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I've Hit The Wall & Need Help


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Hello all.

Basic background I was diagnosed with general anxiety at age 12, went on to develop hypochondria and now I have severe social anxiety which I have had for the past 5 years or so. I have been taking valium for the past 3 years and I can safey say I am addicted to it in a huge way. If I stop, I will get very sick and have potential seizures and even death. So one needs to taper.

Anyway I have just hit a wall, I am bored of my life and am at the end, I have been struggling with this crap for over a decade now and I see now way out, it is a catch 22 situation. Now even if I take valium at low doses of 20-40mg I still find it hard to go outside and socialize, I have almost become recluse.

I need somewhere in Thailand in the form of a rehabilitation centre that will understand the situation from a psychological point of view and also from the stance of benzo/valium in general.

If anybody can post up some ideas of places prices whatever, that would help a lot, cheers.

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If you are acquiring the diazipam legally you could ask your Doctor for a recommendation.

Any reduction of your valium intake should be medically supervised.

Then there is this place


If you are motivated toward a life style change I wonder if there is any possibility of your returning home where it may be easier to secure the help needed.

Edited by Sceptict11
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Hi mate - sorry to hear of your predicament. I cannot tell you where to go for help, I think I would be looking for a doctor in private practice to help me. What you need is to get away from the benzodiazepine as regular use is highly addictive and totally counterproductive for you with tolerance, withdrawal anxiety and other health risk. Your anxiety can be effectively managed with several types of antidepressant mess with minimal health risks so find a practitioner to ask about that, and good luck.

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If there is a Thai Psychiatrist who also works well as a therapist in Thailand, I would be surprised. They like to talk for 5 minutes and then send you to the pharmacist downstairs for meds.

In general the Psychology profession here is not well developed at all. So, I would try The Cabin in Chiang Mai, as was pointed out and is generally well known and has decent reputation. It is pretty expensive, I hear.

Or you might contact this woman (farang) and ask for a referral to a real Psychiatrist. If there are any, she may be helpful to point you in the right direction. Or maybe work tag team with a Psychiatrist where she does therapy and the other does meds.

Piyachat R. Finney, LMFT, LMHC

Tapering from those doses will take months. There is a famous program developed by some British doctor (female) who outlines exactly how to taper and from different types of benzos. And when you get down to smaller amounts you may need some sophisticated mechanics to split pills or titrate, or what ever its called when you dissolve in water. The good news is Valium is easier to taper from than... say... Klonpin.

Good luck and good health.

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I have been using all kinds of substances legal and illegal since the age of 14, I have tried several anti depressants that did nothing. I have searched around Hua Hin and Bangkok for a decent therapist and even though I can speak Thai fairly well, the ones I found did not do much help and threw more pills at me.

Thanks for the link to the Chiang Mai rahab but that is a little pricey, I have found one in Koh Chang but I assume that one is also quite expensive. If I do not find a rahab that is a little less expensive I do not know what to do. using any substance as a crutch is not the way to go, I have been doing that for over a decade and it either makes things worse or simply covers up a problem. I am all too aware of the dangers of diazepam, I have had one seizure and have had accidents and nearly choked on my own vomit etc a few times, like I said I once was taking up to 400mg a day, which is 40 of the blue 10mg pills. And before anybody asks yes I have been diagnosed by a doctor twice, once when I was 12 and again when I was 19.

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If there is a Thai Psychiatrist who also works well as a therapist in Thailand, I would be surprised. They like to talk for 5 minutes and then send you to the pharmacist downstairs for meds.

In general the Psychology profession here is not well developed at all. So, I would try The Cabin in Chiang Mai, as was pointed out and is generally well known and has decent reputation. It is pretty expensive, I hear.

Or you might contact this woman (farang) and ask for a referral to a real Psychiatrist. If there are any, she may be helpful to point you in the right direction. Or maybe work tag team with a Psychiatrist where she does therapy and the other does meds.

Piyachat R. Finney, LMFT, LMHC

Tapering from those doses will take months. There is a famous program developed by some British doctor (female) who outlines exactly how to taper and from different types of benzos. And when you get down to smaller amounts you may need some sophisticated mechanics to split pills or titrate, or what ever its called when you dissolve in water. The good news is Valium is easier to taper from than... say... Klonpin.

Good luck and good health.

