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Black Magic Or Mind Altering Drugs?

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I know an Austrian who had cancer and got healed within a day.

in fact he did not have cancer, he only thought it (but he was 100 % sure).

than of course it is easy to heal him by a monk.

I find it really hard to believe anything that hasnt got an explanation but living up country this type of stuff is mentioned a lot..

A lad who lives close to us used to be thai police, seemed ok then one day he just turned wierd and started shouting at people. He was level headed before this but just went crazy. I personally thought he had just lost the plot but when speaking to the old lady next door to us she said he was cursed and would probably die without help :D

Next week the missus dragged me to sri sa ket to see a friend and when we came back this guy had died in his sleep (he was only about 29) :D

As we live right beside the temple we hear every funeral (which can go on for a couple of days) and as a rule if some one has died of aids or something simular it will not be mentioned as they do it all through loudspeakers..

When this guy had his funeral they just said he had a curse place on him and that is what took his life....very strange

another true story here, when me and missus are in the uk we are friendly with a thai guy who runs the local restaurant, he has been in the uk for about 10 years without going back. Anyway one day i pop in to see him and he says he feels ill in a bad way. I tell him to see a quack and to take it easy.

Next time i see him is about two months later and he has a small football size lump on his face :D and he looks really messed up, he goes on to tell me its some kind of tumor/cancer which is spreading and if it gets his brain he will be dead.

Not really knowing what to say he tells me he has to have an op within the next few days but he wont go because he needs to be near family (in thailand)..he didnt leave before because he was worried about his business :o

i tell him he is mad and he goes on to say that his g.p told him the flight would almost certainly kill him!! and that unless he had the op it would be curtains..

Anyway taking no advice he books a last minute flight and that is the last i see of him..

About 3 weeks later he turns up in town again looking like nothing is wrong, his face is ok and he looks shed loads better than before..

It turns out he went to some temple in thailand where this monk give him some sort of special blessing where they tip pales of special water with wierd fruits and spices in it down your back.. :D

Apparently when he see his doc after he got back he said it was not possible,

I kid you not, i dont believe in anything that hasnt got an answer but after that young lad and this guy i does make me wonder..

If the girl in the opening post was in some sort of spell maybe i wouldn't believe it at face value but i reckon many thai people would....

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It's a kind of CHARM alright....Most farangs don't beleive such thing. Burmese and Cambodian are well know for such magic or charm.

Go talk to some of the senior Thai citizens or your in-laws and I am sure they have many true happenings to tell you.... :o

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Yes, SJ is quite right on this one. Most likely, actually definitely, it was the effects of the drug by DBNITO(difficult-but-not-impossible-to-obtain), Trollazapam. After studying for quite some time about STORIES, I've learned that the most PCP can do is to cut one's face off to feed a dog. I am now wasting some of my time to study on how David Copperfield flew over the Grand Canyon.

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It's a kind of CHARM alright....Most farangs don't beleive such thing. Burmese and Cambodian are well know for such magic or charm.

Go talk to some of the senior Thai citizens or your in-laws and I am sure they have many true happenings to tell you.... :o

not many true happening.......

Magic definitly does not work, why are these black magic guys all poor?

Why they don't make money with that?

It is all bs. If someone want to kill me with magic, he is welcome to try it on me, because it simply does not work......

the same as Jesus can not walk over water

noone can make water into wine (well some us factories are close)

no monk can get 200-400 years old

and no rock singer can use black magic to bring the chicken into his bed.

That should be at least for every european clear for some hundred years.

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I agree with you h90, unless there can be an explanation then it didnt happen..

The two account i gave highlight this, the thai guy with the face just could have been lucky and it sorted itself out and the thai copper may just have gone nuts or got something that just killed him.

My point is in each case is that thais automaticly think it is something else behind it all, i mean saying at this poor chaps funeral that he was cursed when maybe all it was was a brain tumor or something simular..

The older thais do have lots of storys yes but it is also interesting as when they all get together they cannot agree on what actually happened!!!!

We have a resevior near us and over the past few years about 8 kids have drowned in there..

Its deep, full of weed, and has mud on the bottom that you could loose a car in, the kids get drunk and go swimming and when the levels go down they walk in and try to get fish from the mud, its dangerous and to me its no wonder kids have trouble...

Then one day someone decided there is some sort of ghost in the water that is pulling people under!!!

Every single person believes it :o Many will not even walk past now for fear of being dragged in!!

Its the same with the cards, my missus believes every bit where in fact the predictions are so broad that they could fit anyones life..

In my eyes Thais are so easily guided and the more time i spend with them the less i believe anything other than reality is going on....

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I agree with you h90, unless there can be an explanation then it didnt happen..

The two account i gave highlight this, the thai guy with the face just could have been lucky and it sorted itself out and the thai copper may just have gone nuts or got something that just killed him.

My point is in each case is that thais automaticly think it is something else behind it all, i mean saying at this poor chaps funeral that he was cursed when maybe all it was was a brain tumor or something simular..

The older thais do have lots of storys yes but it is also interesting as when they all get together they cannot agree on what actually happened!!!!

We have a resevior near us and over the past few years about 8 kids have drowned in there..

Its deep, full of weed, and has mud on the bottom that you could loose a car in, the kids get drunk and go swimming and when the levels go down they walk in and try to get fish from the mud, its dangerous and to me its no wonder kids have trouble...

Then one day someone decided there is some sort of ghost in the water that is pulling people under!!!

Every single person believes it :D Many will not even walk past now for fear of being dragged in!!

Its the same with the cards, my missus believes every bit where in fact the predictions are so broad that they could fit anyones life..

In my eyes Thais are so easily guided and the more time i spend with them the less i believe anything other than reality is going on....

ghosts are one point and discussions are easily getting very stupid about it. Noone ever saw one, noone has any proof (beside stories like yours from the mud), but they are 100 % sure and therefore everywhere in the house must be light in the night :o .

A true story:

in the former factory in which I worked, one staff went up for a beer (sitting in the 2. floor fridge is in the 4. or 5.). He took 5 or 6 beer but arrived with one less (4 or 5) and couldn't explain that.

(already drunk a lot). I told that is because of a ghost sitting in the fridge messing arround with the beer, I had the same experiences already.

They then found several more proofs of having a ghost in the building......

They still belive it....

After that big and tall man did not went into my fridge anymore in the evening. And on the day only at least 2 people together.

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Magic exists when people believe it exists, I don't mean fairy tales, but all the purveyors of magic throughout the ages have been people with some knowledge of herbs etc and a malicious mind!

Anyone who has had a "mushroom" shake or pizza will know only too well the effects of a small amount of psychotropic substance on their otherwise rational minds!!

There are many many naturally occuring medicines and plants in SE Asia we have virtually no research on, especially those nasty shrooms!!

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