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Is Thai Visa High Tech "chinese Whispers"?

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BTW Thai Pauly, Gene Pitney was a long way from Tulsa. he was actually performing gigs in Wales about a week ago, went to his hotel, and was discovered dead the next morning. 60 years old, no foul play, according to reports. Makes you think. :D

I appologise... it was a very weak attempt at humour (you know..his most famous hit 24 hours from Tulsa :D .) It will probably be best I desist from trying to be funny in future as I am patently NOT funny. I will leave it to the people that are funny to post funny remarks, not unfunny ones like mine. It's funny because I thought it was funny when I posted it. Funny that :D

I see no need for apologies... I had a chuckle, I even tried to search for a suitable song title to reply, couldn't find one though. :o

totster :D

I second that. I wasn't being judgemental. Just thought I'd acqauint you with the facts of the poor guy's passing - you were obviously a fan :D

Now back to the topic - what what is again????? :D

Nah, I know you were'nt.. I was not much of a fan.. in fact that is the only song of his I can remember.

Feel more sorry for him pasing away in Wales!

As you say.. what was the topic again..oh yeah Chinese Whispers.

Does this count. I can recall my dad telling me that this message got lost in translation during WW1

The word was sent out from the trenches "Send re-enforcements we're going to advance"

When it got to HQ it read "Send three and foupence we're going to a dance"

Would that count as a Chinese Whisper.. probably not as we were fighting the Germans not the Chinese!! :D

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The secret, underbelly of the vast TV complex, and you thought the mods operated out of their one room, studio flats .... :o


Something should be done about anally retentive used car salesmen. :o

You are absolutely correct mate, I mean why can't my local shop sell me beer at 3pm?

it works on the small chinese shops arround the corner.

They sell me beer even if it is big buddhas birthday and generall election on the same day (even at 3 pm), but they charge for 1 singha 50 baht in compare with tops supermarket 44 Baht. That might be the out of time fee.

As you say.. what was the topic again..oh yeah Chinese Whispers.

Does this count. I can recall my dad telling me that this message got lost in translation during WW1

The word was sent out from the trenches "Send re-enforcements we're going to advance"

When it got to HQ it read "Send three and foupence we're going to a dance"

Would that count as a Chinese Whisper.. probably not as we were fighting the Germans not the Chinese!! :D

"Blackadder goes forth" was on BBC Prime last night; the one where he is a captain in the 1st WW trenches and he keeps avoiding the order to advance. Eventually HQ send him the order by carrier pigeon, whereupon he shoots it and eats it for lunch. he is then court martialed for killing the pigeon and is condemned to death by firing squad. The firing squad visit him in his cell on the morning of the execution and assure him that "we aim to please" .....

Hilarious black humour at its best (or worst?) :o


As you say.. what was the topic again..oh yeah Chinese Whispers.

Does this count. I can recall my dad telling me that this message got lost in translation during WW1

The word was sent out from the trenches "Send re-enforcements we're going to advance"

When it got to HQ it read "Send three and foupence we're going to a dance"

Would that count as a Chinese Whisper.. probably not as we were fighting the Germans not the Chinese!! :D

"Blackadder goes forth" was on BBC Prime last night; the one where he is a captain in the 1st WW trenches and he keeps avoiding the order to advance. Eventually HQ send him the order by carrier pigeon, whereupon he shoots it and eats it for lunch. he is then court martialed for killing the pigeon and is condemned to death by firing squad. The firing squad visit him in his cell on the morning of the execution and assure him that "we aim to please" .....

Hilarious black humour at its best (or worst?) :o

As the firing squad levelled their rifles and took aim, Blackadder was asked if he had any last requests, to which he replied: "Don't shoot?" :D


As you say.. what was the topic again..oh yeah Chinese Whispers.

Does this count. I can recall my dad telling me that this message got lost in translation during WW1

The word was sent out from the trenches "Send re-enforcements we're going to advance"

When it got to HQ it read "Send three and foupence we're going to a dance"

Would that count as a Chinese Whisper.. probably not as we were fighting the Germans not the Chinese!! :D

"Blackadder goes forth" was on BBC Prime last night; the one where he is a captain in the 1st WW trenches and he keeps avoiding the order to advance. Eventually HQ send him the order by carrier pigeon, whereupon he shoots it and eats it for lunch. he is then court martialed for killing the pigeon and is condemned to death by firing squad. The firing squad visit him in his cell on the morning of the execution and assure him that "we aim to please" .....

Hilarious black humour at its best (or worst?) :D

As the firing squad levelled their rifles and took aim, Blackadder was asked if he had any last requests, to which he replied: "Don't shoot?" :D


Classic (sorry off topic....or is it? not sure anymore) :D:D


Talking about going off topic, members will typically go off topic at the mere mention of going off topic as they're the typical and topical kind of guys that you'll typically find on topical topics concerning 'going off topic' topics, especially typical, topical and tropical guys in the tropics like us.

