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It grows on you, and judging from the girth of many of its fans, this is literal.

When I first visited in 98 I thought Pattaya was the most hellish place I had ever visited. Now I wouldn't want to live anyplace else.

What happened? What changed? Another mystery.

Edited by Thaiquila
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why do people still come to pattaya . i read this forum and everybody seems so negative,are you hiding a good thing or do you really dislike it :o

Best hotel prices in Thailand, Best entertainment, Best shopping (after BKK) :D

Transport not so good ... no meter taxis :D


Edited by naka
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I'm one of the lucky people that gets to spend 50% of my time in Pattaya for business. All expenses paid vacation. I have a love / hate relationship with the place. When I'm at work, I hate it but after work and weekends, I love it. Golf is great and the resturants on the beach in Jomtien and Sri Racha make for great drunken lunches. Ahhh, the good life.

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why do people still come to pattaya . i read this forum and everybody seems so negative,are you hiding a good thing or do you really dislike it :D

Isn't that TizMe's avatar ?

In any event. It really sucks in Pattaya. Everyone should go somewhere else, like Phuket or Chang Mai. Too much crime, overflowing sewers, garbage everywhere, rats the size of small children, drunken hooligan tourists in every bar, drivers that see pedestrians as legal targets. :o

Yep, sucks here. Tell all your friends to go elsewhere. Ignore the estimated 5.3 million tourists that visited Pattaya last year alone. According to some, 5.299999 million of those were just here for cheap sex. One tourist didn't come here for sex, but ended up getting some anyways (way to go granny !) :D

Well, I guess I should head out to the bars now and look for sex. The g/f will castrate me afterwards, and the rest of the "clan" here will probably toss me out in the street afterwards for cheating on the g/f. But hey, that's what we are all here for isn't it ? (according to some) :D

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why do people still come to pattaya . i read this forum and everybody seems so negative,are you hiding a good thing or do you really dislike it :D

Isn't that TizMe's avatar ?

In any event. It really sucks in Pattaya. Everyone should go somewhere else, like Phuket or Chang Mai. Too much crime, overflowing sewers, garbage everywhere, rats the size of small children, drunken hooligan tourists in every bar, drivers that see pedestrians as legal targets. :o

Yep, sucks here. Tell all your friends to go elsewhere. Ignore the estimated 5.3 million tourists that visited Pattaya last year alone. According to some, 5.299999 million of those were just here for cheap sex. One tourist didn't come here for sex, but ended up getting some anyways (way to go granny !) :D

Well, I guess I should head out to the bars now and look for sex. The g/f will castrate me afterwards, and the rest of the "clan" here will probably toss me out in the street afterwards for cheating on the g/f. But hey, that's what we are all here for isn't it ? (according to some) :D

I?m sure some guy once said.

There's lies, Dam lies, Then statistics.

I just can't think who it was that said it

Must have been some unimportant person in the past.

Could have even been some <deleted> last nigh in the bar.

Who knows.

Have a nice day.


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I can't claim this as truly original as I've seen similar thoughts on other websites.

If Pattaya was a football team it would be Milliwall as in everybody hates us and we don't care.

All the Bangkok princesses that post on this and other boards think we are all old bald paedophiles but what really riles them is we don't give a ###### what they think.

Pattaya is anti-cool. You by definition can not be cool if you live here. It is anti-fashion you can not be fashionable or part of the in crowd if you live in Pattaya as by definition it is the out crowd.

Any thing goes here. A young male western fashion model with a 50 year old Thai women (I know this couple, he has a mother fetish) a 60 years old 200 kilo German with a 20 year old 4'2" Thai women (I know his couple too) no one cares. Tourists and Bangkok princesses slumming it for the weekend may stare but Pattayans wouldn't even look twice. 70 year old gay man in skin tight pink spandex, so what?

This is Pattaya. This is why I love it here. I won't make crazy statements like I will live here forever because there are worrying signs of it going respectable, I just hope it never happens.

You do not have to be one of the people I describe to live here you can look and be perfectly what the Bangkok princesses would call 'normal' the point is that everyone is accepted and acceptable here.


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I can't claim this as truly original as I've seen similar thoughts on other websites.

If Pattaya was a football team it would be Milliwall as in everybody hates us and we don't care.

All the Bangkok princesses that post on this and other boards think we are all old bald paedophiles but what really riles them is we don't give a ###### what they think.

Pattaya is anti-cool. You by definition can not be cool if you live here. It is anti-fashion you can not be fashionable or part of the in crowd if you live in Pattaya as by definition it is the out crowd.

Any thing goes here. A young male western fashion model with a 50 year old Thai women (I know this couple, he has a mother fetish) a 60 years old 200 kilo German with a 20 year old 4'2" Thai women (I know his couple too) no one cares. Tourists and Bangkok princesses slumming it for the weekend may stare but Pattayans wouldn't even look twice. 70 year old gay man in skin tight pink spandex, so what?

This is Pattaya. This is why I love it here. I won't make crazy statements like I will live here forever because there are worrying signs of it going respectable, I just hope it never happens.

