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Stock up on mouse traps!


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MICE = Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions.

wonder how many will think C.M is a City full on mice ?

Or how many, after reading this thread, will think CM is a city with clueless farang?

If it actually had anything to do with the rodents, wouldn't they be shown in at least a few of the pictures?

MICE isn't exactly a new term.


TCEB has full-time staff dedicated toward providing useful facts and statistics about strong and vibrant MICE industry in Thailand in easy and concise form to help you understand the market.



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Or how many, after reading this thread, will think CM is a city with clueless farang?

Acronyms come and go (who remembers WYSIWYG?), and "MICE" could currently represent one of at least 58 known meanings. Not being a traveling salesman involved with these obscure self-absorbed industry terms, does not necessarily make a typical farang (or local english-speaking Thai) clueless. For example, for someone involved in the military, it could also mean "Money, Ideology, Coercion & Ego (reasons people become spies)".

But hey, let's have some fun and make our own acronyms! We could all then laugh light-heartedly each time we encounter a clueless poster (i.e., not in our inner circle of knowledge) who misses the point.

How about "CAP", for "Clueless Arrogant Poster".

Usage example: "The CAP, being in full keyboard-warrior mode, failed to note his embarrassing gaffe until his cascade of escalating retorts became a train wreck."

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