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Believe it or not ( but not Ripley's )


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A very good friend from Belgium, with only a little expiriance of Thailand, in fact only a few bar girs in Pattaya, met a lady on a datingsite.

They have contact starting February, he will come to Thailand in December.

Now, believe it or not !!!

She will come from Udon Thani with her car and take him to Pattaya, FREE

She will stay 4 weeks with him, FREE

She will pay 10.000 bath for the hotel room ( total 30.000 )

I try to warn him, there must be something wrong !!!

He says it is true love !!!

Is this possible or not ???

Thank yoou for any advice,


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Stranger things have happened I suppose.

But I can't help feeling I am back in that famous Two-Up Up School which ran out the back of a Greasy Spoon Cafe in Broken Hill, Australia

The cries of 'Come In Spinner' reverberating around the ring.

Be sure to let us know how it turns out Denis

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It all sounds highly circumspect - and that's an understatement.

Tell him to ask her to wire him the 10,000 baht before he leaves home as a sign of good faith, and also, can she please pay the airfare for him.

Come back and tell us she did that and I'll eat a whole durian, (which I totally detest), followed by my best golf cap sautéed in bpa-raa, and then the rear tire off my scooter for dessert.

Oh - and suggest that he wakes up and smells the coffee. coffee1.gif

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Udon Thani, girl with a car and money......sounds like she had a foreign bf or husband before and now left him and is still living with the gains. She probably has a house, too. Now she is looking for a new partner or a new scam. It could be either. So, I wouldn't say that he should automatically discount her as a gold-digger, but he should also not use his rose-colored glasses. I would say he should meet her and then see, but keep his eyes open.
It is weird for me that anyone from anywhere would offer to pay for all that stuff, but who knows, other people are not me. If I were the guy I would still chip in on the hotel, etc. Might not be a great idea to sleep in the same room at first either.....might get roofied. Hahaha....what a wild world.

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It all sounds highly circumspect - and that's an understatement.

Tell him to ask her to wire him the 10,000 baht before he leaves home as a sign of good faith, and also, can she please pay the airfare for him.

Come back and tell us she did that and I'll eat a whole durian, (which I totally detest), followed by my best golf cap sautéed in bpa-raa, and then the rear tire off my scooter for dessert.

Oh - and suggest that he wakes up and smells the coffee. coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif width=32 alt=coffee1.gif>

As a matter of fact, she did pay 2.000 bath advance for the hotel reservation, but I am afraid of what will happen after a few days, if he wakes up and everyhing is gone with the wind. But sure, I will let you know what happend by the 12 of January

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If it look's like a duck and sounds like a duck then...

That is my idee too, but how can I tell him?

You tell him kindly and politely, but firmly and directly, remembering that people will do what they will do. Don't forget to explain that you are doing this because you care about your friend. You will have made your stand by telling him this is a bad idea. He will either follow your advice or he won't, but you will be on the record. As an added bonus, if it does all come crumbling down, you can be a real friend by not pulling an "I told you so".

Your friend will respect you for speaking your mind, but will do whatever he wants to in the end. There is maybe a small chance you will lose the friendship, but if the friendship is that weak, so be it.

I have had this happen before...guarantee you that you will feel better respectfully getting this out in the open.

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By the way....how old is this lady and how old is your friend? I have met several slightly older ladies (think 40s-50s) in Thailand who are successful and don't want for money, but they want companionship. The problem is that most foreign men are interested in much younger women. So, if this woman is in her 40s or so, I could believe it more.

Just as an example, I know a lady who owns a large, 3-floor building and she runs several small businesses out of the first floor. Has a car, has the house and takes care of her kids. She is always hounding me about foreign men and she really doesn't need any more money. Kids all go to good schools, they have all the food they need, etc. She just wants someone to work with her and share it with. So, a lot of this depends on him meeting her, too.

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Udon Thani, girl with a car and money......sounds like she had a foreign bf or husband before and now left him and is still living with the gains. She probably has a house, too. Now she is looking for a new partner or a new scam. It could be either. So, I wouldn't say that he should automatically discount her as a gold-digger, but he should also not use his rose-colored glasses. I would say he should meet her and then see, but keep his eyes open.

It is weird for me that anyone from anywhere would offer to pay for all that stuff, but who knows, other people are not me. If I were the guy I would still chip in on the hotel, etc. Might not be a great idea to sleep in the same room at first either.....might get roofied. Hahaha....what a wild world.

She did have a British husband before, she says it will take 5 years to divorce. I don't know abouth the house, but at first, she and her fammily had a resort, later a car retal, now she has a conviniance store and earns 1.500 bath a day as taxi driver !AND HE BELIEVES IT ALL !!!

And as you say; Put his rose collered glasses of.

Thank you

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Hold the phone. You never know. Whilst the odds may be stacked very much against him, he may have just won the lottery. You will never know if you never go. There are alot of lonely women out there. Watched a docco on Australian TV just a couple of weeks ago about the scammers in Africa ripping off lonley Australian women via internet dating sites. More prevalent than you would believe. Women falling for it and parting with 1000s of dollars, at the prospect of love and companionship.

Just tell your mate not to test the depth of the water using both feet.