Thank you for your post. Is the British Docotor you refer to Dr Aston? I am aware of her and in fact have have a brief discussion with her. I am at the moment though around 30-40mg a day, I know it should be constant but I am all over the place, plus I have been drinking 2-3 times a week as well for a while now. At least I am not taking 400mg anymore which is totally absurd, I am surprised I have not died.

Your first paragraph is exactly what happened to me when I went to speak with a 'psychiatrist' quick discussion, didn't care or understand much and then some anti depressants that did nothing even after 6 weeks of use. What makes this whole situation worse is that mental illness or disorder is not that recognized here and thus it is not treated well. Nobody understands me, even my partner who I can speak to in Thai all day long doesn't fully understand, she does to an extent and she tries her best, but she doesn't fully understand or know solution. I just need a decent therapist who will give me the time of day to listen and have the professional skills to act accordingly. I want to be rid of substances, like I said it has been nearly 12 years of using and abusing them now and I am sick of it.

Today I hit the wall and could see no way out, those thoughts do not head anywhere good. As for klonopin (clonazepam) I have taken that as well, xanax, lorazepam, temazepam, bromazepam, and some opiates as well, sometimes in combination with each other. But right now I am only using valium and by my standards a low dose.

Where is Piyachat R. Finney based do you know?

And finally yes the Chiang Mai cabin is around 400,000฿ for a months treatment, i emailed them earlier. I really do not have that money, and for a month it seems kind of much, even though they have a good reputation.

Edited by TomTom55
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...you don't mention your age.....do you have any family or friends that can offer you support....and make sure nobody takes advantage of you....

I am 25 and I did have quite a few friends here farang and Thai, but recently have become such a recluse because this anxiety disorder seems to have stepped up another notch. I liver with my partner and that is pretty much the only person I truly interact with in person these days. Nobody is taking advantage of me, I do not know how but even after all of this abuse I still have my wits about me, have learnt to speak Thai and manage to provide for myself. My memory however is shot to pieces and if I keep taking vlaium or any benzo for that matter it will become worse and worse.

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A less expensive option would be to see a doctor specializing in addiction disorders to get on a regimen to taper off valium and then see a counselor/therapist on an outpatient basis. If you are in Bkk there are a number of good Western therapists available. I would particularly recommend Ben Weinstein at PSI. He is a clinical psychologist with a lot of experience treating people with anxiety and with addictions. http://www.psiadmin.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=12&Itemid=2

http://www.newlifethaifoundation.com/ is also a place to consider, it is a residential program based on Buddhist principles (but open to all) and non-profit so much less expensive than places like the Cabin. However I do not know if they would accept you will still on valium, you'd have to contact them and ask. (And do see a doctor so that you are on a program to taper it). This place would be of particular help in learning how to deal with anxiety without medication.

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Shit....do you have money? Can you get to an ibogaine clinic? It looks like they have one in koh Pangan and somewhere else...... http://ibogainethailand.com/ http://ibogainethailand.net/

Normally, I wouldn't bring this up, but if you are on the brink and therapy isn't working out, maybe you need to take a more drastic action that is not the worst alternative. Ibogaine has been shown to "reset" people.....it is an intense experience, but that seems exactly what you might need.

Also, there is a monastery here that is famous for taking in dependent people.....mostly or heroin, but they might be able to aid with this as well....it is worth giving it a shot..... http://www.thamkrabok.net/html/treatment.html These monks have seen alcoholics and drug addicts of many types over the years.

Please, no matter what you do.....get help and be well.....there is always a solution to this stuff and you can get through it, no matter how dark it seems.

Go and check those out and see if they can help.

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A less expensive option would be to see a doctor specializing in addiction disorders to get on a regimen to taper off valium and then see a counselor/therapist on an outpatient basis. If you are in Bkk there are a number of good Western therapists available. I would particularly recommend Ben Weinstein at PSI. He is a clinical psychologist with a lot of experience treating people with anxiety and with addictions. http://www.psiadmin.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=12&Itemid=2

http://www.newlifethaifoundation.com/ is also a place to consider, it is a residential program based on Buddhist principles (but open to all) and non-profit so much less expensive than places like the Cabin. However I do not know if they would accept you will still on valium, you'd have to contact them and ask. (And do see a doctor so that you are on a program to taper it). This place would be of particular help in learning how to deal with anxiety without medication.

