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Son got bitten


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Well the inevitable happened today and the little boy on his bicycle got bitten by a dog in the street.

There are quite a few dogs in my street, at the side where the Thais live, but not at my site. Some are aggressive other not, but I know when you show fear to a dog, he will attack for some reason and that is probably what happened.

The lady to who the dogs belong took care of my son, cleaned his wound and brought him to the house, and later took him to Banglamung hospital where he got 2 injections and anti biotic. Kudos for that, however I told the lady that in the next few days there will be a lot of poison thrown around in the area, and I will keep my promise for that.

She was surprised at my response because she said there are too many dogs in the street. She could not understand when I explained to her that if she want to have a dog, she will have to keep it off the street and on her own property, otherwise the dog die in the next few days.

Anyway the boy got two injections, which are for tetanus I suppose, and got an appointment sheet for 3 more appointments in the next 4 weeks. I considered that would have been for cleaning the wound, but what I could understand from the woman was that he would get further injections at these appointments.

I thought that a Tetanus injection was good for a year or so, but now that seems not to be correct. Can anyone shed some more light on this please.

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Maybe, I don't know which injections he had, as I couldn't go to the hospital with him, because the aircon technicians were at my place for the fifth time. But that 's from another topic.

All I know is that he got 2 injections in his arm, he was bitten in his leg, and that the doctors probably will know which injections he need in such a case.

So will it be rabies or tetanus I don't know.

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Its bad that the boy got bitten but as for the poison?

I agree that the dogs shouldn't always been roaming free but I reckon your setting yourself up for problems by doing that. No need for it.

Letting them roam free could be a cause for even more problems. this is the second time he got attacked by a dog in this very same soi.

They take care of the problem or I take care of it.

But anyway, the dog problem wasn't the purpose of this thread.

The reason for it was that I want to know if it is usual that he get's 3 times additional injection, or that i misunderstood what the lady was saying.

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Yes make sure you check the rabies issue. There is a time limit to have the requisite 3 injections...

So it is correct procedure that he needs to have 3 more injections ? On the sheet are 3 dates specified, so I guess that will be the correct timing then.

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Its bad that the boy got bitten but as for the poison?

I agree that the dogs shouldn't always been roaming free but I reckon your setting yourself up for problems by doing that. No need for it.

They take care of the problem or I take care of it.

That'll show everyone who's boss!

And you couldn't go to the hospital because airon techs were at your house? Is that a joke?

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Its bad that the boy got bitten but as for the poison?

I agree that the dogs shouldn't always been roaming free but I reckon your setting yourself up for problems by doing that. No need for it.

They take care of the problem or I take care of it.

That'll show everyone who's boss!

And you couldn't go to the hospital because airon techs were at your house? Is that a joke?

Answer to your first remark, yes my son comes before any Thai flea ridden dog.

To answer your second silly remark : No i gonna have 5 strangers wandering around in my house while I'm away. The boy was taken to the hospital by the dog owner.

Now back under your rock.

Edited by jbrain
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Shame that the dog will have to suffer for its owner's neglect.

I hope your son gets over this trauma and does not grow up with a fear of dogs.

As I said in the OP already, he isn't confident when there are a couple of dogs roaming around, and dogs feel that fear.

The other day It took him 15 minutes to travel 2 km on his bike, and when I asked him what happened he told me that the dog wouldn't let him pass.

It probably wasn't the same one as i said that there are several around. Too many.

It would also be a shame that the dog had to suffer for his owners neglect, especially after I have given her the option to keep the dog of the street.

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Yes he was taken care of....but he was given injections of which you had no idea what they were for....crikey

In an emergency situation and life saving situation, sure....but not wanting to tell the aircon guys to leave and come back another time as I have an emergency, well.

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You'll get no sympathy from anyone. Yes, your son comes before any Thai flea ridden dog, but not before the aircon!

You're the one that started this nonsense, you might want to stop before embarrassing yourself further.

I'm not asking for any sympathy from anyone, especially not from a troll. Read the OP again. The boy was taken care for.

By the way I can see from your post history that you have a massive chip on your shoulder, so this will be my last reply to you.

Yes he was taken care of....but he was given injections of which you had no idea what they were for....crikey

In an emergency situation and life saving situation, sure....but not wanting to tell the aircon guys to leave and come back another time as I have an emergency, well.

