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Female Friends Of Gay Men In Thailand

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IJWT, I didn't finish reading your response. I'm sure you have some good points, but I just don't feel like getting into it about this. I've stated how I felt about the matter, and it's your business how you refer to people.

I'm sorry if I over-reacted, but it was my true feeling. That's all I have to say on the matter.

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Steven has admitted he made a mistake and appologised. I think most of us think the term is now considered dated and insulting to women.

I agree with endure...whats wrong with using the word friend or girlfriend when you introduce your female friend.

As for the male equivalent, I've never come across anyone like this. But then again I don't get out much and wouldn't really have alot of time for some handsome and usually somewhat narcissistic straight guy anyway.

Edited by DUMPSTER
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Any objections to closing the thread now? Or shall I edit the title so it isn't quite so offensive to this consensus?

For my money, PB, you can close it and/or edit the title, whichever you like. I think there might have only been 3 or 4 posts which actually hit the target, though I guess it's my fault for using unintentionally offensive language.

Kat, I hope you'll go back and finish my message, because I think I said some positive things in there, too. Don't be a sore winner! :o:D Love ya!


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The first commandment of the Politically Correct charter is, I believe, " thou shalt not offend ".

Issues arising out of this piece of sociological facism are demonstrated time and again throughout the western world but inevitably there is a common theme in that humour is invariably eschewed and the language in which it is expressed becomes a casuality.

What a dreary, banal world it is going to be......and so obscenely " nice ".

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Guest endure
I dunno... bloody gays going around upsetting everyone with their offensive labels... :o:D

When you spend the first half of your life being called a 'fcking queer' and suchlike, labels assume a certain importance.

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:o endure, I suspect that totser (with the kissing women as his avatar) was saying that tongue in cheek, although I'm not sure whose cheek he was inside. Oops, I'd better add a smilie here:

Now I shall be politically semi-correct and amend the thread title, and since we've debated long enough, I see no harm in closing the thread.

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