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By the way....how old is this lady and how old is your friend? I have met several slightly older ladies (think 40s-50s) in Thailand who are successful and don't want for money, but they want companionship. The problem is that most foreign men are interested in much younger women. So, if this woman is in her 40s or so, I could believe it more. Just as an example, I know a lady who owns a large, 3-floor building and she runs several small businesses out of the first floor. Has a car, has the house and takes care of her kids. She is always hounding me about foreign men and she really doesn't need any more money. Kids all go to good schools, they have all the food they need, etc. She just wants someone to work with her and share it with. So, a lot of this depends on him meeting her, too.

Thank you for your serious reply. The Lady is 33 and she has 2 kids, 6 and 10 years old, my friend is 36, a simple workind man, never married, no kids. But he still believes in Santa !

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If it look's like a duck and sounds like a duck then...

That is my idee too, but how can I tell him?

You tell him kindly and politely, but firmly and directly, remembering that people will do what they will do. Don't forget to explain that you are doing this because you care about your friend. You will have made your stand by telling him this is a bad idea. He will either follow your advice or he won't, but you will be on the record. As an added bonus, if it does all come crumbling down, you can be a real friend by not pulling an "I told you so".

Your friend will respect you for speaking your mind, but will do whatever he wants to in the end. There is maybe a small chance you will lose the friendship, but if the friendship is that weak, so be it.

I have had this happen before...guarantee you that you will feel better respectfully getting this out in the open.

Thank you for your reply, I will try to do so.

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By the way....how old is this lady and how old is your friend? I have met several slightly older ladies (think 40s-50s) in Thailand who are successful and don't want for money, but they want companionship. The problem is that most foreign men are interested in much younger women. So, if this woman is in her 40s or so, I could believe it more. Just as an example, I know a lady who owns a large, 3-floor building and she runs several small businesses out of the first floor. Has a car, has the house and takes care of her kids. She is always hounding me about foreign men and she really doesn't need any more money. Kids all go to good schools, they have all the food they need, etc. She just wants someone to work with her and share it with. So, a lot of this depends on him meeting her, too.

Thank you for your serious reply. The Lady is 33 and she has 2 kids, 6 and 10 years old, my friend is 36, a simple workind man, never married, no kids. But he still believes in Santa !

Dao16 does make some valid points that I hadn't previously considered. However, your description of your friend suggests that he might fit into the "naïve" category - particularly if he has the Santa syndrome. You describe him as a simple working man, never married etc.

That level of naivety, the Santa syndrome, possible lack of worldliness or street sense leaves him wide open to becoming a victim.....and Thailand eats those kind of guys for breakfast.

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Hold the phone. You never know. Whilst the odds may be stacked very much against him, he may have just won the lottery. You will never know if you never go. There are alot of lonely women out there. Watched a docco on Australian TV just a couple of weeks ago about the scammers in Africa ripping off lonley Australian women via internet dating sites. More prevalent than you would believe. Women falling for it and parting with 1000s of dollars, at the prospect of love and companionship.

Just tell your mate not to test the depth of the water using both feet.

A very good advice, I will try to tell him, but I think he is blinded by love.

But thank you.

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By the way....how old is this lady and how old is your friend? I have met several slightly older ladies (think 40s-50s) in Thailand who are successful and don't want for money, but they want companionship. The problem is that most foreign men are interested in much younger women. So, if this woman is in her 40s or so, I could believe it more. Just as an example, I know a lady who owns a large, 3-floor building and she runs several small businesses out of the first floor. Has a car, has the house and takes care of her kids. She is always hounding me about foreign men and she really doesn't need any more money. Kids all go to good schools, they have all the food they need, etc. She just wants someone to work with her and share it with. So, a lot of this depends on him meeting her, too.

Thank you for your serious reply. The Lady is 33 and she has 2 kids, 6 and 10 years old, my friend is 36, a simple workind man, never married, no kids. But he still believes in Santa !

Dao16 does make some valid points that I hadn't previously considered. However, your description of your friend suggests that he might fit into the "naïve" category - particularly if he has the Santa syndrome. You describe him as a simple working man, never married etc.

That level of naivety, the Santa syndrome, possible lack of worldliness or street sense leaves him wide open to becoming a victim.....and Thailand eats those kind of guys for breakfast.

Maybe you are right, I never considerd it that way, and I never heard of the Santa Syndrome ?

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Yeah, I was just trying to look at it from the other side. For the most part, I would be very skeptical. On the other hand, the lady I mentioned and a few others are very nice and do a very good job of supporting themselves. I just don't know any foreigners I would trust introducing them to, even if they were interested. So, it does work both ways, but I think skepticism is definitely in order.

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Does she know the company this chap keeps?

Good joke,

Yes she does,

He is a working class hero

But I was not asking for jokes !

They're free....don't complain

I don't compain,

I really like GOOD jokes, but not on a serious question,

If you have some good jokes, please post them !

I like Tommy Cooper.

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Does she know the company this chap keeps?

Good joke,

Yes she does,

He is a working class hero

But I was not asking for jokes !

They're free....don't complain

I don't compain,

I really like GOOD jokes, but not on a serious question,

If you have some good jokes, please post them !

I like Tommy Cooper.

Like Tommy Cooper, I'm not a comedian; mind, I'm not a migician, but I was just trying to be helpful. It's a shame that some people won't accept honest queries in the constructive manner they were intended. My heart Burns, and I cannot keep in Burns so strong

"Would some power the gift tae gie us

To see oursel's as others see us"



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