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Thai Ombudsman forgives Kittiratt's 'white lie'


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Ombudsman forgives Kittiratt's 'white lie'
Chanikarn Phumhiran
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The Office of Ombudsman has cleared Finance Minister Kittiratt Na-Ranong of charges related to a "white lie" he made on last year's economic forecast.

The September 13 ruling said Kittiratt had just spoken aloud and that his comment did not have an adverse impact on the private sector or businesses, office spokesman Raksagecha Chaechai said yesterday.

Even though Kittiratt conceded that his prediction had fallen short of expectation, businesses did not rely solely on what he said but had made their own assessments as well, Raksagecha said.

In the ruling, the prime minister was advised to have her ministers take extra precaution in terms of accuracy in order to safeguard her government's credibility.

Early last year, Kittiratt predicted that the economy would grow close to 15 per cent before he made a complete about face. In his defence he said he was obliged to remain optimistic in order to ensure a positive business climate.

-- The Nation 2013-10-04

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Early last year, Kittiratt predicted that the economy would grow close to 15 per cent before he made a complete about face. In his defence he said he was obliged to remain optimistic in order to ensure a positive business climate.

Please note that apparently these opinions do not bear any reality to the Thai economy and that any statements are forward looking and this subject to bullshit and bluster. Please don't take anything I say seriously, I just work here.

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Well do we, did we really expect other different statement or indeed action from a morally bankrupt society a government manipulated by a convicted bail jumping felon, born again liars and self serving cheats?

P.T.P. tell us all that black is now white and white is now black and Saint Thaksin is the country's savior.bah.gif

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In the ruling, the prime minister was advised to have her ministers take extra precaution in terms of accuracy in order to safeguard her government's credibility.

Oh gosh, excuse me, I just spent five minutes LMAO. "...take extra precautions in terms of accuracy..." the PM was advised. Politicians distort facts and make BS comments all the time....accuracy is the furthest thing from their little brains. Oh gosh, excuse me, here I go again....cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif

Edited by Pib
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Ombudsman: Deputy Premier Kittiratt’s white lie not unethical
By English News


BANGKOK, Oct 4 – The 'white lie' regarding Thailand’s economic figures, made by Deputy Prime Minister Kittiratt Na-Ranong last year, was not unethical, the Ombudsman Office has ruled.

Raksagecha Chaechai, Ombudsman deputy secretary general, said Mr Kittiratt’s statement on achievable 15 per cent export growth for Thailand in 2012 was a positive forecast and it showed the government’s attempt to reach the target.

Mr Kittiratt’s white lie, publicly announced on the first anniversary of the Yingluck Shinawatra administration, was severely criticised and prompted a call for an investigation to determine if his statement was ethical or not.

Mr Raksagecha said the Ombudsman made the decision on September 13 and submitted it to the complainants and Prime Minister Yingluck, in her capacity as Mr Kittiratt’s superior.

The Ombudsman said some private agencies including the Thai Chamber of Commerce, the Thai Banks Association and the Industrial Federation of Thailand were asked to explain on the forecast of economic figures.

They insisted that Mr Kittiratt’s statement did not have any impact on their businesses.

“Every government has to give its economic projection. Whether it is achievable or not depends on the economic situation,” said the Ombudsman.

The Ombudsman said Mr Kittiratt later admitted that his export projection for 2012 was not achieved and that his statement was not a breach of the Prime Minister’s Office regulations on ethics of political position holders, said Mr Raksakecha.

He said the Ombudsman, however, told the prime minister to warn the deputy prime minister against making public statement that may jeopardise people’s confidence of the country. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2013-10-04

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Our politicians constantly lie.

Apparently so do Thai ones.

So what?

Some politicans try at least to sound credible though they are lying. The excuses and lies Thai politicans sometimes spread are really gorgeous.

When there´s a snowstorm outside they will still pretend it´s summer, it´s almost insulting. Do they think everyone is so dumb? (That´s something i want to ask many politicans, not just Thai ones)

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Our politicians constantly lie.

Apparently so do Thai ones.

So what?

Some politicans try at least to sound credible though they are lying. The excuses and lies Thai politicans sometimes spread are really gorgeous.

When there´s a snowstorm outside they will still pretend it´s summer, it´s almost insulting. Do they think everyone is so dumb? (That´s something i want to ask many politicans, not just Thai ones)

They think we are all dumb, and they are right.....in fact we re-elect them again and again.

Common sense would expect that every 4 years the ruling parties and most of the opposition fall below 1 % and some complete new parties rise.

But no we vote for the liars again....so we deserve it.

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Our politicians constantly lie.

Apparently so do Thai ones.

So what?

Some politicans try at least to sound credible though they are lying. The excuses and lies Thai politicans sometimes spread are really gorgeous.

When there´s a snowstorm outside they will still pretend it´s summer, it´s almost insulting. Do they think everyone is so dumb? (That´s something i want to ask many politicans, not just Thai ones)

They think we are all dumb, and they are right.....in fact we re-elect them again and again.

Common sense would expect that every 4 years the ruling parties and most of the opposition fall below 1 % and some complete new parties rise.

But no we vote for the liars again....so we deserve it.

Mostly you can choose between the devil and deep blue sea. Even if there are new parties, after a while they will change from beeing reformers to beeing "politicans" (puppets)

Whoever is in power will have to "sell" his ideals to corruption, lobbyism and the banksters.

