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PM Yingluck tells police to curb crime and narcotics


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Let her start by cracking down on Thai criminals on the run in foreign countries. Bring them to trial and get justice. Then work on other things.

As well, aren't the BIB the center of crime and narcotics? Don't they control the whole shibang?

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It's great the way she issues these instructions all over the place. Do you think she got this habit from her high level business career. The ability to delegate. Unfortunately she seems not to understand that issuing instructions like this actually means nothing if its not implemented and followed up.

So she wants the police to be corruption free and transparent. Just like her brothers government.

Does she believe in the tooth-fairy, Santa Claus and Mickey Mouse too?

I guess the Shin leaders feel the need to make these comments, seeing as their placing so many relations in key positions in the BiB. The BiB is just another arm of the growing Shin Corp.

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It's great the way she issues these instructions all over the place. Do you think she got this habit from her high level business career. The ability to delegate. Unfortunately she seems not to understand that issuing instructions like this actually means nothing if its not implemented and followed up.

So she wants the police to be corruption free and transparent. Just like her brothers government.

Does she believe in the tooth-fairy, Santa Claus and Mickey Mouse too?

I guess the Shin leaders feel the need to make these comments, seeing as their placing so many relations in key positions in the BiB. The BiB is just another arm of the growing Shin Corp.

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A Thai "clamp down" as differentiated from a Thai "crack down." A clamp down implies that Thai police should infer that she means to enforce the laws already on the books. A crackdown means it's the wild west and anything goes to grab a few photo ops and feed a few lame press stories. A Thai clamp down is a more subtle initiative that a Thai crack down.

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"She asserted she would also like the police force to be corruption-free and to work transparently."

Why not start with politicians first?

Lead by example

has anyone noticed that PM Yingluck has been very prominent in the news laely. She (or her Cronies ) have been barking orders and urging on just about everything. Is there an election Imminent ??? She must be a Super woman to be able to run the Country as a de-facto PM. prepare the country for the invasion by rampaging hordes in her role as Defence Minister, and all this plus visiting non -important countries like the Maldives, Khazakstan, Montenegro and similar, and of course fitting in the odd bit of shopping. Pity she hasn't learned how to answer any questions on anything. I suppose the new planes she has ordered will need test drives, so that should keep her out of the country a bit longer.

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Let her start by cracking down on Thai criminals on the run in foreign countries.  Bring them to trial and get justice.  Then work on other things.


As well, aren't the BIB the center of crime and narcotics?  Don't they control the whole shibang?

Good. Let's start with the Karen girl's torturers. And the Red Bull dick.

sent from my hippo phone

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If downtown Bangkok were commandeered by rowdy gangs who erected petrol-soaked barricades spiked with sharpened bamboo spikes - would she expect the police to be involved? I can answer that: It depends on which side of the political fence the demonstrators are straddling. If the rowdies are hired and incited by her brother, and wearing red shirts, then the police can stay away and do nothing (which is what happened in 2010).

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Police Commissioners Office......'zzzzzzzz zzzz' Phone rings for 30 minutes and is finally picked up by irate man ' Why are you calling me you scum when i am taking my afternoon nap ? '...Oh; hello Yingluck, what can i do for you ? '

''Now listen, you are supposed to be big boss Police and i am ordering you to curb crime and narcotics with immediate effect or.. or.. or...i'm gonna get really angry with you.....and so is my Brother'' 'Yes Boss right away, goodbye.......'zzzzzzzz zzzz'.

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" She asserted she would also like the police force to be corruption-free and to work transparently."

The fact she has to say this speaks volumes about the law in Thailand. Though she should reflect on the proverb concerning glass houses and the throwing of stones.

Edited by Bluespunk
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I'm confused. Is the pm telling the BiB to crackdown on crime & narcotics, ie the police's job.

Or is she telling them to curb their involvement in crime & narcotics?

It's not clear.....

To be fair to her they basically add up to the same thing.

