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British man mysteriously disappears in Srisaket province


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The life insurance policy document must never be shown or revealed to the thai. It is like winning a lotto to them.

I hope he will be found alive but I doubt it. Maybe they did not read a small print on document that they must have a dead body to prove.

Before printing such speculative rubbish, how about actually reading the thread; apparently he has been located, and alive.

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If this is "Thainess" (the not giving a shit about your HUSBAND that you love and care for and share a life with that's been missing for 7 or 8 days), then I want no part of it. It stinks.

Im wondering which country you are from ? Are there no criminals in your homeland. If this had happened in germany or france ( assuming a crime has been commited) would that be because of some profound racial or social issue or just because all large populations have criminals in their mist?

Your post and like so many others on here stinks of bigotry. You judge a society by the section you mix with. If you want no part of thailand you are welcome to not be there. Im sure you wont be missed. If you do , perhaps try to mix with a better class of person.

Perhaps I should have written in crayon and then you wouldn't have mistaken my point.

The particular quote you "quoted" doesn't mention "criminality" whatsoever, it references the lack of real love and care evidenced by this woman to her husband by not even wondering where he is for 7-8 days. I didn't speculate that she had done anything wrong other than "not caring".

As for bigotry, no, I don't think so . . . opinionated, intolerant to a degree and many other things, but not a racist or a bigot. You are correct on one point however, I do judge society by the sections I mix with, but as that ranges from the very poor lo-so to the very very rich hi-so's and everything in between, I'd say I've seen it all at some point or another.

I agree with you Tatsujin a rather insular and re- active response.

A friend of a friend (retired Swede) who is not well is left to his own devices by his wife and her daughter and I was rather shocked by it as i had never seen anything like that before. Then i met a guy in the pub who lives in nakon nowhere and having bought the house for the wife he is almost completely ignored by that thai family, Infact they want him out. It happens..not so sure it's a general Thai characteristic though..

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The life insurance policy document must never be shown or revealed to the thai. It is like winning a lotto to them.

I hope he will be found alive but I doubt it. Maybe they did not read a small print on document that they must have a dead body to prove.

Before printing such speculative rubbish, how about actually reading the thread; apparently he has been located, and alive.

Calm down, Calm down, I never noticed that. But thanks anyway.thumbsup.gif

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It's quite common world wide for men of a certain age to just wander off and abandon their lives. It seems that certain people just cut and paste the same replies on this forum in every thread....

Damn, you caught me . . . I knew that new fangled cut 'n' paste stuff would catch me out in the end wai.gif

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If this is "Thainess" (the not giving a shit about your HUSBAND that you love and care for and share a life with that's been missing for 7 or 8 days), then I want no part of it. It stinks.

In all fairness of "Thainess" up to now it's a pretty vague report on happenings but my first thoughts on reading the article made me jump to a conclusion that I wouldn't normally take, I joined the "who dunnit club", maybe I'm premature in my thoughts, time will tell but I hope the guy's safe and sound...

First thing search her home etc see if she has the keys hidden. Police should interview her in the way they do with the drug guys and get confessions so fast

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It's quite common world wide for men of a certain age to just wander off and abandon their lives. It seems that certain people just cut and paste the same replies on this forum in every thread....

dam_n, you caught me . . . I knew that new fangled cut 'n' paste stuff would catch me out in the end Posted Image

It wasn't your post I was actually referring to but I see the identical remarks by some in every thread. I agree with most of what you said. It is quite common for middle aged men to just abandon everything and walk away. That's how many end up as farang in the first place!

I'm sure your cut and paste skills are top notch ;-)

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The life insurance policy document must never be shown or revealed to the thai. It is like winning a lotto to them.

I hope he will be found alive but I doubt it. Maybe they did not read a small print on document that they must have a dead body to prove.

Before printing such speculative rubbish, how about actually reading the thread; apparently he has been located, and alive.

Calm down, Calm down, I never noticed that. But thanks anyway.thumbsup.gif

OK I'm calm, I'm calm - Dammit Kid, I'm calm!!w00t.gif

Fair enough squire.

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They found him this morning. He was hiding in a forest near Rasi Salai, his wife called the cops many times.

He's on a medication, left his home and lived many days in a sort of forest, drank water from the Moon river. He's in a hospital now for treatment.

Just spoke to a Thai friend from the Tourist police. His wife did care about him ,but had no idea where he could be. So please no bashing here. Thanks.-wai2.gif

Why didn't his wife report him missing, especially if he is on medication!

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when is everybody going to realize that all these stories are so poorly written with incorrect and conflicting information that you cannot draw any conclusions about what happened?

why can't it just be that the guy has some mental and or drinking problems and wondered off?

That was my first thought reading this story six pages ago.

maybe he has a history of this behavior so the wife was not too concerned.

or maybe they argued and he left so she was not too concerned.

maybe they are both not too smart.

all these stories remind me of watching "Cops" following trailer trash around Riverside county in California.

Maybe Maybe Maybe - from the Maybe man with all the answers, one of them is bound to be right......right ?

Maybe cheesy.gif

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You think that she would have missed the car wouldnt you.....rolleyes.gif

But before we hang her lets just recal the last missing farrang story--from Phuket, His Place empty, clothes still there, cold cup of coffee sitting on table-- no sign of him although he was due to fly back home the next day, held a responsible job as a scuba diving instructor living and working in Thailand for 4 years , then money began being withdrawn from his bank account--ATM with person wearing full face helmet, his poor parents who were at a loss---offered 50,K reward, his mother not rich, flew over from America to appeal for help, but finances ment she could not stay long.....Bad things must have happened....Thai people must have done something to him..... 4 months, Yes 4 months after he makes contact with some lame story. The bottom line--I think the English have a cute saying for it --- he was C--T Struck.