I am close to BKK, Hua Hin is not too far. I have emailed the first link you provided so thank you for that. I have been interested in Buddhism before I even came to Thailand believe it or not but as you mentioned I would need to be clean first to enter that program I would assume. And that would mean me being in probably an anxious state of mind and even getting there would be the hurdle of hurdles.

I have emailed a few services and people now so I shall see what comes of this, thank you everyone so far for your support, it's much appreciated.

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Shit....do you have money? Can you get to an ibogaine clinic? It looks like they have one in koh Pangan and somewhere else...... http://ibogainethailand.com/ http://ibogainethailand.net/

Normally, I wouldn't bring this up, but if you are on the brink and therapy isn't working out, maybe you need to take a more drastic action that is not the worst alternative. Ibogaine has been shown to "reset" people.....it is an intense experience, but that seems exactly what you might need.

Also, there is a monastery here that is famous for taking in dependent people.....mostly or heroin, but they might be able to aid with this as well....it is worth giving it a shot..... http://www.thamkrabok.net/html/treatment.html These monks have seen alcoholics and drug addicts of many types over the years.

Please, no matter what you do.....get help and be well.....there is always a solution to this stuff and you can get through it, no matter how dark it seems.

Go and check those out and see if they can help.

The monastery is great for coming off things like alchohol where you can go "told turkey" relatively safely. But that is simply not the case with benzos. As the OP mentioned, it is extremely dangerous to go told turkey with benzos. Don't do it. The ibogaine looks similar. For coming off booze, cocaine etc. Not benzos.

Edited by pete66
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Shit....do you have money? Can you get to an ibogaine clinic? It looks like they have one in koh Pangan and somewhere else...... http://ibogainethailand.com/ http://ibogainethailand.net/

Normally, I wouldn't bring this up, but if you are on the brink and therapy isn't working out, maybe you need to take a more drastic action that is not the worst alternative. Ibogaine has been shown to "reset" people.....it is an intense experience, but that seems exactly what you might need.

Also, there is a monastery here that is famous for taking in dependent people.....mostly or heroin, but they might be able to aid with this as well....it is worth giving it a shot..... http://www.thamkrabok.net/html/treatment.html These monks have seen alcoholics and drug addicts of many types over the years.

Please, no matter what you do.....get help and be well.....there is always a solution to this stuff and you can get through it, no matter how dark it seems.

Go and check those out and see if they can help.

There is no evidence that I am aware of that ibogaine works for benzo withdrawal (unlike opiates, which it has been shown to be effective for). It is also not approved for use in Thailand.

As benzos go, valium is the easiest one to get off of, in fact the protocol for getting people off other benzos involves first switching them over to valium.

A program of gradual tapering will avoid the physical symptoms of withdrawal , and there are a number of Thai psychiatrists specializing in addiction disorders who can advise on that. The harder part is dealing with the anxiety that led to the addiction in the first place. Here is where a good therapist can make a huge difference.

there are some non-addictive medications that are useful in management of anxiety. A therapist would be able to refer you to a good psychiatrist specializing in this.

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Shit....do you have money? Can you get to an ibogaine clinic? It looks like they have one in koh Pangan and somewhere else...... http://ibogainethailand.com/ http://ibogainethailand.net/

Normally, I wouldn't bring this up, but if you are on the brink and therapy isn't working out, maybe you need to take a more drastic action that is not the worst alternative. Ibogaine has been shown to "reset" people.....it is an intense experience, but that seems exactly what you might need.

Also, there is a monastery here that is famous for taking in dependent people.....mostly or heroin, but they might be able to aid with this as well....it is worth giving it a shot..... http://www.thamkrabok.net/html/treatment.html These monks have seen alcoholics and drug addicts of many types over the years.

Please, no matter what you do.....get help and be well.....there is always a solution to this stuff and you can get through it, no matter how dark it seems.

Go and check those out and see if they can help.

The monastery is great for coming off things like alchohol where you can go "told turkey" relatively safely. But that is simply not the case with benzos. As the OP mentioned, it is extremely dangerous to go told turkey with benzos. Don't do it.

Yeah, I am just really worried for the OP. I couldn't tell you if they are effective or not, but I wanted to throw out something else since he seems at his wits' end. Ibogaine is controversial as well, but hallucinogens have definitely helped people through things like this. Again, he would need someone to help him to look at it objectively and decide whether it is the right thing. But I am sure that having his life will be more beneficial in the end.

