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UN urges Thailand to ensure social security, healthcare


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UN urges Thailand, Asia-Pacific nations to ensure social security, healthcare

BANGKOK: -- Thailand and Asia-Pacific countries must ensure that elderly people will get access proper social security, healthcare services, pensions and transportation, as these societies are ageing quickly, a UN agency said yesterday.

They also need to stimulate young people to have more children, as every country requires a critical mass of young people to enhance their economy and make it competitive.

While population trends in Asia-Pacific countries and Thailand are not uniform, all these countries are faced with three main problems related to population growth: ageing societies, migration and urbanisation.

Moreover, these countries also face the issue of climate change, which affects the movement of people, especially those living along coastal areas, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) executive director Dr Babatunde Osotimehin said.

According to the UNFPA's recent report, Thailand has quickly become an ageing society, because the birth rate has been gradually decreasing. Fifty years ago, a Thai mother had six children on average. Twenty years ago, the birth rate reduced to two children per mother. The current birth rate in Thailand stands at only 1.6 children.

The lower birth rate has social and economic implications for the country. For instance, a shrinking working-age population can affect the country's productivity.

Lower birth rates tend to happen as part of the urbanisation process, with women gaining more education and better work opportunities. Among ASEAN countries, Thailand is now the second-most rapidly ageing society after Singapore. This poses a challenge for Thailand, as the country's transition to an ageing society has been faster than in many countries, leaving less time for it to prepare.

"The government should do more to ensure that all people are included in its social-development agenda," Osotimehin said.

He is visiting Thailand to preside over the Sixth Asian and Pacific Population Conference (APPC). Over 300 participants, including heads of state, ministers, senior officials, parliamentarians, civil society participants and representatives of United Nations organisations are attending the five-day conference, which began Tuesday. Its goal is to agree on joint action to address the broad range of challenges related to population and development in the region. They are also expected to adopt the Asian and Pacific Ministerial Declaration on Population and Development.

Osotimehin met with Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and Public Health Minister Pradit Sintavanarong to encourage the government to do more to ensure that all people are included in the government's social-development plan.

Osotimehin said he told Yingluck that the UNFPA is scheduled to release its "State of the Thai Population" report on October 30.

The report, which will include an assessment of adolescent pregnancy rates, is part of a global campaign undertaken by the agency.

Osotimehin said Thailand was doing a good job of making sure that everyone is included in the government's social-development plans, as well as being lifted out of poverty. The UNFPA will coordinate with the government to reduce inequality to make sure that all people - including registered and non-registered migrant workers - can access basic services such as healthcare, he said.

-- The Nation 2013-09-18

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A plan to encourage birth rate? How do they expect a woman to have more children to raise when their husband leaves them an marries another woman and does not pay support? It is difficult to raise 1 child let alone to try to raise 3 or 4 with no support. Do they expect more farang to come to Thailand to marry and raise the children? Thailand will continue to lose population until they have a support system that does not cater to man culture

I think you do not understand The UN wants to give the women money to raise eight children each. However the EU, England and the United States do not want to give money for this wonderful idea

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A plan to encourage birth rate? How do they expect a woman to have more children to raise when their husband leaves them an marries another woman and does not pay support? It is difficult to raise 1 child let alone to try to raise 3 or 4 with no support. Do they expect more farang to come to Thailand to marry and raise the children? Thailand will continue to lose population until they have a support system that does not cater to man culture

I think you do not understand The UN wants to give the women money to raise eight children each. However the EU, England and the United States do not want to give money for this wonderful idea

And why in the hell would they want to give money for this "wonderful" idea? I hope your kidding.

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A plan to encourage birth rate? How do they expect a woman to have more children to raise when their husband leaves them an marries another woman and does not pay support? It is difficult to raise 1 child let alone to try to raise 3 or 4 with no support. Do they expect more farang to come to Thailand to marry and raise the children? Thailand will continue to lose population until they have a support system that does not cater to man culture

I think you do not understand The UN wants to give the women money to raise eight children each. However the EU, England and the United States do not want to give money for this wonderful idea

And why in the hell would they want to give money for this "wonderful" idea? I hope your kidding.

I am not kidding. They know no one is helping them and only the rich nations will do

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"They also need to stimulate young people to have more children, as every country requires a critical mass of young people to enhance their economy and make it competitive."

Then they need to find a way to make sure most of those children are females. Otherwise they will have a critical mass of deadbeats who won't support the elderly or the children.whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

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Thailand's going to have a hard job providing for the population in regards

to health, schools, care of the old,if it keeps going on as it is,the till is going

to be empty,

Mountains of rice and rubber, rampant corruption,taking on massive debit,

not a way to run a household never mind a country.

regards Worgeordie

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A plan to encourage birth rate? How do they expect a woman to have more children to raise when their husband leaves them an marries another woman and does not pay support? It is difficult to raise 1 child let alone to try to raise 3 or 4 with no support. Do they expect more farang to come to Thailand to marry and raise the children? Thailand will continue to lose population until they have a support system that does not cater to man culture

How right you are.

Why don't the Thai authorities chase Thai fathers who bugger off and then give another bird kids that again they bugger off from.

Why don't Thai authorities take note of farangs that take care and bring up the Thai kids of these eeeeeeeeeeer, hmmmmm, ''gentlemen'' instead of making life difficult for them, making jumping through hoops to feel like second class folk.

Nothing works here except thinking up another hoop with no thought given to anything.

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Nothing going to happen. Thailand already have a high birth rate. There just is not land to go around to support any more increase in population. so this artical is utter rubbish.

Exactly. I don't get this 'We must breed more to work in our factories and fields' crap. Nature is doing what does despite the arrogance of humankind. Too many people? Just let them die off naturally and breed less.

This obsessive need for 'growth', whether it be the economy or population is insane and ruining our planet.

The biggest problem facing the world today is over population and yet in the pursuit of the all mighty Lord Money mankind keeps on encouraging more people to produce more people to use up more of the planets natural resources and have more die from starvation.

Talk about the elephant in the room this is a house with an elephant in every room including bathrooms and closets and hardly any one can see them.

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