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"BANGKOK: -- The Office of Ombudsman has cleared Finance Minister Kittiratt Na-Ranong of charges related to a "white lie" he made on last year's economic forecast."

Translation it is the government there fore OK. Now shut up and eat your rice some of it is OK.

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Is this the etymology of

"to rat on a deal"

reassuiring that such an esteemed body has assured us he was not a doity rat and we can all sleep sound in our beds until the floods don't come.It is chaps like this that are helping make the country what is to day and their legacy will be Subaru priceless carved in dehli belly

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Here we have, in one story, proof that the Finance Minister and the Ombudsman are incompetent and derelict in their duties. Possibly include the PM for leaving them in their posts. No need to look further.

Indeed so true it is impossible to see over the horizon to Dubai, Hong Kong or Macua or wherever the puppet master may now be at this moment in time.whistling.gif

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So the ombudsman thinks there are such things as ethical lies? Presumably he can give us a clear definition between an ethical and unethical lie.

Of course, accountants and bankers in the West have been manipulating the truth, words, and the laws and regulations for years. But here, it seems you don't even have to pretend anymore. Maybe more honest in some way? Or just an expression of arrogance and contempt for the non-connected.

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What a most novel way to explain bullshit. "Obliged to remain optimistic in order to ensure a positive business climate."

In the ruling, the prime minister was advised to have her ministers take extra precaution in terms of accuracy in order to safeguard her government's credibility.

I have a question, What Credibility???

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Ombudsman: Deputy Premier Kittiratt’s white lie not unethical

By English News


BANGKOK, Oct 4 – The 'white lie' regarding Thailand’s economic figures, made by Deputy Prime Minister Kittiratt Na-Ranong last year, was not unethical, the Ombudsman Office has ruled.

Raksagecha Chaechai, Ombudsman deputy secretary general, said Mr Kittiratt’s statement on achievable 15 per cent export growth for Thailand in 2012 was a positive forecast and it showed the government’s attempt to reach the target.

Mr Kittiratt’s white lie, publicly announced on the first anniversary of the Yingluck Shinawatra administration, was severely criticised and prompted a call for an investigation to determine if his statement was ethical or not.

Mr Raksagecha said the Ombudsman made the decision on September 13 and submitted it to the complainants and Prime Minister Yingluck, in her capacity as Mr Kittiratt’s superior.

The Ombudsman said some private agencies including the Thai Chamber of Commerce, the Thai Banks Association and the Industrial Federation of Thailand were asked to explain on the forecast of economic figures.

They insisted that Mr Kittiratt’s statement did not have any impact on their businesses.

“Every government has to give its economic projection. Whether it is achievable or not depends on the economic situation,” said the Ombudsman.

The Ombudsman said Mr Kittiratt later admitted that his export projection for 2012 was not achieved and that his statement was not a breach of the Prime Minister’s Office regulations on ethics of political position holders, said Mr Raksakecha.

He said the Ombudsman, however, told the prime minister to warn the deputy prime minister against making public statement that may jeopardise people’s confidence of the country. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2013-10-04

Kittirat's lie maybe not be judged unethical by Thai standards but by international standard it was not only unethical but incredibly irresponsible..

He is now regarded by the world's economists as someone whose word cannot be trusted and as such is an irrelevance. It would be wiser to obtain any information from one of the monkeys at the Finance Ministry rather than this embarrassing organ grinder.

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Ombudsman: Deputy Premier Kittiratts white lie not unethical

By English News


BANGKOK, Oct 4 The 'white lie' regarding Thailands economic figures, made by Deputy Prime Minister Kittiratt Na-Ranong last year, was not unethical, the Ombudsman Office has ruled.

Raksagecha Chaechai, Ombudsman deputy secretary general, said Mr Kittiratts statement on achievable 15 per cent export growth for Thailand in 2012 was a positive forecast and it showed the governments attempt to reach the target.

Mr Kittiratts white lie, publicly announced on the first anniversary of the Yingluck Shinawatra administration, was severely criticised and prompted a call for an investigation to determine if his statement was ethical or not.

Mr Raksagecha said the Ombudsman made the decision on September 13 and submitted it to the complainants and Prime Minister Yingluck, in her capacity as Mr Kittiratts superior.

The Ombudsman said some private agencies including the Thai Chamber of Commerce, the Thai Banks Association and the Industrial Federation of Thailand were asked to explain on the forecast of economic figures.

They insisted that Mr Kittiratts statement did not have any impact on their businesses.

Every government has to give its economic projection. Whether it is achievable or not depends on the economic situation, said the Ombudsman.

The Ombudsman said Mr Kittiratt later admitted that his export projection for 2012 was not achieved and that his statement was not a breach of the Prime Ministers Office regulations on ethics of political position holders, said Mr Raksakecha.

He said the Ombudsman, however, told the prime minister to warn the deputy prime minister against making public statement that may jeopardise peoples confidence of the country. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2013-10-04

Do they understand that it is quite an oxymoron to lie and remain ethical at the same time?

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- The Office of Ombudsman has cleared Finance Minister Kittiratt Na-Ranong of charges related to a "white lie" he made on last year's economic forecast.

The September 13 ruling said Kittiratt had just spoken aloud

They are forgiving him because Kittiratt is the Homer Simpson of the Yingluck Cabinet


Did I say that aloud? I was supposed to only think that... D'Oh!

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