Thanks for the input on the temple, though.

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I don't know why, but Chiang Mai seems like a great place if you want to treated by a psychiatrist. There are a least 2 hospitals here and probably many clinics. I'd avoid expensive "resort-type" retreats, how many hollywood stars go to rehab and go back in a month later. Find a good doctor, and see what the options are to start treating your social anxiety. CBT is definitely one. I had social anxiety for a good 20 years and dealt with it with alcohol and then benzos. There are other ways, you can pull out of this.

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Buddhism is great, but you probably aren't in a mental place right now where you could get much from it. For instance, you can't meditate effectively if you are on benzos and anxious. Its just not going to work for you.

Once you are calmer and have started on the road to dealing with the social anxiety, sure, look into Buddhism, start meditating etc. buts it not the right time. My Thai daughter is very stressed and knows how to meditate so I ask her why she doesn't do it and she just says "my head is full". Only a very skilled practicioner can go from "head full of stuff" to "peaceful head". Deal with other stuff, and have Buddhism as something to look forward to in the near future.

A less expensive option would be to see a doctor specializing in addiction disorders to get on a regimen to taper off valium and then see a counselor/therapist on an outpatient basis. If you are in Bkk there are a number of good Western therapists available. I would particularly recommend Ben Weinstein at PSI. He is a clinical psychologist with a lot of experience treating people with anxiety and with addictions. http://www.psiadmin.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=12&Itemid=2

http://www.newlifethaifoundation.com/ is also a place to consider, it is a residential program based on Buddhist principles (but open to all) and non-profit so much less expensive than places like the Cabin. However I do not know if they would accept you will still on valium, you'd have to contact them and ask. (And do see a doctor so that you are on a program to taper it). This place would be of particular help in learning how to deal with anxiety without medication.

I am close to BKK, Hua Hin is not too far. I have emailed the first link you provided so thank you for that. I have been interested in Buddhism before I even came to Thailand believe it or not but as you mentioned I would need to be clean first to enter that program I would assume. And that would mean me being in probably an anxious state of mind and even getting there would be the hurdle of hurdles.

I have emailed a few services and people now so I shall see what comes of this, thank you everyone so far for your support, it's much appreciated.

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cold turkey on benzo = bad idea. the half-life of benzos is the most important thing when u wanna quit. the shorter the effect of a benzo the tougher the detox. as said above, valium is not too bad so if u wanna get rid of it go to pharmacy and ask them to to cut your valiums. go down with 5% and don't hurry, take your time. like decreasing 5% every 2 weeks or so. the most important rule is to NEVER increase again, period. you only decrease. if you feel you need several weeks/months on a certain dose then do so. fyi: benzos NEVER change a thing about the core of your discomfort/problems. therapy helps, contemplation, relaxation and a strong will to get better. i think it's recommened a benzo-detox with a (supportive) SSRI. the latter helps with anxiety and is less addictive. true, it's not ideal but BENZOs are very very bad. on the positive note, do NOT think you're lost. some people take benzos for 30 years and withdraw.

Edited by stickylies
removed reference to illegal sourcing. Valium is a controlled drug in Thailand
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I know nothing of Ibogaine but if its an hallucinogen, than that's an extremely risky way to go. The guy's not in a good state. hallucinogens can totally open you up emotionally. Let's just say its a "extremely high-risk" option .........

Shit....do you have money? Can you get to an ibogaine clinic? It looks like they have one in koh Pangan and somewhere else...... http://ibogainethailand.com/ http://ibogainethailand.net/

Normally, I wouldn't bring this up, but if you are on the brink and therapy isn't working out, maybe you need to take a more drastic action that is not the worst alternative. Ibogaine has been shown to "reset" people.....it is an intense experience, but that seems exactly what you might need.

Also, there is a monastery here that is famous for taking in dependent people.....mostly or heroin, but they might be able to aid with this as well....it is worth giving it a shot..... http://www.thamkrabok.net/html/treatment.html These monks have seen alcoholics and drug addicts of many types over the years.

Please, no matter what you do.....get help and be well.....there is always a solution to this stuff and you can get through it, no matter how dark it seems.

Go and check those out and see if they can help.

The monastery is great for coming off things like alchohol where you can go "told turkey" relatively safely. But that is simply not the case with benzos. As the OP mentioned, it is extremely dangerous to go told turkey with benzos. Don't do it.

