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Noisy Roosters


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Now you need to do everything you can to be sure no harm comes to the birds. If it does, you will be responsible.

Buy floor fans, set them on high and next to where you sleep, drape cloths over the top of the fan guards. The sound is, to me at least, soothing, and masks out a lot of the noise pollution. Just don't block the vents that keep the motor cool.

Exactly! thumbsup.gif

I do the same...... I don't wake up of people talking, trucks driving by and the local major's morning speech at 6 o clock in the morning shouting out of the village's loud speakers.

If I don't turn the fan on i have difficulties sleeping......

but roosters so close to your window might be a different story.............

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Since 10 month I live in a very beautiful rented house. The landlord family are real nice people and the rent is fair.

Nevertheless I will move out of this lovely house because of the noise from about 25 fighting cocks and the neighbours dogs.

One kilometer away is a wat/school where they have all kind of events going on. Some of them very loud and until long after midnight. Sometimes 3 or 4 a.m.

I must admit, the cocks crows are not the most disturbing as I almost got used to it. It's more the dogs and the wat/school.

Happy to rent the house. It would be worse if you build your own house in a quiet area and then get noisy neighbours, as it

happened to a friend of mine. He got a timber cutting new neighbour.

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I have maybe a dozen roosters who sleep in the tree 2 meters from the house. I rarely here them.

My grandmother lived 30 meters from a rail road track, and never heard them. Time cures all ills.

Until that happens, lots of good whiskey will help.

Agreed except there are always the people who fight it thereby keeping it loud in their conscious mind. Just let it be and it will stop bothering you. The longer one fights it the longer it will bother them.

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If you've been there ten years I don't suppose you want to move. Drastic but should work add internal studs walls to the outside walls and a secondary glazed unit to your window as long as your ceilings quite well insulated amazing the difference it'll make. Might cost you a bit but

only other choice is to move as we all know Thais don't care about noise they just out up with it.

Good luck.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I have a guy that lives most the time in Bangkok. When he comes home he plays his music on these monster speakers turned up as loud as they will go. I live maybe a city block away and it is still so loud you can't have a normal conversation outside. His mother who lives in the same house has asked him to turn it down but he won't. He doesn't come home often so I let it go--- but for a while I was thinking of buying some speakers larger than his and setting them up across from his house and playing "tip toe thru the tulips" by Tiny Tim over and over. Not sure if the villagers would kill him or me though.

Hard to know what to do without starting a war. maybe there is a sound with a high enough pitch to drive the roosters crazy without the owners being aware.

Edited by bunnydrops
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I had exactly the same thing. I either close all the windows before I go to sleep or get woken around 3:30 am and get up to close all the windows. Cocks are very loud. After a few months you kind of get used to it. But then there will be something else like a pick-up truck converted to a mobile shop with a very loud and distorted loudspeaker selling shellfish at 6:15 in the morning. I have fantasies of taking it out with a rocket-propelled grenade but I usually just reach for my ear protectors. Best 180 Baht I ever spent.

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hahahaha you really expected that they will move them away for you ?

You will move first for sure, and maybe with your feet first if you keep making problems...

There is always one poster who tries to make it sound like you will be murdered for objecting at anything in Thailand.

Get a life and get real.... Its not a potential death sentence at every turn in LOS.

If you are that shit scared of Thais, I suggest you move away before you get killed for stepping on the cracks in the pavement.

Stop trying to scare everyone else.

You are right, not everybody gets the lottery, but some get $100 millions or get killed quite often. Ask the guy cut by a taxi driver sword, maybe some smart people replied him the same thing as you before...

Take your chance if you want :-)

With the monkeys around I wouldn't take a risk to argue over a rooster when it's so easy to understand that because I am the foreigner I am always wrong and that I won't change the people here...

I reckon klublex lives in the city and has no idea how things work up here in the bush. I also have fighting cocks being bred and agisted 20m from my bedroom window. Even have the fights here on every odd weekends. The boys start on the Laocao about 7:30am and are f**ked by mid afternoon. They have home and away games. Been to a few of the home games. Loads of fun. Bangkokstick is correct. Their top roosters are worth big money, both for fighting and breeding, and if you do anything to harm them you are f**ked. Just the way it is. Get used to it. It's the wild east up here.

By the way, if I'm woken by the roosters crowing at 4am I turn on some southing music and sleep like a baby.

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Here's an opportunity to win favour with your neighbours and regain your peace and quiet. Offer to provide a safe overnight sleeping facility for your neighbours "prized and valuable" cocks. Who knows, a snake or some other predator might attack during the night. Or, a competitor or some other disgruntled local resident might try and steal or , heaven forbid, kill the bird. For a rooster to be able to crow he must be able to stand and stretch his neck skyward..........if you put him in a box that is not high enough to do this, he can't crow........he just sits and sits and sits and sits....until someone lets him out. If you were to provide your neighbour with a wooden crate with a wire mesh front his prized birds would sleep safely all night and you will too. Good luck.

