful, spent about six months in total travelling there at different times, never fealt threatened & I went to some relatively remote areas. Not going because of a terrorist action in one section of a city is similar to saying, I not going to the UK because of terrorist bombings in London.

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Some parts of the Phillipines are beautiful, spent about six months in total travelling there at different times, never fealt threatened & I went to some relatively remote areas. Not going because of a terrorist action in one section of a city is similar to saying, I not going to the UK because of terrorist bombings in London.

For me it's more than terrorism, I used to frequently visit a mate there who was posted there then here in Bangkok. When I would visit I used to regret my decision deplaning and couldn't wait to leave- been to Boracay, Palawan, Cebu, Bohol and the rice terraces - beautiful is in the eye of the beholder - it's hard to enjoy the splendours of nature when you're starving (food is muck IMHO)

The London bombings didnt have numerous country's warning it's citizens not to travel to the UK whereas the PI is always on a list of regions to avoid, that coupled with all PI airlines were on an EU blacklist until very refently recently was also a major concern.

The good thing with my first hand experience I've managed to dissuade lots of friends making the same mistakes.

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Some parts of the Phillipines are beautiful, spent about six months in total travelling there at different times, never fealt threatened & I went to some relatively remote areas. Not going because of a terrorist action in one section of a city is similar to saying, I not going to the UK because of terrorist bombings in London.

For me it's more than terrorism, I used to frequently visit a mate there who was posted there then here in Bangkok. When I would visit I used to regret my decision deplaning and couldn't wait to leave- been to Boracay, Palawan, Cebu, Bohol and the rice terraces - beautiful is in the eye of the beholder - it's hard to enjoy the splendours of nature when you're starving (food is muck IMHO)

The London bombings didnt have numerous country's warning it's citizens not to travel to the UK whereas the PI is always on a list of regions to avoid, that coupled with all PI airlines were on an EU blacklist until very refently recently was also a major concern.

The good thing with my first hand experience I've managed to dissuade lots of friends making the same mistakes.

Just checked, Thailand & Phillipines have the same travel warnings

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Some parts of the Phillipines are beautiful, spent about six months in total travelling there at different times, never fealt threatened & I went to some relatively remote areas. Not going because of a terrorist action in one section of a city is similar to saying, I not going to the UK because of terrorist bombings in London.

For me it's more than terrorism, I used to frequently visit a mate there who was posted there then here in Bangkok. When I would visit I used to regret my decision deplaning and couldn't wait to leave- been to Boracay, Palawan, Cebu, Bohol and the rice terraces - beautiful is in the eye of the beholder - it's hard to enjoy the splendours of nature when you're starving (food is muck IMHO)

The London bombings didnt have numerous country's warning it's citizens not to travel to the UK whereas the PI is always on a list of regions to avoid, that coupled with all PI airlines were on an EU blacklist until very refently recently was also a major concern.

The good thing with my first hand experience I've managed to dissuade lots of friends making the same mistakes.

Just checked, Thailand & Phillipines have the same travel warnings

Guess it depends on your country of origin, both my issuing country passports warn against travel to the PI.

Doesn't really matter I'll never visit again .....

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Been there too many times to remember and lived there for 7+ years and visited Zamboanga the hard way.....over land and ferry and never felt threatened except for the men in uniform and they were friendly as they gave us a 'protected' escort on the ferry.

There are so many beautiful peaceful islands there that are mostly undiscovered and lost in time. Visit it and get off Luzon or as far away from Manila as soon as you can and you will see what I mean..........the most dangerous place in the Phil is Manila and 2nd is Cebu city.

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I didn't feel unsafe island hopping the Philippines, but I stayed at the Visayas region. Here's another video from Bantayan island, north of Cebu Island and also belongs to the similarly named province. It is a tropical paradise dotted with beautiful white-sandy palm-beaches. Kota beach was really stunning!

When we had to leave , we missed the big boat and we had to cross the ocean (about 3 hours to Sagay port) with a local fisherman's small banca.

