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Bt400 billion loss from rice subsidy denied


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Regarding complaints from some southern rice farmers that they could not join the rice subsidy scheme

Why would any of these people be allowed to join this program? Did they vote PTP?

And the PTP doesn't even take care of the northern provinces, they are not smart enough to realize it yet. It was and always be about the Shin clan, never about the people of Thailand

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Whatever happened to the publishing of "transparrent" fugures we were promised?

A proper press would have followed up......

Transparency means a lot of photo opportunities with smiley faces and lies coming out of their mouths, then hide/destroy the paperwork if there ever was any. This is the PTP on any issure, not just rice.

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People still making the mistake of thinking this government could lose power because of its policy failures.

There's much more at stake and the Thais realise this. Throughout history Thai governments have not been chosen on policy. It's more to do with alignment, and allegiances. Ironically it is Thaksin's legacy of campaigning on a populist platform in 2001 that has given him such an unassailable position.

If anything, and despite of their failures of any government policy, the long term popularity of the PTP will probably strengthen.

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Whatever happened to the publishing of "transparrent" fugures we were promised?

A proper press would have followed up......

Transparency means a lot of photo opportunities with smiley faces and lies coming out of their mouths, then hide/destroy the paperwork if there ever was any. This is the PTP on any issure, not just rice.

Indeed. Transparency means whatever figure they make up. Eventually, before any next election, the rice scheme will have broken even or show a profit. PTP and their strategic thinker will be totally vindicated for seeing it through, Usual smiley faces and photo ops.

The truth will only be revealed when they are replaced by another government, and even then its unlikely anyone will be held accountable.

The most worrying thing is the strong believe these politicians have that they can tell the people anything, make up any figures, and be believed and never challenged.

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Nobody knows how much has been lost/stolen from this scam. Is all that anybody knows, is that around 1 trillion baht has been spent so far, and it will continue to be lost or stolen until some body does something about it.

The only other thing that is certain, is a lot of people made truck loads of money, and is now deposited someplace outside this country.

I, for one, believe that when you add in the rubber protests and the current debacle of up-country supporters once again finding that their homes are uninhabitable and many of their possessions are lost through flooding, this government's days must surely be numbered. It is only after they have been ousted that the truth will be known, and it is likely to be devastating...!

You know, I dont know about that. There will be a few sacrificial lambs that may go down, but the full extent of this most likely will never be known. I have no doubt in my mind that all parties(colors) took advantage of this scam and corruption is rooted very deeply in every corner. This is not the first time this same exact scam has been run.

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With respect to this government, the PM (both of them) and the ministers involved past and present.

NOBODY will believe you until you post openly and transparently ALL of the figures including the storage and transportation costs and the TRUE amounts of rice sales and prices on a G2G basis.

UIntil that point you can say what you loke but NOBODY believes you.

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People still making the mistake of thinking this government could lose power because of its policy failures.

There's much more at stake and the Thais realise this. Throughout history Thai governments have not been chosen on policy. It's more to do with alignment, and allegiances. Ironically it is Thaksin's legacy of campaigning on a populist platform in 2001 that has given him such an unassailable position.

If anything, and despite of their failures of any government policy, the long term popularity of the PTP will probably strengthen.

As much as I would love to say you are quite wrong, I cannot.

I think you hit the nail on the head, the Thai people have a long way to go before they give PTP the thumbs down.

Just watching the faces of the flood victims in Prachinburi and Isaan, when they see Yingluck, even though they may be up to their necks in water, they still smile and wave as if they are grateful for the water world they are swimming in. Receiving the bags of benevolence from Thaksin their gratitude is very evident. Apparently, as far as they are concerned he can do no wrong.

I believe there are a few more major events and one significant event to occur before Thaksin's popularity with the common people wanes.

Unless of course fate steps in.

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People still making the mistake of thinking this government could lose power because of its policy failures.

There's much more at stake and the Thais realise this. Throughout history Thai governments have not been chosen on policy. It's more to do with alignment, and allegiances. Ironically it is Thaksin's legacy of campaigning on a populist platform in 2001 that has given him such an unassailable position.

If anything, and despite of their failures of any government policy, the long term popularity of the PTP will probably strengthen.

As much as I would love to say you are quite wrong, I cannot.

I think you hit the nail on the head, the Thai people have a long way to go before they give PTP the thumbs down.

Just watching the faces of the flood victims in Prachinburi and Isaan, when they see Yingluck, even though they may be up to their necks in water, they still smile and wave as if they are grateful for the water world they are swimming in. Receiving the bags of benevolence from Thaksin their gratitude is very evident. Apparently, as far as they are concerned he can do no wrong.

I believe there are a few more major events and one significant event to occur before Thaksin's popularity with the common people wanes.

Unless of course fate steps in.

Unfortunately, I agree with your post too. The people of Isan react like a punch-bag & Yingluck is welcome wherever she goes.

There is a fair chance that PTP have miscalculated over the changes to the constitution regarding the Senate and they may decide or be forced to declare a general election.

But with their intimidatory power and source of funds, they will win again by hook or by crook (plenty of the latter). Only when the population are so pissed off or can free themselves from the all-embracing brainwashing & vote buying will they finally see that they are being ripped off by a party whose number one goal is to benefit themselves, especially the controlling clan.

The longer the significant event takes (& I hope it's many years) the less likelihood that the corrupt master can get back into hands-on power.

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The most worrying thing is the strong believe these politicians have that they can tell the people anything, make up any figures, and be believed and never challenged.

They made sure of that when they set up the education system.

30 from 100? let me get the calculator.

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All this money which could have been used for Flood prevention , I would rather prefer to see my taxes used for some other purposes than this ever ending hole. what a shame !

I thought they spent loads on flood prevention last year? (Tho' you wouldn't think it looking at Pattaya last night.)

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You guys get it all wrong. The actual loss might have been THB 80 billions. The remaining THB 320 billions were "subsidies" for non-existing Thai rice. Some was Cambodian or Burmese rice redressed as "Thai Hom Malee" while the rest simply never existed. A tip to the hat of that fellow who came up with this scam. Even in real money it is a SH..TLOAD of cash; Burberry will be happy with increased boot sales ;-)

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Yingluck and her clan will try and sweep the real truth under the carpet but agencies such as Moody's can not be bought.

The rice subsidy has let the genie go free from the bottle and now all the farmers will want a slice of the pie.

The problem with the baht is you can't print it like the dollar.

Who will pay to ride the high speed trains? Not the somtam vendors for sure.

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