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Phuket jet-ski thug gets first taste of swift tourist court justice


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I am confused.

Having read the original article it distinctly stated that the non-criminal element of the case was to be heard at the tourist court. This appears to be the exact opposite, or were unreported damages also awarded to the tourists?

Yeah most likely a fine to the tourist for making Thailand look bad,,,

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The cost of a jet ski is 800 baht minimum so 1,000 baht isn't much for these guys I suspect. Moreover, this is not a case of extortion but of violence by one. The real test of the court will be to see if one of the typical extortion cases involving the usual 3-4 jet ski workers and the police man who shows up at the scene, can be brought to this court or not. I suspect not.

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Its progress.. not perfect but progress. I am amazed.

Agree, 1000 baht is a lot of money for 300baht per day wagers.

Also he did plead guilty and as per Thai justice system penalty is reduced

1000 bht is a joke, If it was the jet ski operator, do you really think he is on 300bht per day? His ol' woman could go on the street and turn a trick for the 1000bht, I agree its a start but they have started with comedy first.

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Progress of sorts and the new court is a very welcome prop for tourists.

But let's put the derisory fine of B1,000 into perspective. It should have been B100,000.

For a poor Thai B1,000 it is a chunk of money....for a Jet ski operator it is a pittance when you scam and cheat the renter out of up to B50,000 per rental.

At that rate it will take 50 court appearances to drop the proceeds of just a single scam.

How did you arrive at B100,000? Why not 50,000 or 200,000? "Should" is an often used word that has blurred meanings at times. Fines and bail amounts are usually computed taking into consideration numerous factors, most of which are unknown to any or us. We are foreigners and our values are influenced by our experiences back home which may not be valid here in the LOS.

Yes...20, 50kk...whatever.

I am influenced by the amount these cheats rob and thieve from innocent tourists and also that the penalty should reflect the crime.

What is primarily taken into consideration in this disgustingly corrupt country, is the fact they are Thai and the victims are not. This fact is all too clearly demonstrated here on TV on a daily basis.

I would "compute and take into consideration" the fact of what they steal from tourists. The figure often quoted from those that have been mugged by jet ski renters is 50,000 Baht....per incident.

What is your point anyway? You think that 1,000 baht is a reasonable fine and penalty?

Edited by harleyclarkey
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Danaichet Yomjinda, 25, who pled guilty to charges of assaulting the two men on Friday with a “No Swimming” flagpole, was issued a 1,000-baht fine...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ....... ROTFLMAO cheesy.gif

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Can I hit a Thai with a pole and only get a 1000 baht fine

Please let me know ... I have about 20K .... I am willing to pay the fines for the opportunity.

Yes of course. But you will need a work permit to do so so.

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Can I hit a Thai with a pole and only get a 1000 baht fine

Please let me know ... I have about 20K .... I am willing to pay the fines for the opportunity smile.png

Probably. The only issue for you would be the twenty nearby Thais who would rush in

to give the boot to the farang.... This fine is an insult, and clearly reveals the police are

in on the scam. Therefore they do not want to lose of their workers.... 1000 baht ??

The mind boggles. This guy should have been thrown in jail for at least 6 months.

Now that would have sent a message to the other jet ski scammers !!!!! When tourism

ceases in Phuket due to these scams and violence, will be curious what the scammers will

do. Scam each other ??

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  • 2 weeks later...

Progress of sorts and the new court is a very welcome prop for tourists.

But let's put the derisory fine of B1,000 into perspective. It should have been B100,000.

For a poor Thai B1,000 it is a chunk of money....for a Jet ski operator it is a pittance when you scam and cheat the renter out of up to B50,000 per rental.

At that rate it will take 50 court appearances to drop the proceeds of just a single scam.

How did you arrive at B100,000? Why not 50,000 or 200,000? "Should" is an often used word that has blurred meanings at times. Fines and bail amounts are usually computed taking into consideration numerous factors, most of which are unknown to any or us. We are foreigners and our values are influenced by our experiences back home which may not be valid here in the LOS.

Yes...20, 50kk...whatever.

I am influenced by the amount these cheats rob and thieve from innocent tourists and also that the penalty should reflect the crime.

What is primarily taken into consideration in this disgustingly corrupt country, is the fact they are Thai and the victims are not. This fact is all too clearly demonstrated here on TV on a daily basis.

I would "compute and take into consideration" the fact of what they steal from tourists. The figure often quoted from those that have been mugged by jet ski renters is 50,000 Baht....per incident.

What is your point anyway? You think that 1,000 baht is a reasonable fine and penalty?

I'm in 100% agreement. But...TIT. Frustrating, isn't it? I always hate seeing bad guys get a slap and the wrist. 1000 bath when these guys extort hundreds of thousands baht each year.

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  • 3 months later...

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