You do not have to be one of the people I describe to live here you can look and be perfectly what the Bangkok princesses would call 'normal' the point is that everyone is accepted and acceptable here.


Good post Yarpy - I like it a lot.

One of the greatest sights in patttaya daily life is to sit in Black Canyon or Food Court at Carrefour and watch these wonderful couples sauntering by with their shopping trolleys. And no one gives them a second glance. Just awesome :D:D

I was going to do a post about all the arrogant ponces from BKK in their clean, pollution free, vice free, ivory towers, but couldn't be bothered.

You did it well mate. :o

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Mobi - have to agree with you. I don't know how many hrs I've sat there just soaking in the surroundings. Can't say I've done that in too many places before getting bored. One of the charming things about Patters.

Mate said don't see many wheel chair bound lads running around Pattaya and just as he said it - one rolled by. Had a good laff on that one. :o

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One of the greatest sights in patttaya daily life is to sit in Black Canyon or Food Court at Carrefour and watch these wonderful couples sauntering by with their shopping trolleys. And no one gives them a second glance. Just awesome :D:D

I get a kick out of sitting in the Lucky Bar complex (just down from the Blues Factory, right on Walking Street), and watching the circus walk by.

A little bit of everything. BGs, katoeys, farangs, young, old, singles, families.

Was there a couple nights ago. Saw 4 young farang kids (aged maybe 8-16 ?) hanging around the end of the soi. Couldn't figure out what they were doing. Then their parents showed up, tall blonde guy and tall blonde woman. They were arguing about something. She tried to kick him, then stormed off down the street. He chased her down and brought her back. They argued some more. The kids just stood there watching. Eventually (after about 30 minutes) they finally left as a group.

The g/f took my phone and made a short video of it. She thought it was quite funny. :D

I get a kick out of watching new Thai/Farang couples (the ones who've just met each other 10 minutes earlier in the go-go). Buddy strutting along, looking to see if other farangs are noticing the fine bird he has draped on his arm. Meanwhile, the bird is scoping out the farangs in the bars, checking who is sitting alone and might be a possible mark later in the evening. Buddy has no idea. :o

Then there are the guys who think they've scored the hottest chick in town. Tall, slender, with boobs to die for. The guys look so proud, never wondering why such fine looking women are still available so late at night. The huge Adam's apples and rather manly features should have been a dead give away, but these guys see the boobs and lose what little brains they had. :D

This place should be a psychologist's wet dream. Freud (or Fraud if you prefer) could get a lifetime's worth of material in just a week of observing Walking Street.

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........I get a kick out of watching new Thai/Farang couples (the ones who've just met each other 10 minutes earlier in the go-go). Buddy strutting along, looking to see if other farangs are noticing the fine bird he has draped on his arm. Meanwhile, the bird is scoping out the farangs in the bars, checking who is sitting alone and might be a possible mark later in the evening. Buddy has no idea. :o

Then there are the guys who think they've scored the hottest chick in town. Tall, slender, with boobs to die for. The guys look so proud, never wondering why such fine looking women are still available so late at night. The huge Adam's apples and rather manly features should have been a dead give away, but these guys see the boobs and lose what little brains they had. :D

This place should be a psychologist's wet dream. Freud (or Fraud if you prefer) could get a lifetime's worth of material in just a week of observing Walking Street.

Yeah, on Walking Street you see them on Day one, all horny with anticipation, thinking how best to screw each other .

In Carrefour you see them on Day 1001, the guys a little fatter, a little greyer, the girls a little plumper, sort of weary looking, with many a leuk kreung in tow.

On Driving Street you see the guys so ancient and frail, you wonder what keeps them alive. But then you see their brand new 18 year old nubile wives, and you know the answer.

Life's rich pattern in sunny Pattaya. :D

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Yeah, on Walking Street you see them on Day one, all horny with anticipation, thinking how best to screw each other .

In Carrefour you see them on Day 1001, the guys a little fatter, a little greyer, the girls a little plumper, sort of weary looking, with many a leuk kreung in tow.

On Driving Street you see the guys so ancient and frail, you wonder what keeps them alive. But then you see their brand new 18 year old nubile wives, and you know the answer.

Life's rich pattern in sunny Pattaya. :D

Amazing what a young woman does to an old(er) man ! :D

Keeps Pfizer's profits rolling along, that's for sure !

My current sort-of g/f is a little younger than my 45 years :o (I'm not perverted enough, yet, to get her to call me "daddy") :D

None of my Thai friends seems to think anything about it, other than commenting on how suai she is (then again, some of those friends have this bad habit of trying to hook me up with every 18 year old girl that comes by :D ).

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It's like a never ending soap opera.You know the plot,you know who you SHOULD dislike,you know the ending,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and you can't wait for the next episode !

It's like your tatty old slippers.You know its time for a change,something comfy and clean..................but these just fit perfect !!

