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Myanmar navy shoots, seizes Thai trawler

Lite Beer

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come on guys, we all know that thai fishing boats fish where ever they want, just look at them all doing so in protected waters. This is just another example of a thai captain that thinks he can fish where ever he wants to and does not respect anyone elses borders, hopefully they will do something to the boat/captain so it doesnt keep happening, these people need to learn there are rules that need to be followed.

"Ranong Fishery Association chairman Surin Losong, who is also the owner of the trawler, said he was confident that his boat was not fishing in Myanmar territory."

Where is the proof that they did not fishing in Myanmar territory?

Are we just going to take the owner of the fishing boats word for it?

He has everything to win by lie about this and at the same time he don't lose face 1zgarz5.gif

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