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Eurasian mix and intelligent children...........


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Hi Members,

Have you noticed how intelligent Eurasian children are?

They are sharp, articulate and human calculators!

Has anybody else noticed this?


Apparently Thais haven't. They seem to think they make excellent Thespians and have the voices of angels and the moves like Jagger.

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Hi Members,

Have you noticed how intelligent Eurasian children are?

They are sharp, articulate and human calculators!

Has anybody else noticed this?


Apparently Thais haven't. They seem to think they make excellent Thespians and have the voices of angels and the moves like Jagger.
awful! (But I got a great laugh lol)
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Most people Look at intelligence as a bit more inclusive than the schooling that has been mastered. Common sense tells most of us to learn from others failures/mistakes, thus we utilize our formal education along with common sense and experience to determine when to come in out of the rain and how to pour water out of a boot and in a few cases how to work and prosper within a system that the majority accept.

In my observation the parents of the real world (farang) give their children more leeway in learning/experienceing the bumps/negatives in life, which in many cases fosters an appearance of enhanced intelligence.

Come back in a generation or so and maybe you can get government grants to do a study on this theory. Its probably already been done, but knowledge, intelligence and common sense seems to be judged as, detetorating since the time of Plato.

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Sounds racist to me! You take the average stupid Thai and mix with a little genes from the masterrace, and the the result: A smarter semiasian??sad.png

I think the parents of mixed children support the children better. Don't sit it in front of the TV with Thai soap opera.

I don't think that it has anything to do with genes.

That the first years of children are the most important for developing intelligence is well known. If you watch Thai soap operas from 1 year-6 year old even the genes of Einstein can't safe you......

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Sounds a bit racist to me.

There is absolutely no reason and no proof that Asian in general and Thais in particular are less intelligent than mixed-race children.

What might be true is that in many cases mixed-race children in Thailand get a better education than their Thai friends, simply because many mixed couples have the financial means to send their children to better schools. To conclude from this that these children are more intelligent is in my view wrong.

If you ask an US American, he would probably say that Asian descendents are more intelligent that US Americans, as can be seen by the number of High-School, College and University graduates compared to their quota in population, but again, it probably originates in a different emphasis on the importance of education form their Asian parents.

I think the quoted Thai IQ numbers might be a start though.....

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I was an English teacher for 13 years here and disagree. Many luuk kreung were spoiled and many were from broken homes. My kids aer aboce average in their class but not geniuses. Obviously their English is well above the rest.

No thanks to you....obveeusly

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I was an English teacher for 13 years here and disagree. Many luuk kreung were spoiled and many were from broken homes. My kids aer aboce average in their class but not geniuses. Obviously their English is well above the rest.

1. I was an English teacher for 13 years

2. My kids aer aboce average

I love your irony and sense of humor!

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Cripes things go off-topic quick round here ....

To the original poster - I have a leuk krung kid, as do many of my friends. I absolutely agree that generally speaking they are smarter than the average Thai child, and also smarter than the average Brit or Ozzie kid (my nationality and many of my friends).

I do not know if this is nature picking the best bits of a dual-gene pool , or, it is the fact the two language exposure and the brain's systems create a relatively more sophisticated child. Certainly, there is much on the Google to support both theories.

They do appear (on the outside) to be slower for the first few years like 2 - 3 but then, things change quick. My child and two close friend's kids were reading in a basic manner by four in BOTH languages (different alphabets and grammer etc), and really speaking both well by five - six. By seven they have the same linguistic abilities as their single language peers in either language, but of course can speak two languages natively. That's impressive stuff - to be seven and have essentially hoisted in twice as much as single language kids. How could learning two linquistical systems not be beneficial and help sharpen all sorts of mental faculties and functions that when combined give you a large part of IQ .. ?

Edited by VisaProblem
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