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I wonder does this include the police in pattaya who I have on CCTV tape being involved in stealing 2 motorbikes?

Not to mention the other (apparently) 100 bikes stolen that night within 1-2 hours of each other..

1 of which was my Ninja 250 stolen from my locked gate (key..) and a CBR250 from same locked area..

Their blatant refusal to take a report and a request to come back with a number plate or pic of guys stealing it..which I did...and they still cant catch them


They were so worried about being caught they didnt even bother starting engines..just pushed them up the road...


up load the cctv tape on utube and pantip and here on TV, etc, the BIB really really really hate it when being exposed as lying cheating thieving extortionist's, but as for getting your bike back,,, I think you'd be lucky if you did, but hey just collect the insurance and enjoy exposing the BIB for what most of them are.w00t.gif

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PM tells police to curb crime and narcotics

I also thought she meant, .....within the police force.

We had CCTV footage of two local crackheads doing a deal near bye our property, they had effectively set up a stall selling yabba on the roadside. We called the police, the two guys and three 'users' were arrested. Within 30 mins the three users were tested positive in urine tests and the sample of the two dealers had gone astray. The two dealers were set free. We knew that was coming as the mother of one of the dealers is the President of the town's 'Lion's' club, and was seen making frantic telephone calls concerning her son. My wife called our friendly 'policeman' who simply said, 'I am sorry, I know its bad but this is Thailand' !!!! It turned out that the guys were dealing on behalf of a senior policeman.

Completely true story, a woman drove in to the side of our car, no major drama, she admitted fault and we went down to the police station to fill in paperwork. Me and my wife were sat in an area containing a few police clerks sat at desks and policemen leaning over their shoulders watching as paperwork was filled in. One old police clerk was helping a young policeman fill in a report about seizing 300 yabba tablets in a bust the night before. No word of a lie, this is what the older police clerk said to the young guy (they seemed completely oblivious to our presence) "You see the problem here is that the guys last night filled in this report manually instead of on the computer, now it makes it too difficult to change anything. If you fill these out on computer then we can easily change 300 to 30 without anyone getting suspicious at the courthouse, that leaves 270 for us which is worth a lot of money" !!!!! I looked at my wife with the, did I just understand that right look on my face, she nodded, yes!

How can the police be expected to clear the streets of crime when they are involved with it at the very core?

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Now that is BOTH the de Facto and the de jure PMs telling the police to do their job properly.

Why wasn't this laid down on day 1 of this government?

As a thought what will both of them do if the police just ignore the requests?

Nothing they had no idea of what they were saying as they said it and in ten minutes will have forgot they said it.

In a way she is saying all the crackdowns they announced before were a joke.

I wonder if deep down she isn't tempted to try and walk on the water.

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PM Yingluck tells police to curb crime and narcotics
Ms. Yingluck emphasized that the police should concretely implement the policies given to them

So the police are going to be procuring some slipform paving machines in the future.

Don't need slip forms for concretely made shoes. It would sure open up the BIB to a lot of new recruits.

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I wonder does this include the police in pattaya who I have on CCTV tape being involved in stealing 2 motorbikes?

Not to mention the other (apparently) 100 bikes stolen that night within 1-2 hours of each other..

1 of which was my Ninja 250 stolen from my locked gate (key..) and a CBR250 from same locked area..

Their blatant refusal to take a report and a request to come back with a number plate or pic of guys stealing it..which I did...and they still cant catch them


They were so worried about being caught they didnt even bother starting engines..just pushed them up the road...

Did you offer them money ? , thai police dont do anything for nothing you know , its like a kid knapping , they will find your bikes if you pay the ransom , its how they work,.....same as the mafia , they are the mafia ! , only difference is they wear uniforms .

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Posts containing profanity have been removed.

My apologies if I've said something wrong. I was under the opinion that profanity was nullified on this forum by deleting a particular vowel in the offensive word. I shall be more careful in the future. Thank you

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