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Woman Loots 200,000 THB off 65 year-old German


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Happened to me 3 times, no big deal, if you do wake up think yourself lucky because some people aren,t that fortunate. First time was actually my dear loving wife !! second time from the Thermae, sleeping pill ground into paste and applied to the nipples, and the last time, drunk as a skunk, in Patong Beach and entirely myself to blame. Now I am a wiser man, with nothing left to steal smile.png

For those who think it can't happened to them.... I was in a bar, not in Pattaya, named "The Lovely Bar" You walk insde and sit down in the AC... the bar tender/girl and I were the only ones there. She served me a beer and we were talking and she kept telling me to drink more of my beer ( I was slow drinking it) after she said that 3 times... I paid my tab and left the last half of the beer. I made it home and woke up 5 hours later feeling drugged and shivering, couldnt remember the drive home. No I hadn't been drinking,I didn't have the flu, and if she hadn't said so many weird things about drinking more of my drink... I don't think I would have made it home.

I wasn't getting a 200bt massage or whoring, and what was supposed to happen to me when I passed out there in the bar I will never know. I don't have any proof I was drugged either.

Yea, it could happen anywhere. Yea, Sum num na.

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He should have looked for one with an honest face and a good heart especially on Pattaya Beach Road not a big choice of decent Thai ladies there but I am sure he has learned his lesson its just a shame it was the hard way, I hope he gives the thumbs up for the Thailand airport and try and get it No1 in the world and also tell all his friends about his wonderful holiday experience in Thailand and this might help tourist numbers increase once again, Smooth as Silk

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God gave men a brain and a penis and just enough blood to make one of them work........ Gee, I wonder which one was working in this case ?!?


Whenever "older man younger woman" is mentioned out come the holier than thou brigade spouting this sort of nonsense. It is not a crime to have an interest in sex, to find younger women more attractive or to have a massage, or even sex with somone -as long as they are adult and no force is involved. On the other hand last time I looked it was illegal to drug and rob someone.

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200k for a night out.

Even I think thats a bit much, 10k is my limit these days and even then its no kateoys.

Is that every night?blink.png

10k ??? <deleted> !, maaaaaan you must be ugly !

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Common Thai Visa I worked for ABC News and would have been fired within a minute if I wrote this type of material but then you are not ABC are you

Thai Visa is only allowed to copy verbatum from outside news sources it writes nothing.

Well done Rimmer!

This guy obviously didn't resign from ABC - he was sacked! [common instead of come on!] Does he, or any of the other self proclaimed English experts on this thread, have any real idea of what a proof-reader does? Obviously not from the atrociously bad English, these people, who supposedly have English as their first language, use. Unbelievable! Low Class uneducated <deleted>!

Edited by Commander Tamson
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Mohammad Reza - VERY GERMAN NAME VERY German ...lol I was thinking it may have Been WOLFGANG or Dieter... not Mohammad CHEAPSKATE looking for saving money to buy more Gold Necklace. Old enough to klnow better. You get what you pay for. I am SOOO tired of listening to stories about these poor hard done by people. TUFF TITTIES!

Yeah, I though it might be a good English name like Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha.

Try Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. Prince Albert was a member of that family but Victoria remained a member of the House of Hanover. The only English monarch to be a member of the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha was Edward VII. George V changed the family name to Windsor. The Battenbergs adopted the English version of their family name, namely Mountbatten.

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<deleted> is this forum ,,Days of our life? Can't you people do nothing else than to put people down?Just read what rubbish you put on here,makes me f....n puke.

The better educated always append a 'g' to the end of the 'f' word. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Common Thai Visa I worked for ABC News and would have been fired within a minute if I wrote this type of material but then you are not ABC are you

Thai Visa is only allowed to copy verbatum from outside news sources it writes nothing.

Well done Rimmer!

This guy obviously didn't resign from ABC - he was sacked! [common instead of come on!] Does he, or any of the other self proclaimed English experts on this thread, have any real idea of what a proof-reader does? Obviously not from the atrociously bad English, these people, who supposedly have English as their first language, use. Unbelievable! Low Class uneducated <deleted>!

Ah! An example of supreme irony.

Edited by Bagwan
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I wonder what his story is going to be when he has to explain the wife back home what happened to his golden chain she gave him for his birthday , and what is he going to tell his friends about his erotic adventures !!!!


The truth , the wife is going to google his name and Thaivisa will come up first revealing the whole nasty story ....

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The poor English in the story is no doubt the result of a German speaking a (2nd ? 3rd ?) language (English) to a translator speaking a (2nd ? 3rd ?) language, being overheard by a reporter that has a basic knowledge of English and is probably doing the best he can to makes sense of what he's hearing.

All the English professors out there could do themselves (and the rest of us) a big favour by volunteering to proof read all of the news articles produced by the various media outlets prior to them being published or broadcast.

I'd love to, but I don't want to get thrown in prison for not having a work permit! Ah, Thailand............

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If this guy is coming to Thailand and picking up 200 baht hookers don't really think he is too worried about what people at "home" think. Very good chance he is single and still lives with his mother. Typical Pattaya tourist. Could not even imagine how desperate one must feel to have to pay for a hooker in the first place and then to be robbed. But I suppose this is why people go to psychologists!

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and if he was willing to pay a little more for a massage in a shop none of it would have happened.

when will people learn that beach road is just plain nasty?

Very true!

And when will idiots learn that walking around showing your expensive gold necklace in Pattaya is just plain stupid.

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Mr. Mohammad Reza, ...a typical German name these days...wai2.gif .

Yes for sure, but sorry to precise since a few years also a rather common English/French/Spanish/Italian name... not sure but probably still more common in Swedenwhistling.gif ....Maybe I forget Canada?tongue.png

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Seems to me he was after more than a massage.

I think the woman in the picture is has GF and he is in damage control.

Going for massage in a hotel from beach road. LOL Why would anyone do that for 200 baht when there are hundreds of girls offering that for the same price in every street around Pattaya. Even cheaper if you go to Soi Bua Kao.

No need to go to a hotel.

By the way? Which hotel? Whose room was it? Did he pay for the room or was it included in the price? LOL

He doesn't seem like a two week tourist he lives here.

He and the woman must have been drinking together first for her to administer the sleeping tablets.

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