Yeah, I am just really worried for the OP. I couldn't tell you if they are effective or not, but I wanted to throw out something else since he seems at his wits' end. Ibogaine is controversial as well, but hallucinogens have definitely helped people through things like this. Again, he would need someone to help him to look at it objectively and decide whether it is the right thing. But I am sure that having his life will be more beneficial in the end.

Thanks for the input on the temple, though.

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A less expensive option would be to see a doctor specializing in addiction disorders to get on a regimen to taper off valium and then see a counselor/therapist on an outpatient basis. If you are in Bkk there are a number of good Western therapists available. I would particularly recommend Ben Weinstein at PSI. He is a clinical psychologist with a lot of experience treating people with anxiety and with addictions. http://www.psiadmin.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=12&Itemid=2

http://www.newlifethaifoundation.com/ is also a place to consider, it is a residential program based on Buddhist principles (but open to all) and non-profit so much less expensive than places like the Cabin. However I do not know if they would accept you will still on valium, you'd have to contact them and ask. (And do see a doctor so that you are on a program to taper it). This place would be of particular help in learning how to deal with anxiety without medication.

Excellent post Sheryl.

I can also vouch for Ben Weinstein and others at PSI. Class outfit. Maybe the best in Thailand...

But I believe they do not have a Psychiatrist on staff, and this will be necessary. Though they have expertise in this field and can easily recommend one / coordinate with one. They are not free or cheap, but not as expensive as the re-habs for profit like the Cabin.

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Buddhism is great, but you probably aren't in a mental place right now where you could get much from it. For instance, you can't meditate effectively if you are on benzos and anxious. Its just not going to work for you.

Once you are calmer and have started on the road to dealing with the social anxiety, sure, look into Buddhism, start meditating etc. buts it not the right time. My Thai daughter is very stressed and knows how to meditate so I ask her why she doesn't do it and she just says "my head is full". Only a very skilled practicioner can go from "head full of stuff" to "peaceful head". Deal with other stuff, and have Buddhism as something to look forward to in the near future.

New Life Foundation is not study of Buddhism nor a meditation retreat. It uses Buddhist principles and mindfulness techniques (among other things) to help treat people with addictions... an important difference. But I do not know if they equipped to accept people still taking benzos on say a tapering schedule prescribed by a doctor. Would have to ask them.

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Sorry, I missed your first post about New Life Foundation - looks excellent - will look into it myself as well.

Buddhism is great, but you probably aren't in a mental place right now where you could get much from it. For instance, you can't meditate effectively if you are on benzos and anxious. Its just not going to work for you.

Once you are calmer and have started on the road to dealing with the social anxiety, sure, look into Buddhism, start meditating etc. buts it not the right time. My Thai daughter is very stressed and knows how to meditate so I ask her why she doesn't do it and she just says "my head is full". Only a very skilled practicioner can go from "head full of stuff" to "peaceful head". Deal with other stuff, and have Buddhism as something to look forward to in the near future.

New Life Foundation is not study of Buddhism nor a meditation retreat. It uses Buddhist principles and mindfulness techniques (among other things) to help treat people with addictions... an important difference. But I do not know if they equipped to accept people still taking benzos on say a tapering schedule prescribed by a doctor. Would have to ask them.

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I know nothing of Ibogaine but if its an hallucinogen, than that's an extremely risky way to go. The guy's not in a good state. hallucinogens can totally open you up emotionally. Let's just say its a "extremely high-risk" option .........

Shit....do you have money? Can you get to an ibogaine clinic? It looks like they have one in koh Pangan and somewhere else...... http://ibogainethailand.com/ http://ibogainethailand.net/

Normally, I wouldn't bring this up, but if you are on the brink and therapy isn't working out, maybe you need to take a more drastic action that is not the worst alternative. Ibogaine has been shown to "reset" people.....it is an intense experience, but that seems exactly what you might need.

Also, there is a monastery here that is famous for taking in dependent people.....mostly or heroin, but they might be able to aid with this as well....it is worth giving it a shot..... http://www.thamkrabok.net/html/treatment.html These monks have seen alcoholics and drug addicts of many types over the years.

Please, no matter what you do.....get help and be well.....there is always a solution to this stuff and you can get through it, no matter how dark it seems.

Go and check those out and see if they can help.

