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Chonburi: Penis enlargement attempt fails horrendously


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Crikey, that doesn't leave us much??

if the powers were truly serious about that rule there would be precious little left on the site to read.

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I guess it was an attempted 'marbling' and not an attempted enlarging.

It is very common here and in the rest of SEA for the men to insert beads etc into their penis as they feel insecure about their ability to please their partner with what they naturally have.

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Well lads....I reckon the poor feller in a last moment

of alcohilic desperation (stupor) came to the sudden

realisation that this wasn't gonna fit and decided to

trot over to the local clinic but only made the post

office due to bood loss...


Alcohol makes one do really supid things

with fishing poles ya know...

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What happens in the minds of such people is a mystery. To cut his penis to enlarge it, does not make a lot of sense to me.

Read -FRANK JAMES- Post Nr 42 blink.png

"My wife told me that it was a somewhat common practice in Thailand for men to cut themselves in a "X" pattern across the tip of the organ, rather like the flared end cuts one sees on sausage sandwiches here. If one can withstand the excruciating pain, which must go on for several days at least, the organ heals, with a mushroomed head. Hence, it is "bigger" than before, in terms of girth."

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Is this one of those Darwin award moments?

No, he has to die, learn the requirements before posting comments about the Darwin Awards

i think it should be "prevented from breeding"

I think the term is removed from the gene pool - and this would seem to have been a fair attempt to do that.

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I have a solution for this: Sex change. Right now Mr Chumpon probably has his wish of a bigger penis considering the infection and swelling. However, if the infection leads to amputation, no problem! Transgender surgery (male to female) is state-of-the-art here in Thailand. Mr. Chumpon, with the aid of a little more estrogen in his diet, could become Ms. Chumpon.

Just remember: Be careful what you wish for, especially when drinking Thai whiskey with your fishing buddies. Best of luck Khun Chumpon. wai.gif

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I think we need to know what they hell the guy was drinking - so we can avoid it.

I presume he's either an alcoholic and suffering from dementia, had mental issues or was on something other than booze.

Lots of guys here have penis implants - perhaps he was going to try doing it himself.

Let's hope the rehabilitation of his penis is not a lengthy process.

Spoil sport!clap2.gif

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You are right I know many in America who did this 70 years ago it worked for them LeRoy had it done and now it is 10 full inches

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I think we need to know what they hell the guy was drinking - so we can avoid it.

I presume he's either an alcoholic and suffering from dementia, had mental issues or was on something other than booze.

Lots of guys here have penis implants - perhaps he was going to try doing it himself.

Let's hope the rehabilitation of his penis is not a lengthy process.

The last sentence is a classic. Wasn't his action an attempt at a lengthening process? Appears that he was 'thick' enough already.

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You are right I know many in America who did this 70 years ago it worked for them LeRoy had it done and now it is 10 full inches

I heard about this and that if you hang a heavy brick around your tadger then you can indeed have a penis like Leroy. I tied a heavy brick around mine two weeks ago and i'm half way there already as it's started turning black.

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Penis enlargement? There are a lot of natural methods:

1. Massage (by a beautiful lady in preference)

2. Ginseng Tea for some weeks.

3. Remembering: Short and thick = Happiness of women.,Long and fine= Ladies pain.

Line number 3 is only ever quoted by men with small penises !

But don't forget: men think there where women have a hole. The obsession concerning the little big man is part of our animal heritage.

Edited by lungmi
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Penis enlargement? There are a lot of natural methods:

1. Massage (by a beautiful lady in preference)

2. Ginseng Tea for some weeks.

3. Remembering: Short and thick = Happiness of women.,Long and fine= Ladies pain.

Line number 3 is only ever quoted by men with small penises !

But don't forget: men think there where women have a hole. The obsession concerning the little big man is part of our animal heritage.

Indeed, and how ironic we spend 9 mths trying to get out and the rest of our lives trying to get back in. wink.png

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