Bloody typical isn't it? :o

Talking about going off topic, members will typically go off topic at the mere mention of going off topic as they're the typical and topical kind of guys that you'll typically find on topical topics concerning 'going off topic' topics, especially typical, topical and tropical guys in the tropics like us.

Bloody typical isn't it? :D


Please keep it on topic MrBojangles.

This is your final warning.

/moderation team.

At last we're getting some police to clean up this thread. Here's me, breaking my neck, single handedly trying to keep everyone off topic, and not a single mod in sight. Where were you, days ago when you were needed? :D

It is an affront to civilised society that we can't keep one little thread off topic. :D

What would Der Jent say about it all? :D

I reckon everyone who has posted a non off topic posting should be banned for 999 years! That would show them! :o

Please keep it on topic MrBojangles.

This is your final warning.

/moderation team.

My most humblist apologies Tuky :D You won't ban me will you? could i take the option of 10 lashings instead. These, of course, would have to be administered by a lovely young lady with a feather boa. :D (don't tell the mrs though) :D

Back on topic: I bought one of those Ultrasonic Tape Measure thingy's yeasterday. What a total pile of <deleted>. It says "accuracy to within 1%" now unless i am living in Buckingham Palace, my front room is definately not 50m X 30m. Frigging technology :o

Frigging technology :o

That's a whole different topic altogether. Frigging Technology topics can be found in the Sex Aids Forum. Try keywords; Dildo, Duo Balls, Intruder etc. :D

Not sure Mead, the only rappers that I know are Snoopy Dog Doggy Doo and Puffy P. Diddy Daddy. :o

Outside of a dog, a book is probably a mans best friend,

and inside of a dog its too dark to read. :D


I can't talk about the flowers in the garden of my bed but given six pence there may be a way to move from here although nothing possibly would be impossible without exception, of course it has been known to give you herpes. Then again I wouldn't say what I would say if times were such that Chinese technology would bleed through classic book stalls and still mange to offer something more than that. Kow jai mai khrup?????? Best be talking to the frickin' walls. :o


:D:D Oh gosh! That was so funny reading that post there... I mean, I mean, really! It soooooo reminds of how when Boon mee and I were spending our summer vacation out in the hamptons, and bebops came over, cos he/she/it had never seen an ocean before, and he came over all green and stuff, with totseter trailing behind him, carrying his/hers/its make up and wardrobe...

Ho Ho Ho Ho! Sticky Rice. :o

:D:D Oh gosh! That was so funny reading that post there... I mean, I mean, really! It soooooo reminds of how when Boon mee and I were spending our summer vacation out in the hamptons, and bebops came over, cos he/she/it had never seen an ocean before, and he came over all green and stuff, with totseter trailing behind him, carrying his/hers/its make up and wardrobe...

Ho Ho Ho Ho! Sticky Rice. :o

:D The Hamptons!! :D


Sticky rice, indeed!!!!

If I was to whisper about the sticky posters here I could start with PEM-R, but I won't go there. And mrbojangles, don't need to dance about him. Sing Sling about says it all, doesn't it? h90 is another one of those. suegha . . . good God and lordy lordy, isn't even worth mentioning. Wouldn't be gentlemanly for me to get into Brit. Should I talk about Tuky and get banned . . . fun, but nah. Ulysess G. might fill a thimble of interest. Ditto for KerryD. I might fall asleep if I had to talk about ThaiPauly. Donz would be interesting to talk about but I wouldn't want to get obscene. Griffin . . . Griffin who? Isn't tyler2uk his brother? Mobi D'Ark is . . . you know what they say about him. Kat? Kat? Oi! Forget that feline noise. Uncle Kan Win has too many negatives to expose. Talking about being exposed . . . well, don't want to embarass thaibebop more than he's already suffered. jdinasia is a member of a secret forum, but we'll keep that under wraps. Redrus is from the wrong part of Blighty but that's no secret. Were you invited to seonai's party? I didn't get my invitation yet. opothai wouldn't make for interesting conversation. I'd be going down under talking about Mighty Mouse. Jeff1 hasn't got one . . . but no need to let the whole world know. I'd let everyone and anyone comment on Old Croc first. Boon Mee couldn't win a poll to save his t.i.t over, well . . . best not say. I'd start talking about Totster with a ho, ho, ho and plenty of 555555555s and then quickly trail off. And then there are the snakes out there . . . but I won't mention cobra's name. Not the season to be talking about Noel and I won't mention what he got in his stocking. Gazza . . . geesh, do I need to say it? Does anyone know the truth about meadish sweetball and sweetish meadballs? Shhhhhh! And don't we all agree that there's nothing sadder than a klown?? Except maybe a wabbit???