The monastery is great for coming off things like alchohol where you can go "told turkey" relatively safely. But that is simply not the case with benzos. As the OP mentioned, it is extremely dangerous to go told turkey with benzos. Don't do it.

Yeah, I am just really worried for the OP. I couldn't tell you if they are effective or not, but I wanted to throw out something else since he seems at his wits' end. Ibogaine is controversial as well, but hallucinogens have definitely helped people through things like this. Again, he would need someone to help him to look at it objectively and decide whether it is the right thing. But I am sure that having his life will be more beneficial in the end.

Thanks for the input on the temple, though.

Well, full disclosure, I am an advocate of hallucinogens, as I have learned a lot about myself and resolved many problems through them and so have many others. I am not saying it is a cure-all. but certainly an option to ponder if it caters to your case and can stop you from doing something severe (let's say it, like offing yourself). It needs to be done right and with the right people.....I just really felt a sense of panic and a hallucinogenic purging with a live person is better than some alternatives.

It is a serious step, but one that should be considered if it corresponds (I don't know if it does in this case...other posters have said it is most appropriate for opiate addiction) if the alternative is no way out. So, don't get me wrong. I wouldn't have even brought it up if I hadn't felt desperation in the OP's tone.

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...you don't mention your age.....do you have any family or friends that can offer you support....and make sure nobody takes advantage of you....

I am 25 and I did have quite a few friends here farang and Thai, but recently have become such a recluse because this anxiety disorder seems to have stepped up another notch. I liver with my partner and that is pretty much the only person I truly interact with in person these days. Nobody is taking advantage of me, I do not know how but even after all of this abuse I still have my wits about me, have learnt to speak Thai and manage to provide for myself. My memory however is shot to pieces and if I keep taking vlaium or any benzo for that matter it will become worse and worse.

It is very sad you are in this situation, where do you originally come from. If the USA you are shot, if another western country like Europe, Australia, NZ would it not be better to go there and get free treatment.

Just a thought.

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Shit....do you have money? Can you get to an ibogaine clinic? It looks like they have one in koh Pangan and somewhere else...... http://ibogainethailand.com/ http://ibogainethailand.net/

Normally, I wouldn't bring this up, but if you are on the brink and therapy isn't working out, maybe you need to take a more drastic action that is not the worst alternative. Ibogaine has been shown to "reset" people.....it is an intense experience, but that seems exactly what you might need.

Also, there is a monastery here that is famous for taking in dependent people.....mostly or heroin, but they might be able to aid with this as well....it is worth giving it a shot..... http://www.thamkrabok.net/html/treatment.html These monks have seen alcoholics and drug addicts of many types over the years.

Please, no matter what you do.....get help and be well.....there is always a solution to this stuff and you can get through it, no matter how dark it seems.

Go and check those out and see if they can help.

I do not know a place in particular. I live in Chiang Mai. Dr. Edy clinic may give you some referral, but I also think that talk with a English speaker monk can be useful. www.monkchat.net and at the temple doi suthep meditation center. I know that many people have different opinion about Buddhism, but understanding and compassion is the monks mission, and discipline too.

In your case, a serene and calm environment with support and understanding, diet and discipline of your part, can make miracles, not only in your health, most in your mental attitude and life approach...Takes time, but you are alive and you want to feel better. That's the start. Just take the time to get your life back believing in people that only wants to help you.

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i know a few very good therapist , and one of the big things they stress are to find a therapist that has a similar background and life experience has tremendous effect of the therapy. to have someone that can really be in your shoes and has been there. you will not find that in thailand sorry remember rehab centers only have a 10% to 12% success rate very sad but true they will not tell you that they like having a repeat customers. good luck on your search and if you go to new york ,i will connect you with some fantastic people that will help.

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Well, full disclosure, I am an advocate of hallucinogens, as I have learned a lot about myself and resolved many problems through them and so have many others. I am not saying it is a cure-all. but certainly an option to ponder if it caters to your case and can stop you from doing something severe (let's say it, like offing yourself). It needs to be done right and with the right people.....I just really felt a sense of panic and a hallucinogenic purging with a live person is better than some alternatives.

It is a serious step, but one that should be considered if it corresponds (I don't know if it does in this case...other posters have said it is most appropriate for opiate addiction) if the alternative is no way out. So, don't get me wrong. I wouldn't have even brought it up if I hadn't felt desperation in the OP's tone.

Absolutely not safe or advisable for someone withdrawing from benzos.

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