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great posts!

some funny stuff here.

pattaya is very addictive and once you get the bug there is no turning back.

i love the place and love everything about the place.

seem's the gaylord's are winning,so where are the doomlord's today :o:D

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  • 3 weeks later...

i first went to pattaya about 18 years ago, just come off a bad relationship (thank god) and i stepped into paradise i could sit at a bar and have 10 birds chat me up most of them with the same line that was all the english they knew but who cared,i remember having tears in my eyes having to catch the bus to return to reality.

i was hooked on the place,3 or 4 times a year i would come for a month at a time many times pinching myself and saying "is this real"then i met a guy who had just opened a bar in a sleepy soi he had the idea to cater for expats who lived there and encouraged families with kids to come and have a evening drink,so i became i good customer and friend of the owner jimmy mac "god rest his soul "who had the bar in soi 6.

when the pattaya novelty started to wear thin i started to travel around thailand looking for a place were i could settle down and be content and happy, and 15 years on a diamond of a wife and the greatest two kids anyone could have i found it in chaingrai.

when i have been asked in the uk from guys coming for the first time,i ask how long are you going for and if he his married most ofthe time the answers are the same,3 or 4 weeks and not married (for one reason or another) i have allways told them just go to pattaya and blow your brains out you will have a ball.

nowadays i only come to see a couple of old friends, the kids love the place but aweek is enough theese days,but good luck to anyone who wants to spend all their time in pattaya,i allways say "your a long time dead"


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i first went to pattaya about 18 years ago, just come off a bad relationship (thank god) and i stepped into paradise i could sit at a bar and have 10 birds chat me up most of them with the same line that was all the english they knew but who cared,i remember having tears in my eyes having to catch the bus to return to reality.

i was hooked on the place,3 or 4 times a year i would come for a month at a time many times pinching myself and saying "is this real"then i met a guy who had just opened a bar in a sleepy soi he had the idea to cater for expats who lived there and encouraged families with kids to come and have a evening drink,so i became i good customer and friend of the owner jimmy mac "god rest his soul "who had the bar in soi 6.

when the pattaya novelty started to wear thin i started to travel around thailand looking for a place were i could settle down and be content and happy, and 15 years on a diamond of a wife and the greatest two kids anyone could have i found it in chaingrai.

when i have been asked in the uk from guys coming for the first time,i ask how long are you going for and if he his married most ofthe time the answers are the same,3 or 4 weeks and not married (for one reason or another) i have allways told them just go to pattaya and blow your brains out you will have a ball.

nowadays i only come to see a couple of old friends, the kids love the place but aweek is enough theese days,but good luck to anyone who wants to spend all their time in pattaya,i allways say "your a long time dead"


You're a lucky man then, lad. I'm recently single so I do hope to follow your path. However, I wouldn't mind an extra few years in Pattaya! :o

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I can't claim this as truly original as I've seen similar thoughts on other websites.

If Pattaya was a football team it would be Milliwall as in everybody hates us and we don't care.

All the Bangkok princesses that post on this and other boards think we are all old bald paedophiles but what really riles them is we don't give a ###### what they think.

Pattaya is anti-cool. You by definition can not be cool if you live here. It is anti-fashion you can not be fashionable or part of the in crowd if you live in Pattaya as by definition it is the out crowd.

Any thing goes here. A young male western fashion model with a 50 year old Thai women (I know this couple, he has a mother fetish) a 60 years old 200 kilo German with a 20 year old 4'2" Thai women (I know his couple too) no one cares. Tourists and Bangkok princesses slumming it for the weekend may stare but Pattayans wouldn't even look twice. 70 year old gay man in skin tight pink spandex, so what?

This is Pattaya. This is why I love it here. I won't make crazy statements like I will live here forever because there are worrying signs of it going respectable, I just hope it never happens.

You do not have to be one of the people I describe to live here you can look and be perfectly what the Bangkok princesses would call 'normal' the point is that everyone is accepted and acceptable here.


Good post Yarpy - I like it a lot.

One of the greatest sights in patttaya daily life is to sit in Black Canyon or Food Court at Carrefour and watch these wonderful couples sauntering by with their shopping trolleys. And no one gives them a second glance. Just awesome :D:D

I was going to do a post about all the arrogant ponces from BKK in their clean, pollution free, vice free, ivory towers, but couldn't be bothered.

You did it well mate. :D

is this really what you get out of pattaya ? ..........sitting in a shopping center watching people push their shopping around ?

and arrogant ponces ???? are having a go ?

i see :o

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i see :o

No you don't.

You're too blinkered. :D:D

i know why you can't see, maybe you have a small nose

now why don't you go trolly spotting I heard Big C have a few new models you may not have seen before, don't forget to take your camera :D:D:D

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i see :o

No you don't.

You're too blinkered. :D:D

i know why you can't see, maybe you have a small nose

now why don't you go trolly spotting I heard Big C have a few new models you may not have seen before, don't forget to take your camera :D:D:D

Childish and boring

Grow up

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i see :o

No you don't.

You're too blinkered. :D:D

i know why you can't see, maybe you have a small nose

now why don't you go trolly spotting I heard Big C have a few new models you may not have seen before, don't forget to take your camera :D:D:D

Childish and boring

Grow up

your literal prowess seems to have dimminished somewhat

I grow tired of your limitless intelect..................bye for now mobi ...... D*** lol

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