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Molesting Phuket taxi driver gets suspended sentence

Lite Beer

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As being a foreigner if I do the same act of violence against a Thai Woman. Will I get the same suspended sentence even though it will be my first sentence? Will I be deported after the sentence?

I think, in the judicial system of Thailand, For Thai's it is molesting and for foreigners like us it is RAPE.

I wonder sometimes if I am living in land of smiles or land of aliens.

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Last 24 hours i have been thinking about this case.

How did they think?

The police

The court (judge)

I don´t understand . Maybe it is because i am farang and not thai.

sometimes my wife tells me that too. You are not thai. You don´t understand thai thinking and thainess.

So this must be thainess??? bah.gif

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If he was a foreign man from the West he would have been behind bars for a log time.....

I wonder if the judge has a daughter or grand daughter? And how would he have felt and made judgement on this kind of behavior and what example has he set for his country and tourist who think they can get away with is kind of crime they were caught for the first time.......


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But the next time he does this they will be down on him like a tone of bricks.

That will be of no comfort to his next victim - who of course wouldn't be a victim if he were punished adequately in the first instance.

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"suspended because it was his first conviction."

But I doubt it was his first crime.

Right. I really doubt he just started this behavior and just the first time caught.

This is disgusting and I cannot tell you how pissed it makes me at the Thai system and people if this is how they treat people.

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I've totally run out of words sad.png absolute disgrace! This young lady will be scarred for the rest of her life!

The thai justice system is rotting to the core just like their policing and government systems.

I hope that the chinese government protest and threaten to withdraw trade and tourism to the land of lunacy until proper justice is carried out for this poor young lady!

The taxi driver should have been sent to china ..he would surely have received a death penalty if not life imprisonment

Absolutely, even tax evasion can a capital offence in China.

If he did not get jailed for the molestation and abduction which all right-minded people would argue for, perhaps TAT and especially local dependents such as drivers and touts should not complain about zero-baht Chinese tours. Here is a Chinese tourist taking local transport and look at what happens. I know it could happen to anybody, but if you want to change the "crowd, safety in numbers, bulk discount mentality" of the average Chinese tourist this will certainly not help.

If this was my daughter.......

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Truly but truly amazing... !!! If this happened in China the guy would probably be executed ............ 13 months!! but you get 12 years if you dare say anything bad about ..... Ya know ! What a F-----d up Country !

15, not 12 - per case!

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In somebody's evil mind, thoughts like this will being trying to justify such a lenient sentence:

"That'll teach those dam_n jek to try and boss us around. We are Thai and we are proud to provide a sound and efficient public transport service on the paradise island of Phuket. We are the ones who decide what happens here and to whom.

It was obviously what the girl wanted. She led him on and was travelling alone and thus asking for it. "

Wow. That is a very revealing post of how your mind works. Get help.

Actually it's MORE revealing of how some readers' minds DON'T work! YOU'RE the one who needs help - with reading comprehension...

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Is there an email address for TAT that could be swamped with responses such as the above?

If there were and you did, you'd then have the cop coming to arrest you for defammation to contend with... Some of those who post on TV, if they reside in Thailand and are sufficiently "vocal" in their condemnations, are probably on borrowed time as it is.

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This really is an insult to the poor girl...1 year and 10k baht !!

Is this how the thai justice system will advertise itself to foreign visitors ?

It`s fine to molest a young girl for five hours because your were under the influence of alcohol and jaba,

but don`t get caught with drugs, then the justice system will really show it`s teeth.

Shame on this corrupt system !!!!!

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In somebody's evil mind, thoughts like this will being trying to justify such a lenient sentence:

"That'll teach those dam_n jek to try and boss us around. We are Thai and we are proud to provide a sound and efficient public transport service on the paradise island of Phuket. We are the ones who decide what happens here and to whom.

It was obviously what the girl wanted. She led him on and was travelling alone and thus asking for it. "

Wow. That is a very revealing post of how your mind works. Get help.

Actually it's MORE revealing of how some readers' minds DON'T work! YOU'RE the one who needs help - with reading comprehension...

Yet another who fires from the hip before connecting brain. Does your level of comprehension live in a subway? Your response is an indication of how your mind doesn't work,

Maybe you should both heed your own advice and think carefully about a post before you jump in quickly to criticise.

I am well aware that the quote was written from the viewpoint of a Thai by that poster, but that was exactly my point.

The irony of having to explain it to you superior intellects;

That diatribe was written from the perspective of a character who that poster has never met, never spoken to and never heard from. What that rant really was is a showcase of that poster's prejudices against Thais and against women.

You get it yet?

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This is outrageous and disgusting. If a tourist does the same the, then it will be a year in jail at least.

The message is clear: A thai man in phuket can do almost anything, sex crimes or violence against foreigners AND get away with it. It's sick. The courts are worse than the police. Blatant rasism.

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Yet still the sheep keep coming to Phuket. Those taxi guys must be laughing their heads off. Rip them off, beat them up, rob them, stop them leaving the port or the hotel, rape them, it doesn't matter. Nobody dares touch us. The courts, the police, the governor, they can all be bought off or intimidated into inaction.

And they keep coming, who cares where they are from, they are not one of us, so we can treat them like an animal. They will never stop coming. This is Phuket, where the world vacations. There will always be more on the next flight. They are so stupid. They have so much money. And I must have it. This is my island, my country and you will give me what I demand, your money, your business and your body if I so wish. I rule this place, I am in the co-operative. I am untouchable.

"I am a Phuket taxi/tuk-tuk driver. I earn more than doctors and lawyers in Thailand. The world shall kneel before me." :) :)

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ahem , ......now what was thailand preaching to the UN last week ? something to do with consensus ??, or was it yingluck talking about womens rights ? ? ,....HYPOCRITES !!... my god thailand , take a look at yourselves if your not to ashamed or embarassed to , you should be , a few years ago i thought you just needed time to catch up with the rest of the world concerning human rights, rasism , sexism, xenophobic attitudes , your backward thinking , stone age teachings , abandoning your children , neglecting your responsabilities as a country by doing nothing about the corruption its ridled with .....BUT I WAS WRONG ,.........SADLY i think your doomed , a country with no law and order has no place in todays world , my one time dream of living there has become a duty to leave it , who in their right mind would want to bring up a family in such a place .......SHAME ON YOU THAILAND !

PS.To all TV members , post this story on facebook if you want Thailand to be a better place for all.

Edited by osiboy
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so he got 12 months, but i bet after few months in jail he will get again a reduced terms for good behavior.....sick.gif

a foreigner caught stealing a shirt at tesco or overstaying his visa, will get his picture in the newspaper.

But assaulting a 19 yo girl will just get you few months in jail...

land of the true hate.

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Surprise, surprise!! Thai fairness.This country is unbelievasbly stupid and gutless. Hope this hits newspapers world wide. I feel sorry for the women in Thailand having to accept the behaviour and attitudes of Thai men, who are not known for their bravery.

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"The judge initially sentenced Paitoon Kruain to 26 months in jail and a fine of B21,000, but both were halved because he had pleaded guilty.

The judge then decided to suspend the sentence because the offences abduction, molestation and driving under the influence of alcohol and methamphetamine, were all first convictions."

Are you kidding me?

"abduction, molestation and driving under the influence of alcohol and methamphetamine. "

The judge should do 26 months for being a moron.

So, you have never heard of 'Tea Money'. I have indirect experience with Judges taking bribes to erase records - even in incidents where a death was the result. more public is a recent situation - need I say 'Red Bull Heir'..??

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