If I had gone to the hospital myself he would have been given the same injections, as I'm not a doctor so can not suggest which injections should been given or not.

I should trust the doctor in that.

The aircon technicians had partly demounted the aircon inside and outside, so asking them to leave would take some time, as they had to close up the aircon again, while the lady could take him to the hospital straight away.

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Its bad that the boy got bitten but as for the poison?

I agree that the dogs shouldn't always been roaming free but I reckon your setting yourself up for problems by doing that. No need for it.

Letting them roam free could be a cause for even more problems. this is the second time he got attacked by a dog in this very same soi.

They take care of the problem or I take care of it.

But anyway, the dog problem wasn't the purpose of this thread.

The reason for it was that I want to know if it is usual that he get's 3 times additional injection, or that i misunderstood what the lady was saying.

4 or 5 in total (or thats what I had years ago, you normally have a card thingy where they mark the jabs off.

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You'll get no sympathy from anyone. Yes, your son comes before any Thai flea ridden dog, but not before the aircon!

You're the one that started this nonsense, you might want to stop before embarrassing yourself further.

I'm not asking for any sympathy from anyone, especially not from a troll. Read the OP again. The boy was taken care for.

By the way I can see from your post history that you have a massive chip on your shoulder, so this will be my last reply to you.

Yes he was taken care of....but he was given injections of which you had no idea what they were for....crikey

In an emergency situation and life saving situation, sure....but not wanting to tell the aircon guys to leave and come back another time as I have an emergency, well.

If I had gone to the hospital myself he would have been given the same injections, as I'm not a doctor so can not suggest which injections should been given or not.

I should trust the doctor in that.

The aircon technicians had partly demounted the aircon inside and outside, so asking them to leave would take some time, as they had to close up the aircon again, while the lady could take him to the hospital straight away.

Up to you.

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My guess is that your son got one injection for tetanus, the other one for rabies..

Rabies injections comes indeed in series of 4 with an interval of one week.

As tourguide in Thailand during my career it happened 2 times to tourist on my group to be bitten by a dog and in both cases they got receipt for 4 times rabies injection within 4 weeks

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If you have told the woman you are going to poison her dog and then you go ahead and do it then you will have more to worry about than a Aircon man and a few injections

Take some photos of your son's bite marks and take them to the Tessaban, that's what they are there for, they will resolve the problem in the way it should be resolved

I am not having a go at you over this by the way but Thais will not take to kindly to you killing their dog, you could be letting yourself in for some big problems if you actually do do it, ranging from a visit from the Police to a good kicking

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I should trust the doctor in that.

Never trust any doctor, especially in Thailand as the system push them to sell more and more treatments because they get a percentage on each treatment sold.

Most doctors are salesman and should not be trusted!!! They don't care about your child's health, they care about their income more. They won't hesitate to prescribe (i.e. "sale") as many medicines, injections and antibiotics as possible to increase their salary, even if it's no good to the child, unjustified and dangerous.

Never trust anybody. You can use the Internet, so do your own research. Look for symptoms, name of products/medicines you will get lots of information in English. The best choice when you don't know what to do, is to do nothing and let the life heal by itself.

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This is crazy story!

1 - Poisoning street dogs has a positive impact on safety and confidence for anyone willing to take a walk at night and even during the day, however:

2 - Poisoning animals is probably illegal, and more than likely to be reprehended by most Thai people, therefore you should have done it secretly. Now that you told a neighbors you can't do it anymore, or you'll have to face their anger.

3 - In case of emergency, air-cons technicians can be put outside. Obviously this wasn't an emergency (the child wasn't dying or blooding to death), however:

4 - I would NEVER let anybody touch my child without my presence and my confirmed consent.

5 - I would EVEN MORE NEVER let anybody take my child to any medical institute!

6 - I would NEVER allow doctors to inject ANYTHING to me or my child without my EXPRESS CONSENT, which I give only after understanding the product to be injected and after making some researches about it online (government websites, university websites, wikipedia, others resources).

7 - You should know that antibiotics, vaccines, synthetic nutriments/vitamins and medicines have all undesired side effects, sometime the side effects (permanent allergies, strong illness, death) are more dangerous than what you're trying to cure/avoid in the first place.

