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Working Online via The NY Times

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HardenedSoul Posted 2013-09-08 19:41:19 questions-regarding-thai-farang-relationships/

"But unlike the likes of you, I'm not trying to bang my way through the trouts on the lowest rungs of Thailand's socio-economic ladder . . . and paying for it"

Right but I'm not HardenedSoul. We both apparently have some form of online income but that doesn't make us the same person so I'm not sure what business of yours I got involved with or how I insulted your wife personally.

Did you start this thread to have a dig at him because he insinuated your wife might be a hooker in some long forgotten post? Surely you'll be used to people thinking that by now considering the stereotype older farang and younger Thai women.

That's not me being offense but we all know what most people, both Thai and farang, think when they see a thai / farang couple.

Good to see you've blagged yourself a model lookalike who isn't of questionable means and you don't have to pay for it though. Respect. thumbsup.gif


Batch = punch cards which in those days constituted the human interface with the computer. But hey maybe tomorrow I'll go shopping for a USB camera and start getting the show rolling.

I wonder would anyone pay to see you naked on line? Apart form the usual suspects!


In the old days -- like the 80's and 90's -- when we wanted to be discreet or mysterious about what we did when asked -- we would say we worked on consulting. Nowadays, maybe rather than just saying they are unemployed, they say they work online or remotely. So as described in the NY Times article, all it really takes is a laptop, a USB camera, a good upload connection, an account with one of the webcam hosting sites and one or more consenting/obliging Thai females, that would be a great way for a world traveler to go.

BTW I wrote my first computer program on an HP3000 in 1974 and managed an IBM 370 COBOL batch service account in 1973.

Very much illegal in Thailand and carries a jail sentence


you lot are arguing like hell, at least your there at home,

ive just been asked to change my flight till the 22dec,

take a deep breath and think about things,

a lot of things get said in the heat of the moment that shouldnt of been said, we have all done it, thats why these days,(now im old,,,,,er) i try and think how my words would hurt someone,

we all came here to find a better life, i no i couldnt be happier when im sat on my porch with my little girl and the wife beside me,

lets try and get on boys, people have writen things that wind me up sometimes, i just dont read the thread , one or 2 i used to think, fuc$ ide like to bump into you in a bar, but whats the point,

and the end of the day they are only words people are typing, there not even saying them, if somone says something bad you can see it in there face if they ment it or not,

on here tyhey are just typed words,

dont get upset, just laugh and be happy,

take care all,


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PJ -- From the screenplay for The Sting:

JH: I gave him the breakout just like you said.
HG: And?
JH: 'S good. He threatened to kill me.
HG: Hell, kid, they don't do that, you know you're not getting to 'em.
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I don't say I 'work online'.

I say I have an online business. If people ask for clarification, I will say I do primarily affiliate marketing and search engine optimization both for my own sites and as a consultant for other businesses and now working at adding conversion optimization to my repetoire.

I have no problem specifying exactly what I do, but most people have no clue what it is.



I don't say I 'work online'.

I say I have an online business. If people ask for clarification, I will say I do primarily affiliate marketing and search engine optimization both for my own sites and as a consultant for other businesses and now working at adding conversion optimization to my repetoire.

I have no problem specifying exactly what I do, but most people have no clue what it is.


That's exactly it. Your average, non IM'er, has absolutely no clue what affiliate marketing, SEO or conversion optimization is.

It's like talking double dutch to them. Better just to say 'you make money online' and let them assume it's porn or gambling (seems to be the only thing people can think of for some reason?).

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If you do a generalized Google search on the 2 words that describe my interest in international diplomacy I get 3 hits on the first Google page via comments (including one in The Economist) I have placed all leading back to my website. So getting 3 hits on the first Google search page via a generic search term would be good results for anyone's SEO client.

BTW this article yesterday also in the NY Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/23/technology/give-yourself-4-stars-online-it-might-cost-you.html


So it's UK tag team? What business is it of mine? Absolutely none. And if you stuck to what is your own business you might say the same.

These days I have a visible online presence though not cash generating via twitter, blogspot, scribd.com and a few well read legal and international diplomacy-type websites & beyond that I don't really care to say what it is I understand or not.

BTW Not married to Jessica -- just a Thai girl who looks enough like her.

Calling bullshit on this.

If you are going to make claims like this then back it up with a photo.

You are obviously over 60 years old and your wife most likely was turning tricks if she looks as good as Jessica Alba.

Sounds like you are extremely bitter and jealous of young guys living the life you could only dream of, while you rot away with your ex bargirl Jessica Alba lookalike. :P

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