Yes Brett Bean == Plonker of the year, lets hope like Brett Bean---this guy's disapearence is not what everyone is predicting

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They found him already this morning and his wife was very seriously looking for him. He's in a hospital now for treatment.

Unless the original news story was complete rubbish, it appears that she was not looking for him in the

slightest. The story seems to indicate in fact she did not report it at all until the car was found, then she said

he was missing for 7 days. If he was mentally ill or on heavy medication, that certainly should have been part

of the story. Looking for an ill person is much much different than a person who has disappeared..Another

strange episode in Thailand in I guess....... Why was he hiding from his wife ?? Oh sorry could not resist.. :-)

Seems that inconsistencies and inaccuracies are pretty common in news reporting. And it's difficult to extrapolate the truth from a collection of faulty information. Fortunately this story didn't turn out as it seemed, but even after the fact it's still difficult to piece together.

Bottom line: Glad the guy has been found and hopefully he and his family will be able to put this behind them. Nice to have what appears to be a happy ending once in a while.

Edited by marell
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No Thai bashing, so imagine this is some other country.


But it wasn't was it? It was in Thailand where the mangling of English is a KNOWN forte of the media, where the police are generally KNOWN to do less than stellar work, where holding back on full details of any story is KNOWN to make for a shorter 'run' on the reporting network and this forum (less hits = less revenue).

This whole NON-STORY played out on some people's morbid fascination with elderly foreigners possibly being murdered by their Thai spouses; a fascination that is HUGELY inversely proportional to the number of times that such unfortunate events actually take place.

I hope the guy gets his medications and recovers.

Are you for real ??? I post to my mind what I think is sensible, whether it be the actual event or the part story that is rarely followed up, Did the HE HAS BEEN FOUND come from the newspaper or was it a poster who broke the news.

All the speculation from posters arrives from experience here, personal or from friends, So many of these stories reported are suspect, it is just not just the stupidity of foreigners falling into the web-it is the laws here that LET IT HAPPEN.This case may well not be in that fashion BUT most are.

I can assure you that I am for real. This is Thailand, it is what it is but you already know that. There's no way in Hades that any local rag posing as a newspaper in LOS is going to report a happy ending to this nice little earner. Not as long as there's still punters reading the OP and posting their rather gloomy predictions WITHOUT reading that there has indeed been a happy ending and not their much preferred body in the boot... ask the boyfriend theories.

All this "speculation from posters" arrives from a whole lot of bugger all else to do in their chosen, disenfranchised, 'I told you so', myopic, culturally moribund but precariously fragile stasis in Thailand and bugger all to do with any experience, either personal or anecdotal.

Now, can you say the same for YOUR chosen avatar "bash when needed, happy here" ?

Please don't say it isn't so? I am quite enjoying myself.

More often than not most posters are well aware of what goes on here, most of us can live with that fact and have good Thai friends to boot.

My 'avatar' is the person who I am, and was the same in my country of birth, if you do not knock the wrongs, something is wrong with your attitude. it is natural to have freedom of speech as long as you tell the truth.

Your protection of Thais is well logged, even if they are wrong.

If you are happy with that-good for you thats what life is about, and if some people hit a nerve now and again, think why. all criticism if true IS FEEDBACK.

I do not apologize for some posters for some remarks they make.

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I would like to know more about life insurance in los and life insurance from other country's.

When i was still married my policy clearly stated that in case of suicide my ex would get nothing.

So how is it possible that foreign banks who provide life insurance policy's would pay out to thai wifey based on some dodgy thai police and correner report straight away,most of these company's would hire private detectives before they would pay a dime.

And i dont believe thai banks would do the same seeing so many foreigners have to do so much paperwork when wanting to take big sums of their hard earnt cash back to country of origin.

So its that easy to take out a life insurance on foreign hubby with a thai company and then have him killed and get all the proceeds,most of you cant afford a decent health insurance so please explain ......

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If this is "Thainess" (the not giving a shit about your HUSBAND that you love and care for and share a life with that's been missing for 7 or 8 days), then I want no part of it. It stinks.

In all fairness of "Thainess" up to now it's a pretty vague report on happenings but my first thoughts on reading the article made me jump to a conclusion that I wouldn't normally take, I joined the "who dunnit club", maybe I'm premature in my thoughts, time will tell but I hope the guy's safe and sound...

Actually he hasn't beem seen since 10th Sept when he was having a beer at Kalasin bus station. He was talking about going to either Bankok or Phuket, how the hell the car ended up in Sisaket is anyones guess.

Derek is/was a Liverpool guy and had believed a recent email telling him that he had won 12 million GBP on his email address. .I know his wife went to a friend of mines scholl asking about him. After that Monday noone has heard anything from him. Before those of you who like to point ouy things, he is/was only a casual aquaintance of mine so i have never had his phone number. Only trying to narrow down when last seen.

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They found him this morning. He was hiding in a forest near Rasi Salai, his wife called the cops many times.

He's on a medication, left his home and lived many days in a sort of forest, drank water from the Moon river. He's in a hospital now for treatment.

Just spoke to a Thai friend from the Tourist police. His wife did care about him ,but had no idea where he could be. So please no bashing here. Thanks.-wai2.gif

Why didn't his wife report him missing, especially if he is on medication!

His wife did call all the police stations, but nobody had an idea where he was. How should his wife know where he went to? Kalasin is a few km away from Rasi Salai.

He seems to be in a serious condition, as he didn't take his medication and drank water from the Moon river. Can you blame his wife for his behavior?-wai2.gif

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