8 - Those antibiotics/vaccines/medicines are still on the market because the pharmaceutic industry is so powerful that it dictates the rules and finance the "independent" researches and testings of their own products.

9 - When your child is bitten by a dog, it's time for a drastic change in your life.

10 - What I would do if that had happened (god preserves) to my child: I would have cleaned the wound myself and let him recover by himself. No doctors, no hospital, and especially no threatening the neighbors of killing their dogs (!), would still have killed the dog secretly. If after a few days or a week the child shows any unusual symptoms I would research on the Internet about those symptoms, if helpless I would make an appointment with a doctor at a convenient time (not the emergency service). That's what I WOULD DO, now you're free to live your life your way wink.png

Really....while I agree for some instances, certainly not all.

I have not read up recently on rabies, but I believe there are a certain number of days where it can be treated and if not and the person actually is infected...its all over bar the shouting.

This is I believe the reason why they inject first and find out later because the only way to tell if the dog has rabies is to kill it and examine/test the brain....then if it is positive, treat the person....so apart from doing that, the most obvious is to treat it as if the dog/animal is positive because the outcome if you get it wrong is deadly.

Not sure exactly how accurate that is though.

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At least one of the injections he got today were for rabies (hopefully 2, immunoglobulin + vaccine) and the 3 subsequent appointments will be for rabies vaccine, this being the biggest concern.

Please do not go around poisoning people's dogs. For all sorts of reasons.

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If you have told the woman you are going to poison her dog and then you go ahead and do it then you will have more to worry about than a Aircon man and a few injections

Take some photos of your son's bite marks and take them to the Tessaban, that's what they are there for, they will resolve the problem in the way it should be resolved

I am not having a go at you over this by the way but Thais will not take to kindly to you killing their dog, you could be letting yourself in for some big problems if you actually do do it, ranging from a visit from the Police to a good kicking

I will definitely visit the local Obortor tomorrow to discuss this event. As I said already, I'm not anxious to kill the dogs, that is if they take care of the problem themselves. That is also why I explained to the woman that she has to keep her dog on her property.

However I also have no intention live in fear every time my son goes visit his friends down the road if I will come back in one piece or not.

So again, they take care of the problem themselves or I do, and anyone who thinks different has no conscience in my opinion.

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If you have told the woman you are going to poison her dog and then you go ahead and do it then you will have more to worry about than a Aircon man and a few injections

Take some photos of your son's bite marks and take them to the Tessaban, that's what they are there for, they will resolve the problem in the way it should be resolved

I am not having a go at you over this by the way but Thais will not take to kindly to you killing their dog, you could be letting yourself in for some big problems if you actually do do it, ranging from a visit from the Police to a good kicking

I will definitely visit the local Obortor tomorrow to discuss this event. As I said already, I'm not anxious to kill the dogs, that is if they take care of the problem themselves. That is also why I explained to the woman that she has to keep her dog on her property.

However I also have no intention live in fear every time my son goes visit his friends down the road if I will come back in one piece or not.

So again, they take care of the problem themselves or I do, and anyone who thinks different has no conscience in my opinion.

No problem with you doing it, I would do the same....but for lords sake don't announce it to the world...thats just giving them permission for a lynching.

Don't want some foreigner in your area starting a thread 'what happened to jbrain"

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So you would suggest I go to the hospital see the doctor and ask what he's gonna inject, then step outside and go to an internet shop to research what he has told, then go back to have some further discussions or eventually allow him to do what he suggest ?

I know it's not an easy thing to do, especially as the doctor won't understand why you're leaving before making the injection. What I usually do if I need an experimented eye is to go to a pharmacy and ask advice, and as usual he or she will try to sell you medicine, then take note of their name but don't buy them, then go home make your researches.

Now I'm not sure about rabies specifically so I won't comment on this, but the question also concerns how likely the dog has rabies or not, which is a statistic we can find online I guess. Anyway usually most doctors tend to scare people and tell them to act quickly to avoid any risk, but keep in mind that this is their main marketing strategy.

Now regarding financial interests, even if it's a covered by insurance or it's a public hospital, the hospital (and therefore the doctors) receive found based on their spending (i.e. "sales") so the more injections they make the more money they get, it's a sad fact.

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