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I didn't feel unsafe island hopping the Philippines, but I stayed at the Visayas region. Here's another video from Bantayan island, north of Cebu Island and also belongs to the similarly named province.


Been there. Done that. Great memories. Can't imagine LIVING there though.

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I was just in Cebu and Bohol, panglao. Nice place,one friend from Thailand moved to Panglao, built a hotel. Those dealing little monkeys are cute to, chocolate hills...Bohol seemed safe, Cebu city one needs to be on alert, but I. never had issues.

Edited by genobkk
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I think that, unless you go to trouble spots like Zamboanga, terrorism is not much of a risk in the Philippines, but ordinary crime is ! That's what several Filipino friends of mine have told me.

Nevertheless, I would love to go and see some of the islands of the Philippines one day. I've heard that some are really beautiful.

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Love the Philippines and have never felt in any danger there - that part of it is always overplayed. It's like a mantra people who have never been roll out over and over again.

I spent some time in Bagiuo City earlier this year. Gorgeous city in the mountains . . cool air, nice vibe, beautiful smell of pine trees everywhere. I'd recommend it to anyone.

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it's pity that even up till now it's ver difficult to find self-catering accomodation with fully equiped kitchen in RP, for one bottle gas for cooking in RP it 's the dearest among asean...water filter 's not equiped in most kitchen

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I just returned from almost 3 weeks in the PI with most of the time spent in Dumaguete. On the way out, I was spending a couple of nights in Manila finishing off an annual physical. I was staying in the P. Buros St. area of Makati. I usually feel safe there as there are plenty of people around. Anyway, I was sitting at an outdoor cafe drinking a cup of coffee and watching the zoo pass by, when I heard a gunshot. I looked-up and a dead body landed in the street maybe 25 feet straight in front of me. Somebody had shot a young Korean man on an 11th floor balcony of the hotel above the cafe.

I like the PI, but to me, Manila is simply dirty, dangerous and depressing.

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I just returned from almost 3 weeks in the PI with most of the time spent in Dumaguete. On the way out, I was spending a couple of nights in Manila finishing off an annual physical. I was staying in the P. Buros St. area of Makati. I usually feel safe there as there are plenty of people around. Anyway, I was sitting at an outdoor cafe drinking a cup of coffee and watching the zoo pass by, when I heard a gunshot. I looked-up and a dead body landed in the street maybe 25 feet straight in front of me. Somebody had shot a young Korean man on an 11th floor balcony of the hotel above the cafe.

I like the PI, but to me, Manila is simply dirty, dangerous and depressing.

Lol . no offence but if you're going to stay in the skankiest part of town full of girlie bars run by feuding Philippino and Korean gangsters, you can't really be too surprised when this sort of thing happens.

But, yeah, generally Manila is a difficult place to relax in.

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DO watch :

Legacy , a 1998 U.S. film starring David Hasselhoff and Donita Rose. directed by T. J. Scott ....

that's exactly manila..


Serbis (2008) - IMDb

Captive (2012 ,starring Isabelle Huppert)

Directed by Brillante Mendoza. .

depicting contemporary pinoy society so well

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  • 2 weeks later...

CEBU, Philippines -- CEBU, Philippines (AP) — The death toll from a 7.2-magnitude earthquake that struck the central Philippines rose to 85, police said Tuesday, as more reports trickled in about toppled buildings and historic churches near the epicenter.

Bohol police chief Dennis Agustin said that 69 of the deaths came from the province, where the quake hit near the town of Carmen. At least 16 others died in nearby Cebu province and another on Siquijor Island...

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While my timing may have been better, this is as good a place as any to post a link to this fantastic vid of Arnel Pineda returning to Manila with Journey - I've never heard them play better, and he was exactly what the band needed after trying out a few other front men. His diction is noticeably better than it was when Schon dragged him from obscurity - the rednecks in the US no longer have so many reasons to hate the fact that there is an Asian face in front of one of 'their' bands. Perry will never be back - as great as his voice undeniably is - and Arnel brings his own personality to the band.


Neal Schon remains a massively underrated guitarist, IMO. Enjoy :D

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