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Arrest warrant may be issued for Thammasat anti-uniform ad creator


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I think it was an excellent poster ad. It achieved exactly what it set out to archive. It certainly made me think about girls in school uniforms.

You're a lightweight. A true pervert like myself doesn't need reminding about girls in school uniforms. I need reminding not to think about them.

I think it might have been better to leave this alone. This is just giving more publicity.

This thread is about Thai university girls having to wear uniforms. I do object to being called a pervert. There is nothing perverted in admiring beautiful university girls. But is it perverted to like 2 at a time. Mr Kim you can look at the picture but don't think about them


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Talky Story?

They should arrest the person who came up with this ridiculous name.

Sometimes Thais come up with witty English usage, but this is not one.

If I had an advertising agency, I would hire N'Aum before I would even talk to someone who creates a site like Talky Story.

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More likely a ladyboy that can't wear a girls uniform for her school ID making a fuss than a true call for democracy in a school.

Face it kids, do what the teacher tells you or risk getting bent over teachers knee for a spanking!

Interesting point.

Could be Aum just wanted to shorten her skirt.

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I think it was an excellent poster ad. It achieved exactly what it set out to archive. It certainly made me think about girls in school uniforms.

I've been thinking about girls in school uniforms since, well, I was a boy in school uniform...................

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What exactly is the crime supposed to be? Is it the photos or insulting the Royal Institute of Thailand? In spite of its name, the latter has nothing to do with the royal family and is under the direct command of the prime minister (according to wikipedia), so what's the crime?

Maybe because it has Royal in the title? But then so do the police, and look at the ribbing they deservedly take....

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What exactly is the crime supposed to be? Is it the photos or insulting the Royal Institute of Thailand? In spite of its name, the latter has nothing to do with the royal family and is under the direct command of the prime minister (according to wikipedia), so what's the crime?

Maybe because it has Royal in the title? But then so do the police, and look at the ribbing they deservedly take....

This oxygen waster Porntipa's seeking an arrest warrant is is all couched in her rather loose interpretation of lese majeste, ie. ignorance. With the reference to 'royal' institutions and specific references to this Aum character bad-mouthing her mother since 'mothers' and 'fathers' are all very special in LOS aren't they?

Calm down, get the monks in for a bit of chanting and water sprinkling and it will all be just yesterday's (attempt at) news.

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An arrest warrent? What a ridiculous knee jerk overreaction. Not unlike the 'great airport paint job', it's turning a relatively minor event into a laughing stock. Odd how so many attempts to 'save face' end up accomplishing the exact opposite.

Edited by marell
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What's is a royal institute of thailand?
What did she say about it?
Why is it a crime?
What is an anti-uniform movement?
What does that have to do with whatever crime these people are referring to?
Why is the producer of a tv show going out of his way to see a criminal investigation if the police aren't already on it?

And what in the world is goin on in this crazy country?
Literally nothing I read about crime or politics ever makes any sense.

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Talky Story?

They should arrest the person who came up with this ridiculous name.

Sometimes Thais come up with witty English usage, but this is not one.

If I had an advertising agency, I would hire N'Aum before I would even talk to someone who creates a site like Talky Story.

Having worked in and around the advertising industry in a previous life, I make you spot on. Unfortunately, you probably need a doctorate or better to get a job answering the phone for an agency in this country.

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Good to see that Thailand at last has some free thinking school kids,

instead of just been zombies,never thinking outside the box, maybe

thats whats needed to wake the country up.

regards Worgeordie

An uprising...cool....great times for an uprising.

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No crime committed. This is supposed to be a Democracy and citizens have the right to Free Speech. Pictures "imply" and may be considered "risque" but not offensive. You can not insult an inanimate object, only living people. Another "Black Mark" on the government brilliant thinking.

Thailand has no Free Speech at all. It doesn't even pretend to have it.

Oh, it does pretend!

It is a democracy, didn't you know?

But fewer and fewer people/nations are believing it. The laughing stock hub of SE Asia! This story beggars belief!

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What's is a royal institute of thailand?

What did she say about it?

Why is it a crime?

What is an anti-uniform movement?

What does that have to do with whatever crime these people are referring to?

Why is the producer of a tv show going out of his way to see a criminal investigation if the police aren't already on it?

And what in the world is goin on in this crazy country?

Literally nothing I read about crime or politics ever makes any sense.

Just to bring it full-circle; I'll go ahead and answer my own questions:

• The Royal Institute of Thailand is a wonky translation for the Royal Family. They are claiming this person insulted the Royal Fa,iy in some way (though, they never explain how)

• This person does not appear to have said anything that even relates to the Monarchy.

• Insulting the Monarchy is a crime here. Again, though, this ad in itself does not seem to do that.

• The "anti-uniform" movement is anyone that believes that university students should not have to wear uniforms. It's not clear to me why this is the case. The image with the story is an advertisment that basically says; Some university girls moonlight as prostitutes. This is because men find university girls sexy. So, by some magical logic that is opaque to me, uni girls should not wear uniforms. Also, a more accurate label might be the "anti-uniform person".

• Again, this does not seem to have any relationship to the Monarchy that I can see. Would be happy to have someone explain the connection.

• The tv producer *appears* to be a some sort of cutthroat executive/ throw this girl to the wolves to get some publicity/ doesn't give a dam_n that this kind of accusation could result in actual criminal charges and/or assault in the streets for insulting the King.

In summation:

- The ladyboy has a nonsense argument: Men think uniforms are sexy, therefore no uniforms

- The TV producer has some very, very twisted motives: You don't like uniforms, therefore let me throw you to the wolves and film the attack.

- And the "reporter" of this article needs to go back to school, not to learn journalism, but to study an entirely different profession altogether.

postscript: Every shred of this is taken completely out of context. In other words; this is a non-story.

No uniforms are much more sexy.

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"insulted the Royal Institute"

Equally nonsense that someone "requested that police issue an arrest warrant" instead of pressing charges.

The Coconuts News legal correspondent at its best.

Edited by Morakot
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I think it was an excellent poster ad. It achieved exactly what it set out to archive. It certainly made me think about girls in school uniforms.

Tell me about it. I just spent 4 days in the McCormick Hospital in Chiang Mai and for the life of me I can't shake the images of those pretty girls in nurse's uniforms. smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

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I read the full article.

The girl Neko has an excellent point. There is nothing wrong in what was said.

the founder of the TV show is after a 'ratings boost'.

At the university level, uniforms are a silly thing. They are old enough to make choices and wear what they want. they are old enough to Vote and Drink and be in the Army, so I think they are quite capable to wear clothes of their own choice.

Diverse students make universities colourful.

is this North Korea? or is it Thailand? !!

Let the students wear what they want. No need to force a 20 year old what to wear.

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Regardless of what adjectives are used to soften the content of these posters they are without doubt blatantly provovative and totally inappropiate for an institution of higher learning.

Ohhh my god, can you please elaborate on whats appropriate for an institute of higher learning. Keeping in mind these people are adults and NOT children.

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