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The Elite!


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It's quite clear, from reading this forum, that TV posters are a cut above your Mr Average (no offence intended, Mr Average, and I am sure, like the rest of us, that you are in the top 90%)

Anyway, the most obvious way in which we are superior is that we have hi-so well-educated Thai-Chinese wives and / or girlfriends (myself excluded, obviously).

In what other ways are TV posters members of The Elite?

(obviously, spelling is not a positive differentiator)


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They live in "the real Thailand" wherever that may be.

Usually easily identifed in your local watering hole, its the Chang that sets them apart from us mere peons.

They dont need to speak Thai to be understood.

Method of transport is always a bloody Fortuna.

Edit to above,

Place on the totem pole of Thai pecking order is futher enhanced by the number of tattoos their wife has, extra smartie points for the farang if he has any sak yant.

Edited by rgs2001uk
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They live in "the real Thailand" wherever that may be.

Usually easily identifed in your local watering hole, its the Chang that sets them apart from us mere peons.

They dont need to speak Thai to be understood.

Method of transport is always a bloody Fortuna.

Crivvens, RGS, "They"?

Are you not one of The Elite? A member of the Top 90%?

I hadn't imagined that such proletarians might reply to this thread. I wonder if a Mod could sort this out?


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A friend of mine reminded me about protective clothing, and I like to believe that my white safety hat sets me apart as managerial and supervisory staff

I never understood red strawberry flavoured ones.

I think the idea is that the red indicates they are strawberry flavoured, and the strawberry flavour indicates they are a bit fruity.

I can't be sure, as I'm colourblind


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They live in "the real Thailand" wherever that may be.

Usually easily identifed in your local watering hole, its the Chang that sets them apart from us mere peons.

They dont need to speak Thai to be understood.

Method of transport is always a bloody Fortuna.

Edit to above,

Place on the totem pole of Thai pecking order is futher enhanced by the number of tattoos their wife has, extra smartie points for the farang if he has any sak yant.

You are right, RGS.

And they fancy building big iron gates around their entire properties, as well. So they ALLOW themselves to be secluded and left alone in their own self-created kingdom.

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They live in "the real Thailand" wherever that may be.

Usually easily identifed in your local watering hole, its the Chang that sets them apart from us mere peons.

They dont need to speak Thai to be understood.

Method of transport is always a bloody Fortuna.

Edit to above,

Place on the totem pole of Thai pecking order is futher enhanced by the number of tattoos their wife has, extra smartie points for the farang if he has any sak yant.

You are right, RGS.

And they fancy building big iron gates around their entire properties, as well. So they ALLOW themselves to be secluded and left alone in their own self-created kingdom.

Dont forget stainless steel knobs on all entrances. King Farouk demands these things.
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A friend of mine reminded me about protective clothing, and I like to believe that my white safety hat sets me apart as managerial and supervisory staff

Is this you at work SC?

Was going to ask you to send the lad round on his bike with half a pound of mince, thought better of it, theres enough mince on here already.


Hope you arent one of those annoying H&S types.

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They live in "the real Thailand" wherever that may be.

Usually easily identifed in your local watering hole, its the Chang that sets them apart from us mere peons.

They dont need to speak Thai to be understood.

Method of transport is always a bloody Fortuna.

Edit to above,

Place on the totem pole of Thai pecking order is futher enhanced by the number of tattoos their wife has, extra smartie points for the farang if he has any sak yant.

You are right, RGS.

And they fancy building big iron gates around their entire properties, as well. So they ALLOW themselves to be secluded and left alone in their own self-created kingdom.

Dont forget stainless steel knobs on all entrances. King Farouk demands these things.

I can get my nephew to stand by the porch, he's not stainless steel, but he's definitely a knob. Will that do?

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Anyway, the most obvious way in which we are superior is that we have hi-so well-educated Thai-Chinese wives and / or girlfriend

The term "hi-so" is just so ... yesterday.

It's really passé. It's also very nebulous. It's likely to be misunderstood. And it's likely to engender feelings of envy or resent.

Better to do away with the "hi-so" approach.

And as for Thai-Chinese ethnicity ... how plain! How dull! How boring! How predictable!

If you want to join the elite, surely you need a girlfriend who's ........ Thai-Chinese-Italian.

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Anyway, the most obvious way in which we are superior is that we have hi-so well-educated Thai-Chinese wives and / or girlfriend

The term "hi-so" is just so ... yesterday.

It's really passé. It's also very nebulous. It's likely to be misunderstood. And it's likely to engender feelings of envy or resent.

Better to do away with the "hi-so" approach.

And as for Thai-Chinese ethnicity ... how plain! How dull! How boring! How predictable!

If you want to join the elite, surely you need a girlfriend who's ........ Thai-Chinese-Italian.

Hmm! I take it you are not a fan of Hi So's ?

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