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British national arrested in Nairobi mall attack


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Transam; by 'we' I mean the ordinary, non bigoted members of this board.

Of course, the obvious answer your question is 'Yes; car drivers!' But I guess that's not what you meant.

So the answer to your question is 'No.'

From this list you will see that terrorist organisations come from nearly all religions or none at all.

Whatever religion, if any, these people claim to represent, the majority of the followers of that religion vehemently protest 5that they do not represent them.

BTW, found out who the Somali born, devout Muslim Mohamed Farah is yet? He is more representative of the overwhelming majority of British Muslims than any Brit involved in this or any other terrorist act.

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Even the Daily Mail accepts that being a Muslim doesn't mean you are a radical terrorist.

Muslim soldiers to talk to school pupils to combat extremism following the Woolwich murder

A senior Government source said it was vital to dispel myths perpetuated by radical Islamists and far Right organisations such as the English Defence League that ‘the West is at war with Islam’.

‘This is an opportunity for men and women in uniform today – Muslim and non-Muslim – to go into schools and show that people of all faiths are serving alongside each in our army forces’, the source said.

‘It sends a really powerful message post-Woolwich – mainly because it was an attack on soldiers, but also because it condemns the extremist narrative that you can’t be a practising Muslim and a loyal British citizen serving your country in the armed forces.’

The visits will be co-ordinated around next year’s activities in schools to mark the centenary of the First World War, in which hundreds of thousands of Muslim soldiers fought and died for Britain.

(My emphasis)

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What news; links, please.

I see you've avoided the awkward questions; again.

We all know your position on 'stuff.' That is all Muslims are plotting to overthrow western democracy, kill all those who wont convert and subject the rest to medieval laws and punishments.

We've heard your ignorant rants before; don't bother repeating them.

Who is your ''We'' sad.png .

Death and destruction of the innocent in our time is being caused by one group around our planet. YES or NO. ?

Sorry forgot, your answer will be yes, so please tell ''us'' what group it is.........thumbsup.gif

While no one (with a functioning brain) would deny that many conflicts today involve majority muslim nations or organizations, "death & destruction of the innocent in our time" as a solely muslim issue either reflects a limited grasp of recent geopolitical events or willful myopia.

To give a few examples of civil conflicts causing multiple civilian casualties which do not involve your chosen GFE (group focused enmity):

Colombia drug/civil war

Mexico drug war

Myanmar separatist conflicts and ethnic cleansing

Sri Lanka separatist/ethnic conflict

Uganda LRA campaign

India Naxalite insurgency

and the worst of them all,

DRC (Congo, Kinshasa variety) where the death toll of civilians since 1996 might well be in the vicinity of 4 million or even higher, and is still rising today.

These are just some of the ongoing conflicts and not a muslim perpetrator in sight. So in answer to your question, civilian bloodshed on a major scale is not just caused by muslim extremists but extremists/terrorists/butchers of a wide variety of creed, ethnicity and race. No civilian murder is acceptable anywhere, by any group, state or individual.

The focus needs to be on combating and thwarting the extremist and the perpetrators, irrespective of their background. Demonizing entire groups just acts as a highly efficient recruiting sergeant for the extremists, and is exactly the reaction desired by said extremists. Why do you want to make their job easier?

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Comparing political movements, for example, with religious conflicts is a little like comparing apples and oranges. They are conflicts, but a political one can be settled with a vote and some changes in laws. A religious one often can't without the elimination of all believers, or making all believers convert to their religion.

Even the drug wars will likely change if one drug, is legalized. It may not end, but it will change. In the religious conflicts even if people change religions, they have to chose the right sect.

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Even the Daily Mail accepts that being a Muslim doesn't mean you are a radical terrorist.

Muslim soldiers to talk to school pupils to combat extremism following the Woolwich murder

A senior Government source said it was vital to dispel myths perpetuated by radical Islamists and far Right organisations such as the English Defence League that ‘the West is at war with Islam’.

‘This is an opportunity for men and women in uniform today – Muslim and non-Muslim – to go into schools and show that people of all faiths are serving alongside each in our army forces’, the source said.

‘It sends a really powerful message post-Woolwich – mainly because it was an attack on soldiers, but also because it condemns the extremist narrative that you can’t be a practising Muslim and a loyal British citizen serving your country in the armed forces.’

The visits will be co-ordinated around next year’s activities in schools to mark the centenary of the First World War, in which hundreds of thousands of Muslim soldiers fought and died for Britain.

(My emphasis)

I have NEVER implied or said that ALL Muslims are terrorists, in fact l have said on similar topics that I have Muslim friends which YOU choose to ignore and call me racist etc. I have said that the innocent woman and children of our world are being terrorised and killed by a group who's callous despicable deeds are related to a religion. OK

If I were a racist I most certainly would not have an Asian wife would I. rolleyes.gif

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Apparently some posters want to discuss the posting habits of others and to have a personal conversation about their beliefs. There is a PM function for that. Do not do it in the open forum.

Post deleted.

Stay on topic, please.

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Yes, any naturalised British citizen who is convicted of an offence such as terrorism can be stripped of their British citizenship;...

In practice, any British citizen who is involved in terrorism and has another nationality may be deprived of British citizenship. (This includes, in both law and practice, people born in the UK to a parent who is a British citizen.) I am not aware of any cases where such deprivation has followed conviction for involvement in terrorism. Waiting for conviction would run the risk that they lose the other nationality first.
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