There, I've said my stick about the lot and don't ask me any more. Time to eat my rice. :o

Sticky rice, indeed!!!!

If I was to whisper about the sticky posters here I could start with PEM-R, but I won't go there. And mrbojangles, don't need to dance about him. Sing Sling about says it all, doesn't it? h90 is another one of those. suegha . . . good God and lordy lordy, isn't even worth mentioning. Wouldn't be gentlemanly for me to get into Brit. Should I talk about Tuky and get banned . . . fun, but nah. Ulysess G. might fill a thimble of interest. Ditto for KerryD. I might fall asleep if I had to talk about ThaiPauly. Donz would be interesting to talk about but I wouldn't want to get obscene. Griffin . . . Griffin who? Isn't tyler2uk his brother? Mobi D'Ark is . . . you know what they say about him. Kat? Kat? Oi! Forget that feline noise. Uncle Kan Win has too many negatives to expose. Talking about being exposed . . . well, don't want to embarass thaibebop more than he's already suffered. jdinasia is a member of a secret forum, but we'll keep that under wraps. Redrus is from the wrong part of Blighty but that's no secret. Were you invited to seonai's party? I didn't get my invitation yet. opothai wouldn't make for interesting conversation. I'd be going down under talking about Mighty Mouse. Jeff1 hasn't got one . . . but no need to let the whole world know. I'd let everyone and anyone comment on Old Croc first. Boon Mee couldn't win a poll to save his t.i.t over, well . . . best not say. I'd start talking about Totster with a ho, ho, ho and plenty of 555555555s and then quickly trail off. And then there are the snakes out there . . . but I won't mention cobra's name. Not the season to be talking about Noel and I won't mention what he got in his stocking. Gazza . . . geesh, do I need to say it? Does anyone know the truth about meadish sweetball and sweetish meadballs? Shhhhhh! And don't we all agree that there's nothing sadder than a klown?? Except maybe a wabbit???

There, I've said my stick about the lot and don't ask me any more. Time to eat my rice. :D

cant believe i didnt get a mention - although now im asking for trouble :o


Speaking of the ocean.

I had a student from Nepal stay with me who had never seen the ocean. :o

Took him to the beach to see the ocean, he did not believe the ocean was salt water untill he tasted it. The look on his face was priceless. :D


The look on my face was horrific as I faced the prospect of losing face over being the thread killer here. I don't particularly like doing Bebops job! :o:D Thanks for that post, Chang_paarp. Have one on me :D :


(I take it from your nick that this is your beer?)

The look on my face was horrific as I faced the prospect of losing face over being the thread killer here. I don't particularly like doing Bebops job! :o:D Thanks for that post, Chang_paarp. Have one on me :D :


(I take it from your nick that this is your beer?)


any alchohol found within or therabout the Thai Visa.com website is owned soley and wholly by redrus. Any arguments will be settled by fisticuffs, after 1 bottle vodka, 15 beer or Guinness type beverages and 8 shooters.



The look on my face was horrific as I faced the prospect of losing face over being the thread killer here. I don't particularly like doing Bebops job! :D:D Thanks for that post, Chang_paarp. Have one on me :D :


(I take it from your nick that this is your beer?)


any alchohol found within or therabout the Thai Visa.com website is owned soley and wholly by redrus. Any arguments will be settled by fisticuffs, after 1 bottle vodka, 15 beer or Guinness type beverages and 8 shooters.


I'd think that George would have a lot to say about that . . . :o

And if you were to offer any disclaimers, Drus, I think it would be one regarding the fact that you're from the wrong part of Blighty. :D

The look on my face was horrific as I faced the prospect of losing face over being the thread killer here. I don't particularly like doing Bebops job! :o:D Thanks for that post, Chang_paarp. Have one on me :D :


(I take it from your nick that this is your beer?)

SunTzu say victorious general get someone else to do dirty work. :D


The look on my face was horrific as I faced the prospect of losing face over being the thread killer here. I don't particularly like doing Bebops job! :D:D Thanks for that post, Chang_paarp. Have one on me :D :


(I take it from your nick that this is your beer?)


any alchohol found within or therabout the Thai Visa.com website is owned soley and wholly by redrus. Any arguments will be settled by fisticuffs, after 1 bottle vodka, 15 beer or Guinness type beverages and 8 shooters.


I'd think that George would have a lot to say about that . . . :o

And if you were to offer any disclaimers, Drus, I think it would be one regarding the fact that you're from the wrong part of Blighty. :D

Oi, porn, watch it........................(thats not an order by the way, lol). :D


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