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Son got bitten


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Since he's your son, maybe you should pay some attention to what the doctors are doing. I'm shocked that you don't even know what kind of injection they gave him. Sounds like you've been living here too long and have stopped caring about the important details.

And I agree with the other poster that announcing your plan to wipe out all of the dogs on your street was a bad idea too. You're not going to just kill her dogs but those belonging to others too. You'll have the whole neighborhood at your door with pitchforks.

ON an aside, I really don't understand this notion that THais have that they should let their dogs roam freely in the neighborhood. I've confronted my neighbors about it by telling them to keep their dog in their yard or it will disappear.

Also, now if you don't poison any dogs, and some else does, you will get blamed. Better if you find somewhere else to stay, now.

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Go on kill the dogs, but make sure no one sees you.

Just because you said it doesn't mean they can prove you did it.

Destroy all evidence of poison, best way... throw it into the dog owners house (no fingerprints).

Reminds me of the woman who used to feed dogs outside my front gate, I caught her one day, followed her down the soi and threw all the food in her front door. That stopped her.

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Forget about the dog - the primary concern is the health issue. First find out exactly what the child had administered. Second - if not anti rabies then get it done. Rabies should be considered 100% fatal. Cats, dogs and bats amongst a lot of other mammals are carriers of Rabies. Rabies is well known in Thailand. You can get a preventative shot which reduces the number of follow up shots if subsequently bitten. I am sourcing a preventative shot when back in Thailand as I think the chance of being bitten is very high. I also work with wildlife and there is risk in that also. However, the soi dog risk is ever present.

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I can only sympathise with OP in his situation. However, I am experienced enough with dogs to ask the following question.... has your son in the past ever antagonised this dog in the past? Has the dog ever attacked anyone else? If dogs get anxious around someone there is usually a reason for this.

It is foolish to go and lay poison around the street. We dont want to read about your death on thaivisa so please have the maturity and common sense to not do anything stupid. If it is only the one dog that is biting folk in your street then call the city council and they will send someone around to collect and put down.

If you are emotional and make the wrong decisions in thailand there could be major problems for you. Your not in a Western country now mate...

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