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Non-B Question

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I currently have a non-b visa with a 3 month validity stamp - however I have still yet to receive my work permit. My question is - When the 3 months on my non-b is coming to an end, will I be able to get the extension in immigration if the work permit is still not ready? If not, what should I do?



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I don't have any WP documentation as I am a teacher and my (rather useless) agency is supposedly sorting it out. Although they have been sorting it out for 5 months already and seem to be clueless when it comes to visas/work permits, often phoning me for advice. >.<

I'll give them a call tomorrow and see if I can get copies in time, I still have a month left before the first three months expires so it's possible it could be done in time, though I'm guessing it won't be - perhaps the copies, photos and medical certificate will make do!!!

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I don't have any WP documentation as I am a teacher and my (rather useless) agency is supposedly sorting it out. Although they have been sorting it out for 5 months already and seem to be clueless when it comes to visas/work permits, often phoning me for advice. >.<

I'll give them a call tomorrow and see if I can get copies in time, I still have a month left before the first three months expires so it's possible it could be done in time, though I'm guessing it won't be - perhaps the copies, photos and medical certificate will make do!!!

Here is the application form, which lists all the required paperwork - go see the agency in person and get it sorted.

If you don't have a WP and you are currently working, this is illegal and if you are caught, it could lead to your being fined, then subject to imprisonment and deportatation.
Take the time to fix this problem a.s.a.p; it's you who would get deported, not your agency.
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I don't have any WP documentation as I am a teacher and my (rather useless) agency is supposedly sorting it out. Although they have been sorting it out for 5 months already and seem to be clueless when it comes to visas/work permits, often phoning me for advice. >.<

I'll give them a call tomorrow and see if I can get copies in time, I still have a month left before the first three months expires so it's possible it could be done in time, though I'm guessing it won't be - perhaps the copies, photos and medical certificate will make do!!!

I dont wish to be a party pooper, but are you even sure the WP process is underway...5 months seems very excessive even for Thailand to get a WP issued, if they have genuinely done the application, this means you are "under consideration" therefore therefore immigration will extent your visa/permission to stay and if under consideration you can work legally per the interpretation by some of the DOL/Immigration offices...

My feeling is they havent progressed your documents any futher, hoping you will forget about it

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