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are men less deposable in Asia than the west ?


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Read your headline ... watched the YouTube (well, the first 5 mins of it).

Might have been good to relate the two items.

What are you trying to say, to ask?

agree that there is a fundamental disconnect between the headline and the video article, (which is a rambling diatribe, albeit with good intentions)

Think there are some good points to be made, but not in the current form it has been put.

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It's women that are disposable. Haven't you ever heard of FFF?

Whaddya tink men go to Thailand for, anyway?

If a woman ever acted like I am disposable, I might be nice enough to call her a taxi, as in "hey, you're a taxi."

Edited by NeverSure
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I have just been attacked by so many feminists lately, I was responding in agreement (that this to what one said

"men are not useful anymore, we don't need them around"

Attacked by so many feminists lately? Why? Are they seeking you out?

The next one you meet commenting about the usefulness of men, remind her that cucumbers can't put out the garbage.

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I have just been attacked by so many feminists lately, I was responding in agreement (that this to what one said

"men are not useful anymore, we don't need them around"

Grow some balls and stand up for yourself.

As for your question - The term "I love my mum' is almost a defining characteristic of Thais - the term 'I love my dad' is not so often heard.

This is no accident.

Thai dads leaving home... or Cookoo'd out my Thai mothers.... ?!

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i was told the old joke years ago,

western women only wanted men because vibrators could go to the bar to get the drinks,,lol

thats as bad as "what do blondes put behind their ears to attract men"? their ankleswhistling.gif

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Good answers; expecially HS. Be yourself. Be happy with who you are and what you do.

Two rules to live by:

Rule No.1 "What other people think about you is none of your damned business"

Rule No.2 "D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F."?

These rules take care of both viewpoints.

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I am confused between deposable and disposable ?

The two words do not mean the same - and "disposable" should have been used instead of "deposable" in the first comment. Disposable means something like a paper cup to be used only once then disposed of (put in the trash etc) . I The same could apply to a man I guess in the context of this thread.

To depose means to remove from power - usually of a ruler by the people or the armed forces, e.g. Taksin was deposed. When used as a noun it can also be used in a legal sense - e.g. "deposition"

Deposable is an adjective but very seldom used - I cant find an example.

I know we are not to comment on English usage, but when its confusing such as in this thread I think that a comment is acceptable.

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I am confused by the marketing. Her hair is cut like a man and she looks like a man but she obviously chose to wear a low cut top and to show her upper breast cleavage.

It seems like a teenage phase. In a couple of years she will probably be a Khao Sarn Road back packer with dread locks.

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I've always found it amusing that those sharing the profile of the people sitting atop the power structures in the West - namely white males - cry foul and lament on their time "coming to an end" at the hands of any number of interest groups.

Why worry about what feminists think? The only reason they exist is because, at some point in the past, women felt they needed a voice that could make some space for their agenda.

Same with LBGT, racial groups, disability groups etc.

There isn't a group cheerleading for the white male (unless you count the Ku Klux Klan) because they don't bloody well need one. They've got all the power

Any white male who feels threatened by feminists or any other interest group has his own demographic to thank for turning him into a pussy.

Regrow your stones, OP; you've still got it sweeter than pretty much everyone else on the planet.

What power to men have in the West? They have less political power in democracies. For example, in the U.S., in every state except Alaska, women constitute a decisive majority of eligible voters. Outside Alaska, no man can be elected to national or statewide office without the consent of women. Since the military is subordinate to the civilian government, this means women have more military power. In the U.S. and the EU, women hold more wealth than men. That means they have greater economic power. With very few exceptions, no man can serve on a corporate board of directors, or as an executive without the consent of women. What power are you referring to? And if men are more powerful, why are they killing themselves in the workplace, as the video points out. Why wouldn't the powerful exploit the weak when it comes to dangerous jobs? If males are more powerful, why do female infants have to power to protect themselves from genital mutilation and male infants don't? If men are more powerful, why do domestic violence shelters protect only women? You didn't really listen to the video, did you?

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just look what they do with girls in china, india, arab countries...

Yes, just look at how females are protected, defended, and provided for in China and India, and Arab countries. Look how women in those places are treated as more valuable than men. Look how over 130,000 men died in Arab Spring, and one woman (two more are suspected, but not confirmed). Look how China conscripts only men for the purpose of dying to protect women. Look how poor men in Arab countries go to prison for the crime of not giving their wives money. Just look at how disposable males are in China, India, and Arab countries.

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