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"Attacked by a Tarantula in East Pattaya"

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When clearing the cut down fan banana leaves IN OUR GARDEN a Tarantula was hiding under the leaves. He reared up at me with his Fangs fully extended!! 1st. Tarantula I have seen here in this area. DO BE CAREFUL!!!!



There there, did the nasty man with the camera frighten you !

( Unless you are allergic to their bite, which is rare, they wont do you much harm)

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The tarantula's appearance is worse than its bite. Tarantula venom is weaker than that of a honeybee and, though painful, is virtually harmless to humans.

  • 1 month later...

Cool pic... I always wear thick leather gloves when mucking about in the garden for just this reason. If the wifey is from issan, she might have deep fried her and made a meal if it as I hear it's a popular dish up there.


A tarantula will never harm you unless you provoke it.

When I was about 13 years old, a science teacher at my school in California brought a tarantula to class.

He explained how stupid it was that so many people will kill one on sight when they are basically harmless.

He then showed us as he allowed the tarantula to crawl up and down his arms and the rest of his body.

Then he let any students who wanted to, have the tarantula crawl on them.

They are actually very gentle, and it kind of tickles as they walk on your skin

No one, including the tarantula was harmed.

Like other things, it is a case of fearing things yo don't know about!

If it's ugly and scares me, I'll kill it!

If this was acceptable behavior, there would soon be no Farangs left in Thailand!

They don't really think you are " hand som man!"


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A tarantula will never harm you unless you provoke it.

When I was about 13 years old, a science teacher at my school in California brought a tarantula to class.

He explained how stupid it was that so many people will kill one on sight when they are basically harmless.

He then showed us as he allowed the tarantula to crawl up and down his arms and the rest of his body.

Then he let any students who wanted to, have the tarantula crawl on them.

They are actually very gentle, and it kind of tickles as they walk on your skin

No one, including the tarantula was harmed.

Like other things, it is a case of fearing things yo don't know about!

If it's ugly and scares me, I'll kill it!

If this was acceptable behavior, there would soon be no Farangs left in Thailand!

They don't really think you are " hand som man!"

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When I was a kid, I did volunteer work at the local zoo's insectarium. I agree that tarantulas are not inherently aggressive and dangerous if properly handled but they can inflict a nasty bite if startled. In any case, all spiders, especially large ones ones like taranchulas and brown recluse, give me the heebee-geebees and are smashed on sight when I encounter one. They also have special hairs on their body that they can shed that can be very irritating as well.

At one time, the beautiful Mexican variety were being kept as pets.


A tarantula will never harm you unless you provoke it.

When I was about 13 years old, a science teacher at my school in California brought a tarantula to class.

He explained how stupid it was that so many people will kill one on sight when they are basically harmless.

He then showed us as he allowed the tarantula to crawl up and down his arms and the rest of his body.

Then he let any students who wanted to, have the tarantula crawl on them.

They are actually very gentle, and it kind of tickles as they walk on your skin

No one, including the tarantula was harmed.

Like other things, it is a case of fearing things yo don't know about!

If it's ugly and scares me, I'll kill it!

If this was acceptable behavior, there would soon be no Farangs left in Thailand!

They don't really think you are " hand som man!"

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You Know Raybarell that looks like a large cane spider. Totally harmless. The picture of the Tranchula in this post is a real Tranchula.

Regardless it would be more like a cold chance in hell to actually get bit by a Tranchula & I think only the female has much poison to it's bite.

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