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Noisy Roosters


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I've been living in relative peace for the past 15 years and now in the last two years it seems the surrounding villagers have gone fighting cock crazy.

It a short time I've had three neighbours start to keep fighting cocks, one neighbour is just renting next door.

So i can count about 11 roosters all crowing day and night within about 1o metres from my bedrooom window.

i've been to speak to them about moving them away and met with no cooperation at all.

They say you'll just have to live with it.

Any ideas?

yes, I've considered killing /poisoning/ kidnapping them but I don't want to start a war, (i'd lose)

A challenge a lateral thinker might relish?

many thanks.

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I have maybe a dozen roosters who sleep in the tree 2 meters from the house. I rarely here them.

My grandmother lived 30 meters from a rail road track, and never heard them. Time cures all ills.

Until that happens, lots of good whiskey will help.

That is because the colony lives in a natural, free situation,when confined and close, they crow constantly, it is awful, I have lived many years near cock fighters, (in Hawaii) they are all violent thugs, it is all about gambeling,... here it can be different, sometimes a guy will have a couple roosters that he loves and fights them against his neighbors rooster, only for a little while, no gaff, (blade) no blood. then they sit around smoking and drinking petting their birds, kind of cute really. If the neighbors are commercial, gambling breeders, they are going to be thugish and you will get no peace. Time to move. Sad but true.

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Double/tripled glass your bedroom windows, put up a wall around/near your bedroom to help deaden the sound, they do it in Oz on freeways close to residential suburbs, ear plugs, offer to build a new cage for the birds other side to you and don't forget to bring some thai whisky.

And you will get use to the noise, its all in the mind you know.

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Is there a poison that kills chickens and roosters?

In my village, they eat everything that fits in their beak, toxic or not and I've never seen one even act ill.

Maybe you could reintroduce the Bird Flu??

P.S. The only good chicken/rooster is the dead, cooked one on my plate!


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Now you need to do everything you can to be sure no harm comes to the birds. If it does, you will be responsible.

Buy floor fans, set them on high and next to where you sleep, drape cloths over the top of the fan guards. The sound is, to me at least, soothing, and masks out a lot of the noise pollution. Just don't block the vents that keep the motor cool.

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It is something that is a permanent fixture. The best thing to do is secure the room you will sleep in. Sound-proof it.

Get ear plugs at the pharmacy. I do not have these noise problems, but I use them anyways and sleep like a baby.

Get a nice sound system and play white noise (ocean waves, or meditation) Youtube has lots to download.

This is not a problem if you get your mind around it.

All the best...

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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We have a lot of roosters ranging around near our house. They are bred for cock fighting, which of course is illegal in Thailand. The BMA recently installed CCTV in our street and were careful to mount the cameras so that they could not catch the cock fighting area (T.I.T.). No problem with the cock~a~doodle~doos, as Thai Cocks are much smaller, as we all know.

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One of my homes in college was 25 meters from a train track. After a week or so, the trains didn't wake me up any more.

Just like the local soi dogs fighting don't wake me up any more here in BKK.

Give it time.

It's interesting which noises you can get used to. I used to live quite close to a train track and got used to sleeping through that quite quickly. On the other hand I ended up moving a few months back to get away from some noisy roosters.

If the OP can't move, I reckon poster "Cup-o-Coffee" has the best advice.

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hahahaha you really expected that they will move them away for you ?

You will move first for sure, and maybe with your feet first if you keep making problems...

There is always one poster who tries to make it sound like you will be murdered for objecting at anything in Thailand.

Get a life and get real.... Its not a potential death sentence at every turn in LOS.

If you are that shit scared of Thais, I suggest you move away before you get killed for stepping on the cracks in the pavement.

Stop trying to scare everyone else.

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I feel your pain. MIL keeps chickens as pets not for fighting , but they seem to breed males more than females. About 20 or more cocks and few hens all competing for the few hens and never shutting up. The stray cats around the place eat them. <--------- That's a hint. Start feeding the stray cats to attract them and then stop. You know the rest.

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The problem is wherever the hell you move in Thailand, given a period of time, some &lt;deleted&gt; is going to give you the same problem again. This is one of the things I hate about living here ! For the last 7 months I have had the same problem with an annoying dog, every time it starts barking I just shout at it as loud as I can 'Ngeeyeb' however many times I have to till it shuts up, the problem is I have to do it many times a day. In this case it's noisy because the dumbass owner neglects it and leaves it alone for about 18 hours per day. There are some things you can't stop, but this noise is wholly unneccessary and it particularly pisses me off for that reason.

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hahahaha you really expected that they will move them away for you ?

You will move first for sure, and maybe with your feet first if you keep making problems...

There is always one poster who tries to make it sound like you will be murdered for objecting at anything in Thailand.

Get a life and get real.... Its not a potential death sentence at every turn in LOS.

If you are that shit scared of Thais, I suggest you move away before you get killed for stepping on the cracks in the pavement.

Stop trying to scare everyone else.

You are right, not everybody gets the lottery, but some get $100 millions or get killed quite often. Ask the guy cut by a taxi driver sword, maybe some smart people replied him the same thing as you before...

Take your chance if you want :-)

With the monkeys around I wouldn't take a risk to argue over a rooster when it's so easy to understand that because I am the foreigner I am always wrong and that I won't change the people here...

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