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I have maybe a dozen roosters who sleep in the tree 2 meters from the house. I rarely here them.

My grandmother lived 30 meters from a rail road track, and never heard them. Time cures all ills.

Until that happens, lots of good whiskey will help.

Ahhh, so the solution is either to be stone deaf or stoned?

This is a pain... I had roosters about 4-5 houses away that seemed to come for a few months a year when a relative visited and they were a disturbance at all hours of day or night.

I doubt that there is much you can do as people here don't seem to worry about disturbing others, and obviously it doesn't seem to bother them.

Neighbours making noise and their pets is a bit of a problem here.. it can cause a lot of bad feeling, criticise them or their pets is the same. :D

If you rent you have to move.

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Is there a poison that kills chickens and roosters?

In my village, they eat everything that fits in their beak, toxic or not and I've never seen one even act ill.

Maybe you could reintroduce the Bird Flu??

P.S. The only good chicken/rooster is the dead, cooked one on my plate!

One of the problems about poisoning the roosters is that the dead ones are likely to end up in your neighbours' pots and then crowing roosters will be the least of your problem.

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Your only option is clearly identified in post # 2! MOVE! I would believe all day and early morning, but not all night. Chickens normally roost at sundown and all's quiet until early morning. I have scores of chickens and that how it works here. At night the noisy roosters are replaced by the Tocay Geckos and frogs! I just play music all night!

My neighbours cock started crowing at around 2:30am... no sun at that time of night, thankfully his wife and kids couldn't sleep, so either he and his cock left or he got rid of his cock...sorry am laughing while writing this, he is still there, the noisy cock is gone...yay..

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That's nothing! You should see what I have to deal with.... I live in a nice residential neighborhood In a once quiet area here in Mae Sod. Just families and couples live here. But now, right next door, in a rented house that used to be the home of a nice teacher from Holland and his Thai family, there is now the complete team of workers who are putting in new power polls around town. Outside are their trucks (2 big ones with cranes), service vehicles (that need help starting every morning) their building supplies (spread out across the open field, once covered in nice tall grass and some flowers) under the usual dirty tarps. On top of that is not only the noise of the trucks, but also what is now 14 people (with families) living in a 2-bedroom house! Actually, they have built extra 'rooms' right in the front yard. They are a corrugated sheet metal affair, complete with TV's and stereos. At 6am they start with the yelling (usually at the kids) and the cooking in the front of the house. There is the usual banging of pots, complaining to each other and on Sundays they do all of that ... at the same time of day... with music at a nice loud level along with too much base!Understand that there is no distance between the houses here in this area, so I find myself being vibrated out of bed most days, accompanied by the voice of one woman that could shatter steal at 1000 yards! Do not get me wrong, they are nice enough people and I know that they are only here because their boss is saving money (and making a profit by keeping the money he is allocated by the city for the housing of his crew by not putting them up in their own house/s). However, they have managed to make the whole street (some 100 yards long) into a construction zone and they ain't putting in any power poles here! They have their laundry hanging from stands they have made, with great dedication, out of the re-bar supplies that they have all over the area right in front of my house. The street is basically full of their supplies, trucks (sometimes 3 semi's), bikes, scooters (some brand new!?), so there is now nowhere to park. Oh and yes... there is a Burmese 'farm' behind my house where there are ducks, a pig, geese (7 at last count), 4 dogs (who chase me ever time I drive down the other road on my old scooter), 3 cats (that are always getting into my house and sleeping on the beds), and 2 cows. When it rains.... the farm is quiet, but the workers next door all seem to think that the shower from the sky is perfect for washing themselves in the street... just want I want to see when coming home from working at the local hospital soaked to the skin on my old scooter! So may I humbly suggest that you enjoy the roosters! Or... you and I could switch houses? The change in the background noise would be wonderful! LOL! Ahhh... Thailand!

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Female bovine hormones in their food.

That's a good idea, Turn a chook into a buffalo. No noise and huge profits for chook owner - everyone happy. Could be you have hit on something.

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Female bovine hormones in their food.

That's a good idea, Turn a chook into a buffalo. No noise and huge profits for chook owner - everyone happy. Could be you have hit on something.

And a sure things at the local cock fights. Win win.

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Reading this thread made me realise that our normally reliable roo hasn't gone off yet today.

It's raining cats and dogs so he's probably still in the hen house doing what comes naturally with all his ladies :)

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