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Train derails just 300 meters from Bangkok's Hua Lamphong main terminal


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Wow, the number of train accidents this year in Thailand is astonishing.

Not if you consider the amount of money that has flowed into the pockets of politicians rather than maintenance over the last 50 or so years. No Government is innocent in this one. The same as the way They have used Education money to fill there pockets.

Let us hope that they are now forced to draw up a sensible infrastructure plan and leave there Pie in the sky 2.2 Trillion baht pocket filling plan in the garbage where it belongs.wai2.gif

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" The age of the tracks " ? This is the main railway station in the nation's capital so what chances of proper maintainence out in the provinces ?

With all that's happened on the Chiang Mai route we know the answer.

The Thailand Rail system is very much a-lined with the PTP party, they both keep coming off the line.coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

Time t sideline the old buffers and streamline te service,make it compulsary for MPs

I have to group them up like this or I will run out of I likes. With the exception of the ones trying to ridicule another cultures belief they are all good.

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I wonder if the track system was undermined from the severe floodings a couple of years ago and now weakened due to subsidence as I've never heard of so many 'incidents' in such a short time span. I did have an interesting experience when taking a train from Singapore up through Malaysia to Penang where the cars kept uncoupling every hour or so. At least they stayed on the tracks. biggrin.png

To be honest with you I think there is a lot of truth in what you say about the flood causing a lot of damage. I wonder if they could maybe get in a foreign engineering company to look into that.

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I travel on these trains weekly and have done so for many years, this new spate of derailing stinks of some corrupt official not getting his/her own way, and are trying to speed things up by making things 100 times worse than they really already are.

I don't follow your logic on that. There is no way they could even replace the Bangkok Chiang Mai rail with a decent High Speed Rail for the money they are asking. Also this is not a happening that is caused by recent events. It started years ago when they decided not to do maintenance unless there was an accident.wai2.gif

Evil spirits or just shoddy maintenance...hmm, let me guess rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif alt=rolleyes.gif width=20 height=20>

or trying to convince everyone that they need a 2 trillion loan to replace the current rail system - how obvious and sinister is that w00t.gif.pagespeed.ce.fUUOmDCInI.gif width=18 alt=w00t.gif>

See my reply to the abovewai.gif

They are building a high speed train from Thailand to China and can't even take care of these old tracks. I'll surely not be the guinea pig for this new train for sure

What ever gave you the idea that they were building a High speed from Thailand to China. You might want to check your sources. Several years ago China proposed that they partner up with Thailand on a High Speed Rail through Thailand. It was just part of a plan China had to build one from Singapore to the Chinese Capitol. What ever gave you or your ill informed source the idea that Thailand wanted to build a High Speed Rail system from Thailand to China? Was it all going to be in Lao?cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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In any other country: Criminal Negligence. Everyone hurt of killed should be compensated plus 'pain and suffering'. However, they probably settle for 1/50th of the compensation they would recieive in a Western country. Let's say a person's spouse, who is a significant source of income for the other spouse, is killed. 100,000 to 1,000,000 baht might cover it in Thailand, but in the Western country, that's about 1/3 of an annual salary.

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What would u expect from a 60 plus years old rail way system......?!! Not the 1st nor would it be the last!!

I expect that after of certain number of years , the wooden ties will rot and fall apart: which they are doing right on queue. So, look at the last time the wooden ties were replace, If they have never been replaced, then that particular batch of wooden ties have a life of almost 60 years exactly. Of course, if they are replaced with sub-standard timber to offset cost, expect a repeat in in 1/2 the time.

Personally I think the fact that the ties are all giving out at the same time is actually blessing in disguise. SRT is really forced to address the problem. If it was happening every year of two, they would just go the temple to make merit, but never replace the rotten timbers.

...and High Speed Rail? Forget it. They can't adequately maintain a normal rail-line. With high speed rail, they kill a few thousand tourist before they moved to solve the problem.

Me? Anymore I'll either drive my own car to BKK or fly. No more death buses, death vans, death trains, or any other deadly mode of transport.

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These incidents simply just do not happen. They happen for a reason and that reason is the abhorance this country has with the concept of preventative maintainance ever since their accountants explained that any maintainance tend to have a negative impact on the profit line.

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I do apologize This is a scream.

I am thinking the actual engine doe's not want to go where it's being driven, so it leaves the rails like it's self destructing. The Spirits-sure

I have a feeling that at every place where each derailment has happened, some one was killed-or an animal was run over in the long past, evil spirits are at each point, and only the engine knows.cheesy.gif

I have to say ginjag you don't have much imagination.

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But the government is still gun-ho on high-speed bullet trains. If this (or future administrations) could at least bring the railway system to 20th. century standards, that would be a great improvement. Let's see what the spirits think of this idea.

IMO all the talk about high speed bullet trains is just a way of placating the Thai people, who are often prepared to forego things in the present, with the promise of something better to come. There will not be a high speed bullet train in my lifetime and even is there is, I for one would certainly not ride on it!

The 'high-speed' rail they're building really isn't high speed. It's top speed will only be about 120KM/h.

It's just high-speed in name. The travel time will be cut down to 6 hours. Flying to Chiang Mai from Bangkok will still be a lot faster.

The term "high-speed rail" is a popular buzz word for politicians these days. Same thing going on the the US.

SRT is better off keeping their existing old fleet of trains. At least they move slow enough so people can survive derailments and walk away.

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Train derailments are becoming as frequent as "balcony falls" !!

Almost daily..

however the public embarrassment doesn't seem to change anything to do with maintenance, let alone a change in those in charge of public train services or even slightly higher up!

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They are building a high speed train from Thailand to China and can't even take care of these old tracks. I'll surely not be the guinea pig for this new train for sure

The ambitions are enormous, as the goombahs in government would like to view themselves, and their country as one of the world's leaders. But, the unfortunate part is that they do not want to commit the budget to achieving this goal. My sense of it is that the funds are probably there, if they were serious. Certainly the money would be better spent on this kind of infrastructure, than on something as goofy as rubber subsidies. But, they are not. So, they go on with these silly proposals and then do things get followed up, or done in the proper fashion? If China was willing to build the railway, and then do all the maintenance, in exchange for the profits, maybe it could work. But, would that kind of vision ever manifest itself here? Are there any creative souls in government here?

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I remember in the late '50s and early '60s zipping across Ontario on the CNR Inter City Limited at 80 mph (128 Kph) smoothly and comfortably. If the RSR could just meet that standard from over 50 years ago it would be very acceptable rapid service. No need for Shinkansen or TGV speed at fantastically high cost. Just good, reliable and on-time service.

I also remember that in the mid '60s in Thailand all that was needed to know the station was the timetable and a watch. Delays were very rare.

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How is that even possible??? 300 meters and it derailed? That's just unbelievable. Scary to think that train derailment/accidents are on the rise in Thailand. I used to look forward going to Laos or Butterworth for visa runs but not anymore I guess, after all these accidents on the rise.

Something has to be done about this and soon, I hope! Not wait till someone actually dies before taking action. Seriously.

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