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Non gamer ask question about GTA V


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Went to watch a few GTA V vids on utube as I understand that this is a mega-selling title. Also, an old mate of mine works for Rockstar games so I was interested to see the output of his desk toiling.

In all the clips I watched, that had red-light scenes, the woman would get beat-up and then shot by the main character after doing the business.

I'm no prude, but I find this rather disgusting, fwiw.

My question to gamers is: Is it optional to beat/kill the woman ? Is there an advantage or bonus points if you beat/kill the woman ?

Thanks guys.

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if it offends you so.... why don't you ask your toiling old mate himself, who you say 'works for Rockstar Games', as to exactly why they put this facility into the title for gamers to go & run amok with..?

(tell us what he says when you do)

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I don't want to know why and I won't be spamming my mate's inbox enquiring about his work either.

My question is quite simple: Is there an advantage gained by killing women in the game ?

I'm very sorry if this is a stupid questio0n but I have never played this game so have no idea... kinda guessing that the whole idea of GTA V is to run "amok" and that's how you make progress in the game ?

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you don't want to know why..?! & straight from the horse's mouth too..?

don't ask the sheep dear, ask the shepherd.... (your "mate" who you claim is part of the GTAV development crew should surely set you straight)

but maybe it's time you struck him from your xmas card list, if this is how you subconsciously feel about him & his 'work'.

remember.. a fish rots from the head down..... wink.png

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The game made $800 million USD in one day. I heard it was $150 million in advertisements and another $150 million for employees, overhead, etc.... bottom line: this game makes a ton of cash. In fact, a new record for opening day. So, why do they kill women in the game? apparently they decided it sold more games....and they were right. tell your friend to use his million-dollar bonus on helping women. simple. and then ask him if he will retire, rich.

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No there's no inherent advantage to be gained from killing women in the game. You can kill absolutely anybody you want in the game - as well as do many other things. The appeal of this sort of game is the big open world with many different things to do. Drive cars, planes, boats, bikes, play golf, tennis, rob stores, plan heists - the list goes on.

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GTA games mimic life.

Also this isnt new for the series, you have been able to do this since GTA3 that came out well over a decade ago. GTA has always been notorious for these kind of things and its always in the news.

Tbh though for myself and I think for a very large portion of the people that play GTA its all about the size of the game world as this is usually huge and often breaks gaming boundaries , the violence and 'shock' elements I personally find quite boring and never bother with them.

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you get your money back.

if you see the player do something, he did it himself. only during scripted missions are you forced to do anything to progress. and there are no story missions that require you to kill ladies of the night.

player choice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

GTA games get a lot of attention 'because' they put controversial things like this in their games... people talk about it. That is why the games are so well known, the reason they make money is because they are awesome games.

This 'prostitute killing' was in a n earlier GTA game and I wasn't aware that it had mad a comeback in GTA V. Either way, it's just a game.

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