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A Word of Warning when Shopping.


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Hi All,

Thought I might warn others to be wary when shopping here in Phuket. I wasn't going to post about this occurance, but my experience may perhaps ensure this may not happen to any unsuspecting folk.

Thursday last, I was out shopping with my better half at one of the large stores on the island, we were looking for something for our new house, (I won't mention the item or the name of the shop as forum rules & laws would suggest I don't) We were informed that the item we wanted wasn't available, though one of the other stores had it in stock, no problem, we would take a drive to the other store the next day & buy the item.

The next day we went to the other shop & one of the assistants located the item in the stock room whilst we waited near the check out, when she came back the item was in a rather large package, as is usual, a lot of foam & cardboard, not sure whether it would fit in our car I asked if it could be measured & I would then go out & check with the tape measure to check whether the item would actually fit, soon into the opening, checking & measuring, a male assistant offered to assist us, as we were at the check out area I had removed the couple of thousand baht for the item & rather than put it back in my wallet, placed it in my top shirt pocket, (something that I never usually do.)

The male assitant offered to come with me to check the car's interior measurements & at the time I didn't think this was out of the ordinary, heading into the carpark, a car started to back out just in front of us, to which the assistant now on my right flank, literally threw his arm across my chest in a warning of the reversing car, again somewhat odd as I had seen the car clearly & had stopped to let the car manouvre,( though at the time I put it down to him being perhaps extra cautious & thought nothing more,) at the car I measured whilst he stood at the rear & then we headed back into the shopping centre, at this point I went to my pocket to locate the cash to discover it was gone, not noticing, that in the mean time his demeaner had changed somewhat & he was quite briskly walked back into the store, never turning back or even acknowledging myself or the package that seemed so important 5 minutes earlier, heading several aisles into the back of the store.

I then waited for the young lady to be found 15 minutes later, stocktaking, I explained that somehow I had misplaced the money etc, she seemed concerned briefly but the English skills that had been quite good a little earlier had dissapeared, as had my money & the male assistant to boot !

The penny dropped as I ran through what may have had occured, but I didn't take it any further, my word against another, no real proof...Never been scammed in the many years here but will accept it as a lesson learnt, being even more cautious in the future !



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having not been there myself and having never met the OP or the sales person i would say it is just as likely the money was lost as stolen.

only the sale person knows, and even then only if he actually took it.

but really who cares, the the op has taken one isolated incident and generously turned it into another us against them cautionary tale.

you can never be too careful here, the place is heaving with "them".

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The chances of you putting the money in your top pocket, a car backing out at that precise moment in time, the shop assistant being in arms reach at that precise moment, and also a good pick-pocket, does seem like a little too coincidental/opportunistic.

On some occasions, I have placed items in my shirt pocket, I have bent over to pick something up and the item has fallen out.

Is it possible this is what has happened?

I agree with you NamKangMan, but perhaps more opportunistic than coincidental, the fact that he saw me place the money in my top pocket, which was actually 3 x 1,000 baht notes folded once & placed in the bottom of a good fitting cotton shirt (not the type you see a lot of farang wearing) I would have to have stood on my head for the money to have fallen out. The car was not that near either of us, again, that's why I thought it was a bit strange, but anyway I thought I would post what occured, in a way of possibly warning others & also suggesting people be aware of their own cash handling practices.



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Cliff Notes, by Shot

Went shopping

Bought something

Put 2000B in my front shirt pocket

Walked to car with salesman

Salesman saved my life, and may have picked 2000B from my front shirt pocket


Hi Shot,

Yeah, went shopping but didn't end up buying anything,

go figure,

3,000 baht folded in the bottom of a tailored well fitting shirt, not at all easy to fall out

no life saved, I was stationary at that point about a metre & 1/2 from the actual car that was slowly reversing out in front of us & behind another vehicle as I said previously his reaction seemed like an over reaction, but of course how would I know, I was only the person involved.



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Canda you have absolutely no right to suggest or even hint that anyone stole your money without proof

of any kind, your assumption is disgraceful. I, and I am sure many posters, have had items, including money

fall from my shirt pocket. sad.png

Hi phuketjock,

Well there you go, I was assuming I was residing in a country where free speech was allowed.

I may suggest what occured & given the chain of events that led to my conclusion!

Take it as a warning not only to take care of your own cash handling, but also be aware that just perhaps you may be vulnerable.

3,000 bt folded once and placed in the bottom of a tailored, fitted shirt top pocket doesn't just fly out, nor could it just fall out... perhaps in your case you wear loose fitting garments.



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Cliff Notes, by Shot

Went shopping

Bought something

Put 2000B in my front shirt pocket

Walked to car with salesman

Salesman saved my life, and may have picked 2000B from my front shirt pocket


Hi Shot,

Yeah, went shopping but didn't end up buying anything,

go figure,

3,000 baht folded in the bottom of a tailored well fitting shirt, not at all easy to fall out

no life saved, I was stationary at that point about a metre & 1/2 from the actual car that was slowly reversing out in front of us & behind another vehicle as I said previously his reaction seemed like an over reaction, but of course how would I know, I was only the person involved.



its already gone up a grand.


If you had read my post before jumping in you would have realised I mentioned a couple of thousand baht, which can be greater than 2...you actually suggested it was 2,000 bt

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having not been there myself and having never met the OP or the sales person i would say it is just as likely the money was lost as stolen.

only the sale person knows, and even then only if he actually took it.

but really who cares, the the op has taken one isolated incident and generously turned it into another us against them cautionary tale.

you can never be too careful here, the place is heaving with "them".

Thanks GirlDrinkDrunk,

'Who cares"...well, you mightn't, but I certainly do, I agree it was an isolated incident it & hopefully won't happen to me again, I explained what occured & suggested to be carefull when handling money, be it here or anywhere in the world for that matter!

I was careless placing the money there, but did so as I was about to go through the check out, otherwise it would have been in my wallet... I certainly didn't suggest "an us against them scenario", I have lived here quite a while, am well integrated & have never had a problem before.

You are welcome to voice your opinion, but please don't cast me as one of the 'whinging farang' that so many suggest when they don't have anything worthwhile to say.



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I like to give Thais the benefit of the doubt and say they're not thieves...they're opportunistic.

And like everywhere, there are thieves.

Thanks Pinot,

I agree, like everywhere there are good & bad, it happens the world over.

Bye the way, I didn't suggest the assistant in question was actually Thai !



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All in all there are 2 things we can learn from this:

1. don't put money in your shirt pocket and bend over;

2. don't trust an unnamed salesperson in an unnamed furniture shop in an unnamed place on Phuket.

Very helpful.

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All in all there are 2 things we can learn from this:

1. don't put money in your shirt pocket and bend over;

2. don't trust an unnamed salesperson in an unnamed furniture shop in an unnamed place on Phuket.

Very helpful.

and a third...

3. expect to be shot down in flames after starting a well-intentioned forum thread.

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